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pax said:LOL so it only took a century before the nra helped blacks gain some of their rights... anfd you wonder why many people like Moore wonder if their wasnt some racist elements in the nra?
pax said:I already argued with you over the GM suit of the 1960s Legion and in your stubborn typical self you even tried to justify that suit in the face of repeated simple explanations as to why the factories were bombed in the first place...
The gm story is a plain fact among many others which moore merely plagiarized from other sources...
I was really responding to Biggus and was hoping for a repsonse from him to see if there was any ability in him to see where Moore is really coming from and his motivations...
I know many americans whove moved up here who tell me that violence is much less in our cities than us cities.
Ive many family members in california who say the same that crime is a mjor issue down there. And they live differently because of it.
If you say its because we have fewer blacks and hispanics then the other question you dont ask is why is there so much crime from those comunities.
BFC dealt with that and showcases racism as a problem.
Its simple fact the brits and their empire dropped slavery and the subsequent racism a bit sooner than the US did in the 19th cent. This is largely why the US will probably need another 50 years to a century to solve its crime issues with its minorities.
We have multiple studies in canada of crime and social dysfunctions bfore and after factory towns lose their paper mills or mine ect... So yeah joblessness and poverty greatly affect crime.
Also a theme dealth by Moore in BFC.
I accept the criticisms I read a year ago from similar links and yes I perused your links Legion... nothing new. Moore did lie and exagerate. BUt to say its ALL lies is absurd.
Im just asking for a little bit of discernment here.
BFC does a good job to lead people to such conclusions.
Even for all its faults it manages to draw some serious thought into a subject many americans would like to see only answered by more prisons and more executions. They wont solve anything if the underlying social issues arent dealt with.
Legion said:pax said:LOL so it only took a century before the nra helped blacks gain some of their rights... anfd you wonder why many people like Moore wonder if their wasnt some racist elements in the nra?
Pax don't be obtuse. Even the democratic party had its far fare share of racists. Even the blacks them selves do. NRA probably had its racists memebers. It may still have. So may the democratic party. Moore doesn't state they may have racism in their background. He claims that they are some how the intellectual offspring of the KKK. That is a completely basless and moronic. The NRA didn't owe the blacks help pax. Why are you judging them for choosing to aid the blacks? They could have just sat back and never decided to get involved.
Pax we aren't even talking about SWM here. We are talking about CfB. Of course i am stubborn. Your arguments lack substance and are governed by your own ideology.
You may disagree with GM's involvement in WWII however that doesn't negate their right to seek payment for damages. I don't remember ever stating i agreed with what they did. I just simply stated they have a right to do so. You can complain about that all you want however GM is hardly representive of American business.
Pax can you not admitt what Moore did in BfC was completely inexcusable behavior for a documentor? His motivations are to asassinate the characters of various people in anyway possible including lying.
.[ As if the two are even comparable. Canada has no where near the population per sq mile that major US cities have. Canada just isn't anywhere near as urbanized and has around 1/10 the population of the US. As i said before. Your stance is subjective and rests souly on opinion
[Pax please stop posting this information if you aren't going to link it to anything. How does having more violence equate having more fear (fear being the cause of the violence)? That is putting the effect before the cause.
Simply put: culture. Do you think it is anything else? Do you think that most african americans live in fear and that is their motivator of violence? I have never heard that excuse in a single court hearing for murder.
Why do you suppose we have the violence from african americans? Do you some how feel it is justified?
Which is utter bs. Most violent crimes comitted by african americans are against other african americans. How on earth does racism play into this? Is racism actually a major issue in the US?
Those two facts are completely unrelated and you know this. African American culture incourages such acts of violence in many circumstances. If anything they are the products of their enviroment. Its is not up tp the whites, some being the decendants of slave owners from over 150 years ago, to fix their problems. African Americans in American society have a myriad of public programs to aid them in their progression as citizens. However these programs are largely under utilized by african americans themselves. There are plenty of success and productive african american citizens who do well in our society many of whom come from the same backgrounds and even the same neighborhoods as many of the aforemented criminals. Their only claim to progress that i have ever heard is motivation. Motivation to work to acheive in life. This is something no one has the obligation to give you say but your parents when you are young (a nother problem entirely).
We have multiple studies in canada of crime and social dysfunctions bfore and after factory towns lose their paper mills or mine ect... So yeah joblessness and poverty greatly affect crime.
That is true. However simply being jobless doesn't mean you have been kept from getting a job or going to school. Do you really believe business are blocking african americans out? Do you think they'd risk such a thing? Many corporations have a forced quota system (as do our schools), These quotas force companies to higher X number of african americans. There are plenty of job openings for african american engineers, doctors, accountants, programmers, etc. Why do you suppose that is? It is do to the fact so little african americans are pursuing such fields. The jobs are out there. African Americans simply aren't educating themselves for higher level occupations. Do you honestly believe any of this is some kind of racist plot against african americans?
Also a theme dealth by Moore in BFC.
And he simply tows the liberal party line by spreading the blame accross the field instead of where it truly lies.
Pax you confuse me. He lies but not everything he says is a lie. I didn't know that when you call some one a liar you imply everything they say is a lie. I don't think everything he says is a lie. Likewise i don't think any of what he has said is accurate. He surely isn't lying about his opinions. They are opinions after all Pax. Not facts. Please stop overstating his possition. He never proved anything he stated he merely suggested it. Do to his overly narrowminded summation of the situation i would emmediately assume he is innacurate.
You have it. I feel Moore's characterization of racism in america is nothing more than propaganda from his ilk and rather a 3 rate rendition of it. He lacks substance and supporting facts.
You'd have to be truly misinformed.
Why is it the white's responsibility to fix america's problems with cultural violence amongst african americans? African Americans are just like the rest of us - they are humans capable of rational thought. No one but themselves have decided to comitt the acts of violence they have. Most of which are either acts of passion/hatred or "caught in the action" reactions. Meaning most are either crimes of intentional violence as an act of revenge or violence in the act of comitting another crime]
And yours arent?
And your letting some legal loophole pass the moral imperative?
Why? And why raise it in the context of the arguement? Where do we draw the line on bad laws and when do we make exceptions as otfen happens?
And cant you admit he has valid hypotheses however we may agree disagree on his methods or style?
His hypotheses arent his own... they have been raised many times by various studies and sociologists ect...
You're too quick to dismiss it out of hand...
I see criticism that go nowhere like the lame one about the littleton missile factory.
Talk about irrelevant.
They make what looks like big weapons of war. They are in fact a large military contractor. Did the kids know those factories were only mkaing boosters?
Wrong Canada is more urbanized. 80% live in urban centers. Agriculture is not big up here. Anbd you can compare other countries in the wesern world...
Want a link to my families email?
BFC makes that arguement well. Slavery justified by racism surviving longer than in other western country. I dnt see how you can get but fear and violence among other ills from slavery and racism...
Thats too easy.
And im not saying culture doesnt have anything to do with it. But its not the only answer.
I mean you are denying us history right? Violent History leads to violence. Sins of the father...
No of course not. Its not about justifying. Its about proper analysis of a problem. You cant diagnose a solution to it unless we agree on some basic root causes.
Because again violence breeds violence.
Some times you can stop violence with some forms of violence.
Our propensity for war in the western world was somewhat halted by extreme violence in WW2.
Im not saying that theres guaranteed a solution to ethnic violence in the us. Ive never made statemtns making any promises of easy solutions. But solutions are generally easier to find when we accept the causes...
Well I stand by that overview of history. But America is a huge country an no one answer will fit.
Well no the jobs arent all that out there...
But that some blacks make it to a normal life says that with good contitions they can be as good as we are...
Im not one to deny personal responsibility. One form of which I think is personal responsibility for what my country has done to natives up here for ex.
We placed conditions that if they wanted to keep their ancestral and treaty rights they had to live on reservations... this led to endemic poverty and misery of various social ills as life on those isolated and often poor lands had few opportunities...
I actualy think the blame he spreads is basically one that says whites owe blacks.
Do we owe them insane amounts of $? No but we do owe them an infrastructure weve taken for granted.
Clean neighborhoods...
I do think jobs havce beneednied balcks for so long it will take time for them to trust rintegartion int the mainstream.
You can talk about quotas for hiring and schools but they havent been there that long...
nowhere as long as slavery and the following century of persistent racism...
I think to expect a complete turnaround of their social ills in a generation isnt realistic.
Um your statements have been pretty strong I find
... I dont see you acknowleding anything moore has said as having value...
Doesnt make me think of what youve said so far as anything but ideology because he attacks the right where you stand.
Of course his docu is subjective But all his facts are wrong?
That he has bad facts doesnt means they are all bad nor does it mean you cant reach the conclusion his opinion has some validity.
This isnt ideology.
No remedy has been offered in his docu.
If he had made some such extraordinary claim at the end of the show Id have been surprised. He criticizes but like a half decent critic doesnt overly draw conclusions...
I mean arent you impressed the well accepted left position on gun control isnt protrayed as such in BFC?
If anything his docu justifies and is apologetic of the NRA. I find that pretty honest for someone deemd purely an ideologue.
Thats not discernemtn Legion. See Nuance. If you had built your various arguemtnsw by acknowledgingh Moore had made some valid points with those facts that are verified your position in refuting his opinions would sound a lot more legitimate not only to lefty ideologues but to the vast majoirty of us in the mainstream. Youll always impress your audiecne by not resorting to demonizing your adversary.
Youn assume I only read or think left. Thats a mistake. My last book was Bill Oreilly's... And my positions on various issues straddles the middle..
Of course its not just white americas responsibility. I dont see BFC saying that either.
But to say we owe them nothing more is not valid.
Societal problems on this scale cant be fixed easily. We're addicted to quick fixes... fast food, fast cars fast everything. Doesnt always work that way.
This is the most politically correct statement out of you yet legion. Thers obviously more racism in different quarters of society as well as in different individuals...
Citing racims in other groups doesnt negate the harm done in the past.
And Im not saying its the only cause either. But its certainly cant be rejected as a cause.
As for your main charge of ideology I dont know anything more ideological or blindness by it than to completely generalize an opponent like you do Moore.
Its even worse when you say white america is no worse or no better than white britain...
There are better people than others even within a race. And at times better rulers who make better decisions. The brits decided to drop slavery early. We see less crime from blacks in those countries.
As well as seeing less social and or institutional racism.
You want links? Google. Too lazy? At least look up the ones Moore gives and used.
Any group that claims to repesent a cause for the general public has a moral obligation to aid everyone not just those it deems worthy.
The fact it took almost a century before the nra can be associated in anyway as a civil rights org says a lot.
If anyone needed guns to protect themselves during that time it was the blacks.
Fact: The NRA was founded in 1871 -- by act of the New York Legislature, at request of former Union officers. The Klan was founded in 1866, and quickly became a terrorist organization. One might claim that while it was an organization and a terrorist one, it technically became an "illegal" such with passage of the federal Ku Klux Klan Act and Enforcement Act in 1871. These criminalized interference with civil rights, and empowered the President to use troops to suppress the Klan. (Although we'd have to acknowledge that murder, terror and arson were illegal long before that time -- the Klan hadn't been operating legally until 1871, it was operating illegally with the connivance of law enforcement.)
Fact: The Klan Act and Enforcement Act were signed into law by President Ulysess S. Grant. Grant used their provisions vigorously, suspending habeas corpus and deploying troops; under his leadership over 5,000 arrests were made and the Klan was dealt a serious (if all too short-lived) blow.
Fact: Grant's vigor in disrupting the Klan earned him unpopularity among many whites, but Frederick Douglass praised him, and an associate of Douglass wrote that African-Americans "will ever cherish a grateful remembrance of his name, fame and great services."
Fact: After Grant left the White House, the NRA elected him as its eighth president.
Fact: After Grant's term, the NRA elected General Philip Sheridan, who had removed the governors of Texas and Lousiana for failure to suppress the KKK.
Fact: The affinity of NRA for enemies of the Klan is hardly surprising. The NRA was founded by former Union officers, and eight of its first ten presidents were Union veterans.
Fact: During the 1950s and 1960s, groups of blacks organized as NRA chapters in order to obtain surplus military rifles to fight off Klansmen.
Sounds to me like Moore, being against the NRA, is actually for the KKK, which is against blacks.
p.s. did you read Legions NRA historical facts? It seems that the NRA was formed of abolishonists, and has kept that general mindset through the civil rights movement (or else, we'd presume, they'd have fought the formation of the black NRA chapters who were using them as proxy to obtain weapons to defend themselves against the KKK).RussSchultz said:
pax said:To not see any relationship between centuries of rasicm and slavery and the social ills suffered by that particular minority is the single biggest flaw Legion has in his reasoning.
The NRA wasnt created by abolitionists it was created by ex northern union military. There were racists in the north and most of those who fought the south didnt do it over slavery but to merely protect the union.
The fact is the NRA stood by and did nothing for almost a century after its creation when other organisations did in fact fight for civil rights during that time.
\If that alone doesnt ring alarm bells I dont know what can.
I man fro crying out loud your own lnks say what Im saying. Why would I need to post more links when your own NRA history links show they did squat to support black gun ownership until the mid 20th cent? What more do you want here?
There probably isnt a history class in the US where you could take such a refute of history and be respected in anyway.
Its far worse to say centuries of oppression have no bearing on a groups orientation than to say its the only cause. Which unlike Legion's stance I wasnt saying.
There are so many links on google I dont know where to start Legion. Look em up for yourself. You live in a black and white world and it isnt so.
Start here maybe youll listen to him:
Gun violence disproportionately affects African Americans. Our nation, shamed historically because of the systematic promotion of slavery and segregation, continues to value black lives less than white lives.
Statistics tell me something about why it is so hard to change public policy: when most gun deaths occur in historically powerless communities, those tragedies are simply not on the radar screen of members of Congress and the state legislators who vote down gun control laws.
The NRA also wants to make it possible for almost anyone to carry in public a loaded, concealed handgun.
They believe that if more people were armed, we’d all be safer.
It should not surprise us that law enforcement officials across the country have stood together to beat back such dangerous legislation.
But these ideas persist: Governor Jesse Ventura’s new book says that we can make our schools safer by giving custodians loaded weapons to carry in ankle holsters. Perhaps we can come up with a more reasoned public policy than handing out guns like candy cigarettes?
If racism or more guns is not the answer, what might actually work to reduce gun violence?
There is not a single "Jewish" answer, and some Jews do oppose gun control.
But mainstream Jewish thinking comes down squarely on the side of reasonable gun control.
A random-sample, scientific poll of the Jewish Twin Cities community found that 89% of us agree with the statement "Tougher gun control laws should be enacted".
As Jews, we are called by our sacred texts to oppose violence.
The Bible commands us "You shall not murder".
And the Talmud teaches us that "he who takes one life is as if he destroys the universe, and he who saves a life is as if he has saved the universe".
Each year during the High Holydays, we reflect on what shall be written about us in the Book of Life. Did we try to make this world a better place for our children and ourselves?
This Rosh Hashanah I am rededicating myself to do more to stop gun violence.
It is my obligation as a Jew to work against violence everywhere. I ask you to take on that same obligation. As a people, Jews have known great violence, suffering, and death at the hands of weapons, and we carry a special responsibility to help others in crisis.
pax said:You keep saying things Ive never said legion its so pointless arguing with you. Never said the nra was created as a racist institution...
Im arguing it wasnt created as a civil right org...
That some racists existed in the north is a plain fact. Racism has existed in many guises at various levels.
You want physical proof of what is common knowlegde in the US?
Are you in the US or an outside observer? If you cant add the simple ramifications of historical obervation of causes and their effects I cant help you.
It may be true racism has little effect today but the effects of the generations of past racism can most certainly be said to still have repercussions...
Thats all Im trying to say.
One of the few points BFC was trying to say too. I dont see the need to argue against this. You can argue degrees as to how much we can attribute the effect pf past racism but a lot of your arguing was unequivocal...
I do think they should try to better themselves. And we can try to help. If we can oppress people for generations I dont see why we should give up helping them after only at most one generation (if you consider approx 40 years about a generation).
Anyone will agree that any meausre hads to be stick and carrot. IM arguing for more carrot over stick. Your stance sounded pretty much only stick. Im getting hints of a braoder understanding now with your massive posts and thats good...
Enough for me now anyway. BFC is old. Arguing over it reminds me of 1-2 year old arguments and massive newsgroup posting I dont have the time or energy for anymore... Time to bury that hatchet and maybe we should check out his latest book and argue over that.
heck maybe he learned to be more careful with his new stuff...
PS The link I gave was only showcase that the commonly held idea of repercussions of racism isnt only my own or Moore's
... not the gun bit. I dont agree with much of gun control either remember? Id even roll back some gun control too...
pax said:Ive read the links and most date from last year and havent been much updated.
They cant take BFC and refute point by point by point all hes said.
They simply show where Moore went wrong and lied or misunderstood what actually happened.
But theres still not enough there to condemn moore for his hypotheses.
You can make a strong claim that Moore isnt afraid of lying to prove his points by the errors in BFC.
But you have no real physical proof or basis that after only about 40 years after apartheid that the past racism has no basis as an influence for the violence still around today. Your links offer no such conclusive proof and I dont think anything short of a massive study and investigation of social and psychological profiles of thousands if not millions of blacks will ever prove it 'physically' as you say.
really a red herring asking for 'physical' proof of the cause of such a complex and profound issue as black violence in america. As if US history isnt enough...
My position is moderate on that. That there is a self sustaining culture that promotes violence in the black community is seen but that some of it is the remnants of a long exercised brutal past and to some much lesser degree still present racism is virtually an exercise in stupidity to refute.
How many historical examples of past mass brutality with long lasting effects do you need?
Does the holocaust not affect the jewish community still today?
Did the armenian oppression by turks from about 100 years ago not motivate recent films and activism in the armenian community about it?
Dont the muslims still recount the horrors of the 200 years of terror the crusades left on their community from 800 years ago?
on and on... Jews whove witnessed history throught millenia know this. Sins of the father... Where do you think that came from? Why do we suffer 'Adams sin'? What does that mean actually? Talk to a rabbi...
If I ever want to debate it with links I will since your too lazy to google. But I dont need to satisfy my curiosity on this as its been long ago presented in books and docus from so many various sources and to a sufficient degree that I dont dispute the idea only the degree of racisms influence.
Notice I dont ask you for links?
I accept the idea of personal responsibility but I dont generalize it...
Moores hypotheses is so vast as to out of hand refute it from the few lies hes told makes any argument stance untennable as is.
The onus is really on you...
Its not as if hes the first one to go about looking into this you know... And whether you are american or not shouldnt blind you to that...
THe author refutes what little "evidence" moore has behind his claim
.It is centered around failing moral and inappropraite value system
What you are suggesting is ludicrous. You are completely dismissing personal responsibility.
As you can see from your own reference the practice is fairly different. The jewish people didn't become violent after being exposed to violence. Why is that? Difference in a moral system
Pax arguing with you is like arguing with a feminist. You are all emotion lacking completely in logic.
How on earth do you associate african american violence and community films on oppression in you mind?
Pax your inability to links these actions to african american violence is humorous.
It is completely unrelated to racism.
Pax you are far to lazy to provide any evidence to explain your position and answer the questions i have asked you. I don't have to try and prove your claims you do. Its a matter of opinion and it is also rather assinine.
You are the one who is generalizing by stating african americans committ violence because the were exposed to racial violence until about 50 years ago. This just isn't so. Look at the statiscs from 1950 to 2000. Check out the rise in african american violence yourself.
Its is also not validated by anything he says.
This onus is not on others to disprove his opinions
The authors cant refute history which is most of BFCs evidence.
Um no im not saying personal resp isnt a factor. Im saying its not the only factor. More examples.. The chechens who were oppressed 70 years ago now want their own state. The Irish want Northern ireland back as part of Ireland... with the last social racism in ireland going back to about 40 years ago...
My examples arent meant ot be linked to balck americans they are meant as examples of ihstory were similar things happened. Your physical proof you want...
Thats a subjective overview of the immigration into Israel of european jews. It wasnt as peaceful as some would think.
And of course the incredibly brutal but short lived rise of anti semitism in germany
did to european jews what we did to native americans.
It largely killed them off in a genocide... dead people dont fight back...
Historical examples again... armenians (and kurds as well) have led at times a violent uprising against turksbecause of past oppression that predates the 60's civil rights gain of blacks in america. I shouldve defined
activism I suppose... its not the peaceful acronym its always made out to be.
Certainly dont agree with anythgin ending 150 years accroding to you. Racism was endemic till the 1960's in the US. At least respect the dates history gives us...
Thats not what was meant... I didnt post various historical examples to link them to the black experience in america... dont be silly.
They are examples of what happens in human history of oppression or are you giong to throw out your generalized arguement of personal repsonsibility after centuries of suffering on those people as well?
A punch in the face? Do you even have a clue to make such comparisons? Again you can affect discernemtn from a puch in the face to cneturies of slvaery and racism...
This is where you go too far. And where BFC didnt dare tread. Not only did Moore resoudnly ackowledge that the NRA pro gun policies werent the problem which showcased amazing objectivity, if a of sorts, for someone deemed by most an extreme left winger. But he only moderately addresses the cause of racism and fear in american society as a possible and one of many causes.
3. Animated sequence equating NRA with KKK. In an animated history send-up, with the narrator talking rapidly, Bowling equates the NRA with the Klan, suggesting NRA was founded in 1871, "the same year that the Klan became an illegal terrorist organization." Bowling goes on to depict Klansmen becoming the NRA and an NRA character helping to light a burning cross.
Moore never used his theory of racism to generalize like you do here again. Making him look a lot better than you do on the subject.
My evidence is US history backed up by myriad examples of world history. You simply choose to ignore it.
I wasnt generalizing racism as the only cause. I was saying it was a cause among others. Do you know what generalizing means?
gen·er·al·ize ( P ) Pronunciation Key (jnr--lz)
v. gen·er·al·ized, gen·er·al·iz·ing, gen·er·al·iz·es
v. tr.
To reduce to a general form, class, or law.
To render indefinite or unspecific.
To infer from many particulars.
To draw inferences or a general conclusion from.
To make generally or universally applicable.
To popularize.
This is generalizing...
The onus is on you to prove your reason for black violence.
Im not asking for you to disproved Moore... only prove your own hypotheses
and how you can say in the face of as many histrorical examples at your disposal that past oppression has no bearing on the issue...
Your hypotheses is far more outrageous than Moore's.