
Meh.. so far series 2 is ok.. and just that. Im so glad that SG1 and SGA are on as well. As my sci-fi addicition would be wanting.

I want to see more space battles between the bsg and the cylons. All the mind games, going to earth, essentially the boring character interaction is tedious.

I want to see decisive victories over the cylons, not star bucks overies taken out :s
demonic said:
Meh.. so far series 2 is ok.. and just that. Im so glad that SG1 and SGA are on as well. As my sci-fi addicition would be wanting.

I want to see more space battles between the bsg and the cylons. All the mind games, going to earth, essentially the boring character interaction is tedious.

I want to see decisive victories over the cylons, not star bucks overies taken out :s

thats why you have SG1 and SGA.... BSG is different and that makes it unique.
and thats why i love it. they are building story really good and having lots of CGI bOOOOm's would prolly kill it....

i just hope they keep up with what they did so far...
I think in season 2 they're overdoing what made season 1 so special. There's so much junk going on, stuff that is of hardly any consequence at that moment, and while I can see a good part of it simply being a long-winded setup for later episodes, it tends to make today's shows horribly boring at times.

Oh yeah, and the shear amount of religious mumbo-jumbo made me cheer when the mine killed that priestess. 'Well deserved' I thought. :devilish:
digitalwanderer said:
I did from the second I saw him, I couldn't remember his real name until the credits but when I saw him for the first time I actually said out loud "That's fucking Apollo!" in amazement/surprise! :LOL:

Apparently Hatch is obsessed by his time in the original BSG (it's the most successful thing in his career) and was rubbishing the new version before it even aired. He hated everything about it, especially that Starbuck was going to be a woman and it wouldn't end up being a buddy movie in space.

So the producers gave him a part in the new show and all of a sudden he's a big supporter.
silence said:
thats why you have SG1 and SGA.... BSG is different and that makes it unique.
and thats why i love it. they are building story really good and having lots of CGI bOOOOm's would prolly kill it....

i just hope they keep up with what they did so far...

BSG is different? Really? Oh I was waiting for RDA to make an appearance on Galactica!

The story line isnt going anywhere, thats why for me its getting boring.

- Apollo kinda has feelings for Starbuck and is getting stronger, whilst she is banging other guys and is not sure whether or not she is interested.
- The XO is a drunk, with a wife who seems not to care about him and wants to further herself, what was in series 1, has slowed down for her.
- Chief.. im sure there is going to be a love triangle with HELO and that BAMBER? Cant remember her name, the cute asian cylon.
- Finally the doc, who is either crazy, has some sort of connection with the cylons or God IS talking about him.

For me, the show is pointing towards either the cylons enslaving the human race, , or they find a way to properly intergrate so much, that you dont know the difference between cylon or human.. or the cylons wipe everyone out.

Personally, I dont see how Earth plays into this. Seeing that Earth has no idea about the other 12 planets. Is Earth as technologically advanced enough to fight the cylons.. no idea.

It just seems a bit too predictable. The first series I watched back to back and I loved all of them. I just wish they could make some really, on the end of your seat. We are 7 episodes into the Series and I keep on finding myself saying MEH!.

I mean, look at SG1. Its in its 9th Series and its still coming up with story lines that want you waiting for the next one. Im literally dying here for the 8th part. Hell, I've read all the spoilers I can get and just want the whole series now!
- Apollo kinda has feelings for Starbuck and is getting stronger, whilst she is banging other guys and is not sure whether or not she is interested.
I don't even know that that's true. At this point, it's a family-like thing (look at how Adama treats Starbuck) because of his brother.

- The XO is a drunk, with a wife who seems not to care about him and wants to further herself, what was in series 1, has slowed down for her.
She might be a Cylon. Remember that Baltar never revealed it.

- Chief.. im sure there is going to be a love triangle with HELO and that BAMBER? Cant remember her name, the cute asian cylon.
Doubt it. Chief might go insane, though. Wouldn't surprise me.

- Finally the doc, who is either crazy, has some sort of connection with the cylons or God IS talking about him.
Best part of the show. That's what separates it from everything else.

The intrigue and non-science-fictiony elements are what make it a good show, and considering the entire thing is about free will, what it means to be human, and the nature of love, it balances itself *really* well. For most people, science fiction is something like Heinlein, where lots of stuff blows up and they have lots of cool technology. That's really lame, as evidenced by SG1 and SGA compared to things like BSG and Doctor Who.
demonic said:
Its in its 9th Series and its still coming up with story lines that want you waiting for the next one.
You must be ahead of me quite a bit.

I'm still waiting for the first one!

you seem like person that thinks SF is Star Trek.... the best part about BSG is story and depth. SG-1 did good with really long story arc, but its still much more action oriented (and i dont take that as bad, just different), Atlantis is IMO better then SG-1 currentlly, but its same type of show.

Thats what makes BSG unique.... since you obviously figuered everything, tell me one thing... "what plan do Cylons have?", "how to fuck did they manage to find God?", "is there something wrong with them, cause obviously some of them are playing maybe both sides?".... "whats the deal with all those women back on colonies?"..."how to hell are original names of colonies constelations from EARTH?"....."whats with all greek gods names? Zeus, Athena, everything?"

now compere this to SG-1.... "what will blow up in next show?"....

Zaphod said:
Yep. S02E08, The Final Cut, is next. You'll have to wait two weeks as BSG isn't on next Friday due to Labor day.

Man that sucks. I need my fix. New and improved Galactica is my favourite show currently on the air and probably will be until the second season of Lost starts. Great series. My only worry is that the writers don't know where they are going and the ending will ruin the show (same with Lost actually).
Uncle said:
Man that sucks. I need my fix. New and improved Galactica is my favourite show currently on the air.
Ah... The joys of addiction. Did I mention the mid-season break after S02E10, Pegasus, on 23. September until (at least) mid January 2006? Lucky for you then that Lost start up again the very same week, no?
Zaphod said:
Did I mention the mid-season break after S02E10, Pegasus, on 23. September until (at least) mid January 2006?

I knew this and I'm mentally prepared for it (plus I'm hoping that Sky starts showing BSG during the break and will continue to the end without pause).
After the last thread about BSG I started catching up with the show and am now finally up to the latest ep. So far BSG has been a very pleasant ride, much moreso than I would have expected. It really is different from most SciFi of the past 5-6 years, its less trivial and more serious and involving. Its also leaps and bounds better than the original show.

The human interest stories really add to it, their intensity and importance is beyond what we're used to see in SciFi TV, but I have the feeling that they're at a point where they're dangerously close to overdoing it. The story is starting to take a back seat to the human drama. Also, we're 7 episodes into the new season and they're still sitting in the same place and wrapping up the cliffhanger of season 1!? I really enjoy the show but they should get moving again!

When was the last time we actually saw the Galacitica's hangar bay from inside? Or outside for that matter, space scenes have been reduced to an absolute minimum this season. As have the Cylons. What's up with them? Have they suddenly stopped hunting Galactica? The entire first season they couldn't stay in one place for very long because they'd be hunted down, now that problem just seems to have gone away? I dunno, maybe its part of the Cylon's plan or something, maybe THEY want to find Earth even more than the fleet wants to and intend to tag along for the ride. I sure hope there's some story related reason for all of this. Maybe they're saving up the FX money & time for some major spacefights later this season, kinda like the way it used to be in B5 ("What, only canned and intern effects for several episodes? Something HUGE is gonna happen soon!")...

I imagine now that the whole Kobol & mutiny thing is wrapped up, we'll get some lighter eps again, maybe some even some actions scenes. At least for a little while, until setup for the S2 cliffhanger begins. ;)
Anyone got an idea how many eps S2 is supposed to have? I sure hope its more than 13!!!!
I dunno, maybe its part of the Cylon's plan or something, maybe THEY want to find Earth even more than the fleet wants to and intend to tag along for the ride. I sure hope there's some story related reason for all of this.
That's been pretty much implied thus far. We know they've been in pretty much the same spot for at least a month, and we also know that the Cylons know exactly where that is. This either means the Cylons are letting them stay for a bit to find where Earth is, or there are multiple factions of Cylons (something else which seems possible from the Boomer and Helo thing).
Gollum said:
The human interest stories really add to it, their intensity and importance is beyond what we're used to see in SciFi TV, but I have the feeling that they're at a point where they're dangerously close to overdoing it.

I think Farscape balanced the human interest and action the best, closely followed by B5, but they were good for the same reason that BSG is - quality of the writing.
silence said:
you seem like person that thinks SF is Star Trek....

HAHAHA.. er NO!. Sorry. I dont think like that. Sorry to burst your insecure bubble.

silence said:
the best part about BSG is story and depth.

Seriously if I wanted story and depth, I'd watch other shows. Story and depth is fine, just give substance.

Isnt there aother post on this board. Saying that SGA and BSG ratings halved? Whilst SG1 still is riding high? I dunno, I read a few boards. But anyway.. theres a reason for this!

silence said:
"what will blow up in next show?"....

If that is all you are focusing on, then you have completely lost alot of the story line. I'd stop watching SG1 if I were you!
demonic said:
Isnt there aother post on this board. Saying that SGA and BSG ratings halved? Whilst SG1 still is riding high?
Galactica is a bit down from last season, but far from halved and still doing great for a niche cable show. All three shows have been top dog amongst themselves on separate weeks, but overall they're pretty much even for the year. The differences aren't huge. Last week was: SG1- 1.9, SGA- 2.2, BSG- 2.1.

Galactica ratings:

1.01- 2.6
1.02- 2.6
1.03- 2.3
1.04- 2.5
1.05- 2.5
1.06- 2.5
1.07- 2.2
1.08- 2.5
1.09- 2.1
1.10- 2.2
1.11- 2.3
1.12- 2.2
1.13- 2.5
2.01- 2.5
2.02- 2.5
2.03- 2.0
2.04- 1.9
2.05- 2.0
2.06- 2.1
2.07- 2.1