Bloodborne: [PS4] (From Software)

Alright, thanks for the tips guys! All these times I've been upgrading strength instead and overlooked skill, man I'm so gonna need a guide book for this game.
If you ask me you should NOT invest/waste your echoes on arcane past level 15.
The only really versatile Arcane tools are the Empty Phamtasm Shell and the Beast Roar but the other tools are terrible because they consume way too many silver bullets, last very little and do very little damage anyway.
I stupidly arrived at level 25 Arcane and the only meaningful benefit I have is that I get slightly better loot.
Chikage IMO is great because with the right gems and Bloodtinge I could do even 800 and more more per hit, so really consider getting Bloodtinge level 30...No other weapon I have,and I have them all, can match it in therms of damage and stamina consumption.

This is my ideal skill level anyway.
Vitality 30
Endurance 40
Strength 30
Skill 30
Bloodtinge 30
Arcane 15

Runes that increase HP or stamina are the way to go.
Also "must have" are IMO Alfred's quest rune and the rune dropped by Eileen "final enemy".

BTW if you are not aiming for the Platinum you don't have to invest in all the won't need them IMO ;)
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I just need to get those stats which would make my Holy Blade as powerful as it can be for now, got a feeling a new game plus would be much more entertaining and satisfying to play than my first playthrough. Also killed Amelia on my 3rd try which is the fastest boss kill ever for me :).
I think new game+ plus is a bit of a drag in Bloodborne. It's handled very differently from the Souls games. Now in the Souls games you were able to wreck shit in new game+ early on. It was a nice reward for all the prior hardships. From there the games got gradually more and more difficult, but they still felt manageable. Bloodborne just ratchets up enemy health and damage to a ridiculous degree right away. Takes 5 swings to take down a villager with a +9 one-handed Ludwig's. It's really more tedious than it is challenging. Chances are you've also seen just about everything the game had to offer on your first run. Compared to DS's oceanic depths, BB is a puddle.

Don't get me wrong here. It's a great game. On your first run through it's every bit as good as either of the souls games. It just doesn't have the legs of its spiritual predecessors.
Wow, new area out of nowhere :p ! This game sure knows how to surprise the player at every step. Unexpected rewards are always welcome !

RIght now the game has made me discover new nooks and crannies, meaning I can meander around for quite sometime before I head on to the next boss. If I wished I could take on Darkbeast Paarl right now, or even a special person who warned me to stay away and I obliged. or I could just go check out all of Forbidden woods and find a boss there or I could go to Hemwick Channel again and check out what the summon from the Cainhersat Castle is all about, or I could just explore the Nightmare I discovered!

Love this kindof level/game design :love: !
Oops ....I am out of Bloodvials !!! Out means out, nothing ! Looks like the poison in the Nightmare Frontier made me use them all !

BTW, what do u guys do about the poison? Its everywhere and exploring is very difficult with it always around.
Oops ....I am out of Bloodvials !!! Out means out, nothing ! Looks like the poison in the Nightmare Frontier made me use them all !

BTW, what do u guys do about the poison? Its everywhere and exploring is very difficult with it always around.
Antidote!!! Those poison things are so annoying but just use the antidote and you'll be fine.
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Does everyone here use the Holy Blade? I've been using it constantly since it was recommended and it's currently at +8, but I've read on one of the wikia pages that the Tonitrus is "technically the strongest weapon in the game... when buffed". Anyone levelled it up enough to say whether it's any good?
I think new game+ plus is a bit of a drag in Bloodborne. It's handled very differently from the Souls games. Now in the Souls games you were able to wreck shit in new game+ early on. It was a nice reward for all the prior hardships. From there the games got gradually more and more difficult, but they still felt manageable. Bloodborne just ratchets up enemy health and damage to a ridiculous degree right away. Takes 5 swings to take down a villager with a +9 one-handed Ludwig's. It's really more tedious than it is challenging. Chances are you've also seen just about everything the game had to offer on your first run. Compared to DS's oceanic depths, BB is a puddle.

Don't get me wrong here. It's a great game. On your first run through it's every bit as good as either of the souls games. It just doesn't have the legs of its spiritual predecessors.
Aww that dampens the prospect a bit :(, hope they can re-balance it in a patch.
There's one thing this game does right all the time tho, each level is more beautiful, more intricately designed than the last, such amount of attention to detail and creativity it's almost too much:). I highly recommend explore the hidden areas because some of them are simply breathtaking with insane amount of tessellation, POM and all.
Aww that dampens the prospect a bit :(, hope they can re-balance it in a patch.
There's one thing this game does right all the time tho, each level is more beautiful, more intricately designed than the last, such amount of attention to detail and creativity it's almost too much:). I highly recommend explore the hidden areas because some of them are simply breathtaking with insane amount of tessellation, POM and all.
The way I saw it, there is no POM or tessellation, it's all good old geometry and lots of it. From bricks to the floors to the insane amount of polygons used on monsters.
Does everyone here use the Holy Blade? I've been using it constantly since it was recommended and it's currently at +8, but I've read on one of the wikia pages that the Tonitrus is "technically the strongest weapon in the game... when buffed". Anyone levelled it up enough to say whether it's any good?

The Toniturs it's IMHO an excellent secondary weapon.
I got it to level 9 and even if it's not the not the strongest weapon in the game (the Chikage is the strongest IF you have at least 25 of Bloodtinge) it's very valid because 1) it's quite fast 2) it doesn't consume much stamina and many enemies are weak to blot damage.
Tonitrus has low durability (100) but it was not a problem for me.
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Ran around for half an hour trying to hand over the summon to a stagecoach, finding none and happened :D ! New area, new shit ! Yes !

BTW, Defeated Darkbeast Paarl . Already had the Tornitrus so no reward, basically :-/ !

BTW, the game seems to be begging me to upgrade Arcane as every new interesting item I find is locked as my Arcane is low ! My STR,END, SKIll and VITality all are around 25-26 now. How should I go about it now? isn't 25 the first soft cap? I am using the Holy Blade primarily till now, keep Tornitrus or Rifle SPear as secondary but harldy ever use them. Darkbeast Paarl was where I used my Rifle SPear exclusively and got him. That R2 charged attack in the trick form is huge benefit. But other than that I seem to be playing the whole game with the Holy Blade. I would like to find a better weapon, but haven't yet. The trailers long back showed a Reaper's Sickly thingie, I would definitley like to try that when I get it.

I tried Fire and Bolt gemstones on my blade, but keeping normal damage high kills stuff faster. I dunno where to go , upgrade-wise, from here. :???:

EIDT: a new update is it the one addressing the loading time? I was never bothered by them, btw.
Edit:2: yip, loading times are gone :) ! In fact it feels wrong those were the only times one could rest :p !
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Main points of UPDATE 1.03
- Reduced loading times (approx. 5-15 seconds; may vary by circumstance)
- Fixed bug that left certain lifts and elevators inoperable
- Fixed bug that resulted in bosses becoming immobilized
- Fixed bug that left players unable to advance NPC events during multi-play
- When the PS4 is put into Rest Mode during online play, the game will now return to the main title screen upon resuming play
This will resolve matchmaking issues related to Suspend/Resume.
- Other various bug fixes

Load times via Dualshockers:

Hunter’s Dream – 11 seconds
Central Yharnam – 34 Seconds
1st Floor Sickroom – 31 seconds
Central Yharnam – 34 Seconds
Great Bridge – 31 seconds
Cathedral Ward – 39 seconds
Old Yharnam – 33 seconds
Graveyard of the Darkbeast – 16 seconds
Hemwick Charnel Lane – 23 seconds
Forbidden Woods – 33 seconds
Byrgenwerth – 20 seconds
Yahar’gul Unseen Village – 25 seconds
Advent Plaza – 19 seconds
Logarius’ Seat – 12 seconds
Lecture Building 2nd Floor – 10 seconds

Central Yharnam (Respawn) – 17 seconds
Cathedral Ward (Respawn) – 16 seconds
Yahar’gul Unseen Village (Respawn) – 14 seconds
Hemwick Charnel Lane (Respawn) – 14 seconds
Forbidden Woods (Respawn) – 15 seconds
Byrgenwerth (Respawn) – 14 seconds