What Microsoft paid for Minecraft and Nokia is far from frugal! They are not afraid to invest big on acquisitions and are pretty good at giving projects a fair shake at the stick before canning them. Some of their pet R&D projects are kind of nuts but you never know what technological dividends experiments like Surface (the tablet computer), Kinect and HoloLens will pan out down the line.
You cited Apple in another thread. There are more iphones out there than _any_ number of consoles. And you discuss network costs. But serving Apple Music, Apple TV, TV+, and Arcade will have way more financial impact from an operations POV than the game pass service does. But I don't see a single person pointing out how Apple, a non Cloud provider, is servicing the whole world at once with significantly less money than MS, but suddenly gamepass is unsustainable, but everyone else's subscription services totally are.
There is a heavy undertone of overestimating the costs here to make gamepass appear completely and financially unfeasible. Games on average cost 200M to make. That's over the course of 3-4 years. That's 3 Billion dollars, over 4 years. It's not 3 Billion per year for their 15 studios, it's less than 1B per year. Somehow the model doesn't work, but it works for everyone else. For some reason just because a subscription service exists it will make purchases approach 0. We just don't see that. There are artists that need subscription services to even float. And there are those like Taylor Swift who profit more without them. That's for each game and company to decide. Those are the economics that matter.
But everyone seems to be applying the thinking that somehow there's no way that this service could possibly be sustainable or that games need to somehow be complete shit for it to be a feasible model.
If you want to discuss gamepass, put down some understandable stakes on the floor and go from there. If you don't understand how the subscription model works, and I don' think most of us do, then it's okay to admit: hey I don't understand it. But just because we don't understand it, doesn't mean it can't work. There are whole fields of study on things we don't understand, but we take them to be true. Most people don't understand how gravity works, but everyone understands it does work. The tone of this thread has largely been: I don't understand how gamepass works, therefore it must not work.
I'm sorry, I'm not calling anyone in particularly out on it, but that's why this conversation can't seem to proceed in any direction.