Since i provide evidence for my arguments they do not lack substance.
And your letting some legal loophole pass the moral imperative?
Of course not.
Why? And why raise it in the context of the arguement? Where do we draw the line on bad laws and when do we make exceptions as otfen happens?
They can sue pax that doesn't mean they will win.
And cant you admit he has valid hypotheses however we may agree disagree on his methods or style?
Its not a matter of admitting anything. he doesn't back his thesis. It hasn't been validated.
His hypotheses arent his own... they have been raised many times by various studies and sociologists ect...
will you please name them? Will you please tell me what these studies were suggested to cover. You are making a rather general statement here as moore claims a lot. I want to know exactly what these reports say and why no one seems to know about them.
You're too quick to dismiss it out of hand...
Of course, its oversimplified by his narrowmindedness.
I see criticism that go nowhere like the lame one about the littleton missile factory.
excuse me? as if his bogus comment lead anywhere
. he was trying to state that people are some how likely to be more violent while living next to weapons factory. Such an argument is pure bunk. He never provided any evidence the plant did as he said. All he gave were a list of Lockheed contracts.
It was perfectly relevant to the topic as it was an example of his dishonesty. I will however concur it was irrelevant to the progression of the movie.
They make what looks like big weapons of war. They are in fact a large military contractor. Did the kids know those factories were only mkaing boosters?
talk about irrelevant. Is there some reason why these kids perception of the plant has significance to the columbine shooting? If so please explain.
Wrong Canada is more urbanized. 80% live in urban centers. Agriculture is not big up here. Anbd you can compare other countries in the wesern world...
Wrong you have lower population density then the US does in its cities. You are not more urbanized. The population of your nation is around 1/10 of that of the US.
Want a link to my families email?
Pax do you feel your family is some how representative of all americans? How is your family's opinion relevant to the topic?
BFC makes that arguement well. Slavery justified by racism surviving longer than in other western country. I dnt see how you can get but fear and violence among other ills from slavery and racism...
Which clearly isn't the reason for the violence. The violent progression has been more of a recent thing. As you can see society has become more open to race while african americans have become more violent. The two are indirectly proportional.
Pax, in your mind, is the human emotional spectrum so limited as fear and violence can be the only two possible motivators of more violence? What does this say about their children and how they are raised? Why is it that african american violence has shot way up from the 60's though society has become more accepting of african americans? Why are african americans mainly committing crimes against each other if race is some how involved?
What is the relation of fear and violence? Is not one the cause of the other? Criminal records and court cases do not reflect Moore's theory (hense the reason he neglected to include them). There are two major reasons for murder: hatred/passion and "crime in progress." Racism is not cited as the cause of said violence. This would mainly do to the paradox of a self hating african american racist.
No. Blaming fear is to easy.
And im not saying culture doesnt have anything to do with it. But its not the only answer.
And how do you know fear has anything to do with it? Again you have presented your case. You keep telling me that fear may exist but you haven't provided me a reason for why fear would be the main contributor to racial violence.
I mean you are denying us history right? Violent History leads to violence. Sins of the father...
That isn't true and you know that. Europe is a far more peacefule place now then it ever has been in the past though they had much violence in their past.. Do you think that humans are mindless Pax? That they simply copy and mimic all other's around them? They have the capacity to break the chain some just lack the ethics to do so. That is a personal problem.
No of course not. Its not about justifying. Its about proper analysis of a problem. You cant diagnose a solution to it unless we agree on some basic root causes.
Simply slapping the "fear and violence" sticker on your diagnosis won't help you validate it either.
Because again violence breeds violence.
Really? Are you saying african americans are impervious to social reform? If so then how could anyone change them? Should we take their children away from them Pax so that they are never exposed to the violence of the society? How could you ever reform some one stuck in an ever present downward spiral of brutality if violence breeds violence without exception?
Your analysis is seriously lacking. You leave out so many factors: moral degeneration, family degeneration, lack of responsibility, lack of respect, etc etc. If racism plays a part it is one that is nearly invisible.
Some times you can stop violence with some forms of violence.
but violence breeds violence....
Our propensity for war in the western world was somewhat halted by extreme violence in WW2.
Hmmmm. Could this be said to be a great example of human ethics in action? You are certainly making the case that violence doesn't have to beget violence. Societies have changed. It takes internal and sometimes external stimuli. Without internal willingness there will be no catalyst for the change.
Im not saying that theres guaranteed a solution to ethnic violence in the us. Ive never made statemtns making any promises of easy solutions. But solutions are generally easier to find when we accept the causes...
Then i suggest you do that by accepting the millions of other factors which all could invalidate the so called "fear and violence" analysis.
Well I stand by that overview of history. But America is a huge country an no one answer will fit.
I am not so sure why you stand by your analysis when it so loosely applies to today. Pax how long shall we use the slavery excuse for their behavior? 250 Years? 300? 500? When will their society reach an age of attonement? The african americans of today have little or no exposure to what life was like for the slaves over 150 years ago. Surely it isn't the motive for them to kill others of their own race in the manner and amount they do. I am also willing to state african american's claims of exposure tp what they see as racism today is highly questionable, assinine and often fallacious.
Its going to take willingness from african americans.
Well no the jobs arent all that out there...
How do you know this? Companies are often willing to higher african americans over whites do to quotas. They have an advantage if they seek the right level of education.
But that some blacks make it to a normal life says that with good contitions they can be as good as we are...
Im not one to deny personal responsibility. One form of which I think is personal responsibility for what my country has done to natives up here for ex.
Why? You didn't do a thing to them. Blaming yourself for that would be like me blaming myself for the distruction of jericho...
We placed conditions that if they wanted to keep their ancestral and treaty rights they had to live on reservations... this led to endemic poverty and misery of various social ills as life on those isolated and often poor lands had few opportunities...
african american's today do not live under such policies. They have numbers of societal advantages. They just aren't talking them.
I actualy think the blame he spreads is basically one that says whites owe blacks.
Why do whites owe the blacks for what happened over 150 years ago? We have given them civil rights and civil opportunities even white people don't have. There are plenty of whites who are willing to help out the african americans of whom i am one. The outreach exists the possibilities exist. Obviously there is something lacking? That something is motivation. Do to the break down of african american households children are increasingly turning to their peers as their psuedofamily. They aren't raise well if at all by their parents what they learn socially comes from their peers. Here is how the culture plays in. My theory is if you can reach the parents you can reach the kids not vice versa.
Do we owe them insane amounts of $? No but we do owe them an infrastructure weve taken for granted.
...the projects come to mind.
the projects were clean...then they moved in.
Pax keeping your area clean is a self responsibility issue. This is just an example of the lack of a work ethic. Seems so common amongst poor people. Almost makes you wonder if that was the cause of their poverty...
I do think jobs havce beneednied balcks for so long it will take time for them to trust rintegartion int the mainstream.
Segragation happens normally pax. Go to any highschool cafeteria and you will see this.
Pax there is so much evidence you are wrong in the fact that i have seen many african americans come from dirt poor families who have made something of themselves through effort. Its no where near as hard as you seem to think for an african american to get some kind of scholarship or finacial assistance. If an african american were to seek after a career he would be more than likely at a higher advantage of having it assuming he puts forth the effort.
The american public's acceptance of race has changed dramatically over the last 50 years. I can't even imagine how segragation would still play a factor 40 some odd years after the end of segragation.
Just analysising the logic is enough to reveal holes! 40 years inbetween then now as well as at least one or two generations. What explains the effect of segration on these later generations? Did they some how acquire segragation inforced indolence from their parents? If so wouldn't that point more to my theory of parental involvement?
You can talk about quotas for hiring and schools but they havent been there that long...
More than 30 years and counting for the oldest. Plenty of time for those willing to persue a career to take advantage of afirmative action or prepare one's children for the future possibilities of easier higher education.
nowhere as long as slavery and the following century of persistent racism...
You still fail to explain how either of these have had valid emotional effecrs on the exslaves' offspring and those we know today. There simply is not valid excuse there. We are now 150 years away from slavery and 50 away from severe racism. If they were motivated to persue change they could go about it. Though many have taken advantage of these policies many more haven't. This is all a matter of ethics and values.
I think to expect a complete turnaround of their social ills in a generation isnt realistic.
Who implied this? I simply stated the motivation just isn't there for most of them to persue higher education, work ethic, and standards of living. that is their choice. No one can force them to value any of these differently. My argument rest: If they choose to seek these services they can have them. They just simply aren't taking advantage of them.
Um your statements have been pretty strong I find
mainly because i am aggravated that i have to argue with jerk-offs who can't admit the man is a chronic liar.
... I dont see you acknowleding anything moore has said as having value...
I certainly wouldn't because he said it Pax. The man is a goof.
Doesnt make me think of what youve said so far as anything but ideology because he attacks the right where you stand.
Again you never answered the question. As a neo con how does he attack me where i stand? Explain.
Of course his docu is subjective But all his facts are wrong?
For BfC yes i can safely say his inaccuracies and out right lies are overwhelming.
Its really not a question of whether his facts are accurate or not. Assuming that they were all true they still don't explain the numerous contradictions thoughout the docu. An example being the correlation of gun ownership to gun violence. Moore himself has to admit that canada has a great deal of fire arms as well as less gun violence. This comes as rather a shocker when he paints of the NRA as a group of gun toting murderous lunatics. His use of the antiNRA protests really hit the nail on the head. Those protestors were calling for gun control on illegal fire arms
. YES! You can not buy a fully auto MAC10 legally (especially not to a minor
). On top of that many states have an amunition legal limit of less than 15 bullets (IIRC). Perhaps the gentleman protestor was not thinking logically when he mentioned the MAC10 that had been used to kill his child, I just found it a bit odd he wasn't well informed. There were laws on the books that were supposed to prevent every possible incident that preceeded columbine which didn't. Why were these boys so intent on murder? Was it fear? No. It was revenge.
That he has bad facts doesnt means they are all bad nor does it mean you cant reach the conclusion his opinion has some validity.
You could also reach many other conclusions that are more based in sound reasoning.
As i just pointed above Moore uses incidents of violence completely unrelated to fear as methods to back his thesis. In affect he is expecting for you not to question the intent of the killers but to accept his proposal before hand and then fit all the puzzle pieces together from their.
Oh come now. Lets be a little more honest then that.
No remedy has been offered in his docu.
Possibly because his reasoning makes no sense logically.
Pax i will explain again why his possition is logically assbackwards!
here are a few reasons
1. he uses explains of hatred motivated violence as examples of his thesis
2. the culture of fear argument is fallacious. Take of a moment we compare canada to country A. Assuming that country A has less apparent violent crime, by his reasoning, would constitute canada being a culture of fear. There are so many things wich go into acts of violence and the possibility of them being comitted. One thing is sure fear is not the main motivator of violent crimes.
3. he lies to try and convey some points. Why does he do it? Ideology pax. He is a leftist and he hates the right and everything that represents it. He will lie to tarnish their character. Why would you take him seriously?
If he had made some such extraordinary claim at the end of the show Id have been surprised. He criticizes but like a half decent critic doesnt overly draw conclusions...
He lies and then criticizes the people in BFC for behaviors they weren't guilty of. Any objective person can sit down and read through his conjectures and see just how incapable he is of proving his point. A light should turn on in your head pax. If what he is saying is true of american culture why can't he provide real evidence of it?
I mean arent you impressed the well accepted left position on gun control isnt protrayed as such in BFC?
Other than the misinformed protestors i am not surprised. There is a reason for this though! Moore tries to use for a comparison of violence between itself and the US. Canada has a hell of a lot of fire arms and so does the US. To state anymore on the issue would further the self contradiction he first made by attacking the behavior of the NRA after the Columbine Shooting (which he fabricated of course). Look above to what i said to Kylab concerning what Heston's speach said and what Moore presented. He was deliberately trying to provide the wrong impression of Heston and the NRA all the while claiming there was some "big gun rally" taking place which had actually been cancelled.
If anything his docu justifies and is apologetic of the NRA. I find that pretty honest for someone deemd purely an ideologue.
I would agree. The logic rather reinforces the NRA's reasoning. Which leaves me even more confused by Moore's acceptance of congradulations from Ms Brady over his presentation of the NRA and gun violence. This tells me he was intending to attack the NRA by labeling them as gun nuts while trying to hide the fact that guns aren't the cause of the violence.
Thats not discernemtn Legion. See Nuance. If you had built your various arguemtnsw by acknowledgingh Moore had made some valid points with those facts that are verified your position in refuting his opinions would sound a lot more legitimate not only to lefty ideologues but to the vast majoirty of us in the mainstream. Youll always impress your audiecne by not resorting to demonizing your adversary.
Pax you leave me ever more confused. Which "facts" should i acknowledge? Which "facts" substantiate his proposal? You call this a nuance i call it irrefutable proof this man can't get from A to B by reasoning alone. Which points are valid and why pax? Please explain all of these in detail.
Pax in refutting his opinions i have demonstrated him to be dishonest and misinformed. This is exactly what i should have done and did. With regards to his opinions how valid could they be when there base rests on misinformation?
Youn assume I only read or think left. Thats a mistake. My last book was Bill Oreilly's... And my positions on various issues straddles the middle..
Actually that was rather a general statement not directed at you as an individual. Yes, if you agree his "facts" prove his claims you are misinformed.
Of course its not just white americas responsibility. I dont see BFC saying that either.
This statement was directed at your agenda for social engineering.
But to say we owe them nothing more is not valid.
No its valid. You just don't agree with it.
Societal problems on this scale cant be fixed easily. We're addicted to quick fixes... fast food, fast cars fast everything. Doesnt always work that way.
Don't you see this is exactly what Moore is playing into? He provides a very myopic analysis of the problem and then comes to nonsequitors based on his own flawed reasoning.