Bloodborne: [PS4] (From Software)

I finally got back to play some more Bloodborne after the interlude with Witcher 3 and God of War 3. Both extremely good games with fun and good combat imo.

It took me some time to get used to Bloodborne combat again, but I killed two bosses yesterday and like it a lot again!

ALso, stumbled into Paarl and got my ass handed dramatically :(
It's really not about mastering every weapon (that would be insane). It's just another added sense of progression for me. I started DS2 with a flaming long sword and a simple club. The club I actually used almost all the way through. The flaming sword I ditched for a Bastard Sword, then I went for the Red Iron Twinblades because apparently I'm a cheap bastard, and now I'm using the Fume Sword because hitting like a runaway truck is so satisfying in the Souls games. Also maxed out a bunch of other weapons but didn't really use them much. It's nice to have the option though. In BB I'd actually love to do similar things, but the sparsity of upgrade materials kinda makes it a bit pointless as I'm simply not dealing enough damage to the spongy late game enemies.

Really looking forward to the expansion, though. As far as expansions go, From's track record is absolutely spotless.
Ah yes the lack of upgrade materials was disappointing, at least after the recent updates you can farm them in chalice dungeons. But i get what you're saying, that if you upgrade a weapon anything else feels pointless since you can't get it to the same level easily. My first playthrough was pretty much saw cleaver -> hammer -> holy blade/tonitrus. But i had so much fun with it i didn't really miss the old weapon system personally :D
I must be one of the few that instead found BB combat incredibly shallow and unrewarding.
In therms of weapon variety I really prefer hack & slash like Ninja Gaiden, DMC, or the recent Castlevania where every weapon has its own unique moves, attacks, or special proprieties.
Well problem is you compare it to Ninja Gaiden, DMC and Castlevania. This isn't supposed to be a combo based fighting system but rather a positional one. You have to memorize enemy patterns not weapon combos. Same with Dark Souls and DeS.
Well problem is you compare it to Ninja Gaiden, DMC and Castlevania. This isn't supposed to be a combo based fighting system but rather a positional one. You have to memorize enemy patterns not weapon combos. Same with Dark Souls and DeS.

Having more moves only means more options and variety.
Look at Onimusha 1& 2 for example.
Numbers in hand you had less moves than in DMC or Ninja Gaiden and there were no aerial moves/follow-ups, all happened feet firmly on the ground like BB but in comparison to BB you had more moves and could do so much more and had more options in each fight.
Onimusha 2 didn't even have many weapons, just 4, but they felt very unique unlike many weapons in BB that are very similar.
Most importantly there was no combo meter, no bigger reward for stringing 100 attacks like in hack & slash (you were actually rewarded more for taking out enemies quickly) but you still had many moves, you had variety.
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Finally finished this game yesterday
beaten Gehrman
, level 99, favorite weapon is the regular saw cleaver mainly using the quick attack, nothing too fancy.

My build was based on vitality 50 (I noticed that life given from blood potions and endurance (stamina) regeneration rate scale with your vitality), strength 30, endurance 30 and skill 25. The hardest boss for me was Gascoigne.

Such an incredible experience from beginning to end, now I can finish TW3 and see which one is really my GOTY. :D
Worse boss was Martyr Logarius for me
Have you beaten him ? He's an optional boss
I think Gascoigne in beast form was the second worse
Finally finished this game yesterday
beaten Gehrman
, level 99, favorite weapon is the regular saw cleaver mainly using the quick attack, nothing too fancy.

My build was based on vitality 50 (I noticed that life given from blood potions and endurance (stamina) regeneration rate scale with your vitality), strength 30, endurance 30 and skill 25. The hardest boss for me was Gascoigne.

Such an incredible experience from beginning to end, now I can finish TW3 and see which one is really my GOTY. :D
There is apparently a 'real' ending, for which you need special items...
My vitality is only on 30. I put all into strength and skill to scale my Ludwigs blade...maybe I need to level up vitality now!!

But my problem is: I am just super bad playing this game :(

But the world is so full of detail and atmosphere, I can't stop playing...
Equip the Clockwise Metamorphoses runes to boost vitality, they can be stacked, it's a better option than to invest past 30 IMO.
Worse boss was Martyr Logarius for me
Have you beaten him ? He's an optional boss
I think Gascoigne in beast form was the second worse
Yes, I have beaten him.

There is apparently a 'real' ending, for which you need special items...
Yes I know, I had only 2 of those. I think I am going to do the real ending in my second play-through.

Equip the Clockwise Metamorphoses runes to boost vitality, they can be stacked, it's a better option than to invest past 30 IMO.
I have one of those (+5% vitality), also +4 additional blood vials and one +4% on all def.
Finished the game as well. Fantastic game. Didn't get the real ending either, but after watching it on YT...meh.

Lol. I thought there would be a bit more story telling :mrgreen:
This is like Killzone 2. To understand the univers and the lore, you need to read up hours of additional!

Story telling in games directly is still an art by itself it seems which only few are able to.
This is like Killzone 2. To understand the univers and the lore, you need to read up hours of additional!

Story telling in games directly is still an art by itself it seems which only few are able to.

I personally consider it a great shortcoming in this game. I mean there's abstract, I get that, and then there's BB where you literally have no idea what is going on.