Bloodborne: [PS4] (From Software)


From DF.
That's great. Especially the respawn times.

I wonder if they thought about keeping Hunter's Dream always memory resident so you could go back in and out quickly.
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The improvements with the respawn times are significant. from 44.4 to 18, from 53.5 to 21.3.

They must have found a way to not stupidly reload all assets already in memory when you die. :LOL:
I made a second char, a skill ( arcane later). Started with the Threaded Cane and then got the Blade of Mercy. They are both +3 now, but I'm unsure which to upgrade more. The TC seems more versatile and seems to do more damage. It also has the benefit of adding elemental effects to (fire, bolt). I was going to get the empty phantasm shell to use, but that doesn't work with the BoM.

Is there an obvious call or is it just play style? Is there another weapon I should consider?
Guys, I was wandering around in Cainhurst Castle last night and found 5 Blood CHunks ! Wow ! Now I ask, should I go ahead and upgrade my holy Blade? Will I find another chunk and be able to max another weapon too?
Also, my last question stays, What stat to upgrade now that I am above 25 on Skill, Str, Vit.....I levellep up a bit of Arcane cos it was increasing something called "Discovery" which I didn't understand, so got curious.

Also, is the Ludwig Rifle any good or better than the others? Or is it just the same as any other bullet shooter?

lotsa Questions. Also, I am at some Martyr Logarius Boss fight. Any tips would be welcome !
You can only actually max out one weapon per playthrough as after the chunks you'll need one - just one - blood rock to go from level 9 to 10. And there's only one of those in each game. So go ahead and max out the holy blade. You can get other weapons to level 9 as all the elements to get there become plentiful eventually, but only one can go to level 10, until you start a new game of course.
Cainhurst castle is gorgeous!
lotsa Questions. Also, I am at some Martyr Logarius Boss fight. Any tips would be welcome !

Basic tip is to use a long weapon.
Secondly here what I did:

First phase.
He has 3 ranged attacks, 1) a series of flying skulls 2) one big flying skull, which is very powerful, 3) a charged homing attack.
The series of skulls are easily avoidable by walking to the side or dodging forward with the right timing, staying close and dodging back will often make the skull hit the floor rather than you.
MY tactic: stay at doge/step distance from him and when he performs the charging homing attack get close and hit him 2 or 3 times, depends on the weapon then, doge away, the homing attack won't hit you or will be cancelled completely.
If you stay close enough also he will go for the melee, which can be easily countered.

Second phase (Same attacks + new ones)
He will charge a powerful shock-wave with larger radius, just run away but not too far, he will now become immune to guns BUT you can prevent that form staying close to him during the first phase.
He will now go for the melee aggressively so keep dodging back, you can hit him when he has stopped the combo but be careful.
He will put his sword in the ground and then many flying homing swords will appear; you can either hide behind the chimneys OR BETTER destroy the sword which is what I recommend because this attack IMO is the one that will get you killed (I didn't try to use a gun to destroy the sword but it could work).
FINALLY he will start to fly and charge at you, keep distance doge to the side when he flies at you, and then attack him (you will have have to adjust the camera yourself because the camera is shit and disengage the lock-on
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I finally finished the game! I bought it on release day too. I think I finished around level 100. Great game, one of the best in the last ten years. I hope the combat doesn't spoil the Witcher 3 which I'm starting now.
It's probably gonna spoil it in the beginning. Certainly did so for me. Unlike BB, W3 also takes a good while until it gets going. By the time you've reached the parts which are actually interesting in TW3, you'll have spilled a considerable quantity of blood, sweat and tears in BB already.
That said, once it gets going, it really does get going. It also manages to be frikkin' enormous without losing the carefully hand-crafted feel of your typical linear rpg.
So this weekend I took advantage of the EU PSN flash sales and finally bought this game in a typical impulse buy, but I am really glad I did.

I was totally new to the Demon souls and dark souls franchise and previously purposefully ignored all spoilers and tips about this game, I wanted to play this game in a totally fresh way. If only I knew...

After several hours of being crushed by the game, re-spawning in the same area...well, when do I level up? :LOL:

I finally leveled up and found my way up to the first boss (the Cleric beast) and beat him just yesterday. Wow, incredible game so far even if the game can be really obtuse of what you have to do and how, it's being a real pleasure so far to being lost in bloodborne's world.
So this weekend I took advantage of the EU PSN flash sales and finally bought this game in a typical impulse buy, but I am really glad I did.

I was totally new to the Demon souls and dark souls franchise and previously purposefully ignored all spoilers and tips about this game, I wanted to play this game in a totally fresh way. If only I knew...

After several hours of being crushed by the game, re-spawning in the same area...well, when do I level up? :LOL:

I finally leveled up and found my way up to the first boss (the Cleric beast) and beat him just yesterday. Wow, incredible game so far even if the game can be really obtuse of what you have to do and how, it's being a real pleasure so far to being lost in bloodborne's world.

"Ah, another hunter ! May Yharnam be kind to you...heh ..heh...heh ! " :devilish:
Everyone keeps on talking about the graphical merits of Uncharted or The Order, but I think Bloodborne is actually a breathtaking looking game. It's just so incredibly dense with wonderfully detailed pieces of art (those statues in Yahargul? - christ this game can be creepy) Very cohesive and consistent too, especially compared to its spiritual predecessor Dark Souls 2. Now that game is just all over the place in terms of visuals.

In hindsight it was probably my highlight of 2015 so far.
I think the difference is with art rather than tech. Bloodborne is beautiful in its art, I just don't think it's a technical masterpiece.
I think the sheer amount of geometry is pretty impressive actually. The bosses are often spectacular as well. And let's not forget that player agency in a game like Bloodborne is an order of magnitude bigger than in carefully choreographed and tightly controlled funhouse rides like The Order or Uncharted.

But sure, ultimately it's mostly about art direction.
This game is definitely one for the history books and will be remembered for a long time, at least by me....

I'm still playing every now and then even after beating the game twice (1x NG and 1x NG+) and having got the platinum months ago now.... gameplay and atmosphere from the art and audio is just that good.





