Congrats man. Seen your video on Youtube before visiting this thread -easier to watch than playing it I suppose-.Just for LOLs, this is how I actually won the Father G:
Yeah, its funny how many times I run around. I was just trying to find some new patterns in his ways and ended up killing him. Missed all ripostes too. But if running works, I shall call it a valid strategy !
This is the game that makes me envious of those who have a PS4... The art style is precious, the game seems similar to one of my favourite games, Nightmare Creatures, with secrets and stuff, and it's been created by a genius. What's not to like?
I read this Eurogamer's article on Miyazaki today:
And it led me to this interview on how Demon Souls was made. It's quite easy to understand the cult following trend Miyazaki's games have created, with influences from his own style, german mythology, and some great tales: