Black Myth: Wu Kong [PC, Consoles]

Apparently this game has also received a negative review (6/10) for lack of inclusivity and diversity as one of the reasons. A game set in a setting of mythology and fantasy characters.

How far is this insanity going to go?

Looks like it has nothing to do with the game itself and it's supposedly about misogynistic comments from the developers. A review of the game isn't the right place to score points on that though. It's just unprofessional. If they have a problem with the developer they can refuse to review or play the game.
Looks like it has nothing to do with the game itself and it's supposedly about misogynistic comments from the developers. A review of the game isn't the right place to score points on that though. It's just unprofessional. If they have a problem with the developer they can refuse to review or play the game.
The apparent misogynistic comments are
The "sexist" quotes shown in the article are poorly translated; accurate translations show the statements being vulgar, but definitely not sexist. IGN reporting on these fallacious, unverified claims as though they're fact is yellow journalism, which CNs were made to combat.
Looks like it has nothing to do with the game itself and it's supposedly about misogynistic comments from the developers. A review of the game isn't the right place to score points on that though. It's just unprofessional. If they have a problem with the developer they can refuse to review or play the game.
Oh I m pretty sure it is about that. Everything is now potential subject to political correct smear campaign.

I even came across this site and I m not sure if it's a parody site or a sign of the dystopian insanity that it is coming:

Tragically straight? Straight washing? It's ok to be sexist now with anything that doesn't praise the LGBTQIA+ community? I checked the other articles in the site and I m just dumbfounded by the self entitlement and reverse sexism of it. Its like I m reading the most conservatist possible site, only in its reverse version, trying to attack anything that may slightly suggest "patriarchy" even if it's not there, and trying to include any kind of insane extreme as part of the community and a cause to destroy anything that doesn't fit them.

These news leaked a few months ago regarding Wukong and it seems this has roots from this event.

I used to support the LGBT, but now the LGBTQIA+ insanity and entitlement has reached a point where I refrain from participating in anything they are involved in. They became reverse versions of what they accuse and they are giving lots of pretty good arguments for extreme conservatists to exist and gain support.

I hope we don't see this trend defining how games and other forms of entertainment should be created and reviewed.
Looks like it has nothing to do with the game itself and it's supposedly about misogynistic comments from the developers. A review of the game isn't the right place to score points on that though. It's just unprofessional. If they have a problem with the developer they can refuse to review or play the game.

Didn't the reviewer have an issue in that the game itself had no female characters at all? Personally I find that a little weird, and certainly not a positive - just from a purely male perspective of liking females! Not sure why the developers would choose to do that, especially if the original source material (book) had female characters in it. At the end of the day it's not going to make the game significantly less fun or interesting, at least not to me, but I think it's reasonable to call it out at least.
Didn't the reviewer have an issue in that the game itself had no female characters at all? Personally I find that a little weird, and certainly not a positive - just from a purely male perspective of liking females! Not sure why the developers would choose to do that, especially if the original source material (book) had female characters in it. At the end of the day it's not going to make the game significantly less fun or interesting, at least not to me, but I think it's reasonable to call it out at least.
The reviewer noted that she had only played up to chapter 2.

Anyway where does this end, DOOM games have no female characters (IIRC), do people write and create media so
that nobody has anything to complain about.
Does everyone pander to the Western audiences, contorting their tales and myths to fit western perspectives.
The reviewer noted that she had only played up to chapter 2.

Anyway where does this end, DOOM games have no female characters (IIRC), do people write and create media so
that nobody has anything to complain about.
Does everyone pander to the Western audiences, contorting their tales and myths to fit western perspectives.

There were female characters in the Doom games.

I'm simply saying that having a representation of the world, even a heavily stylised one like this, where everyone is male, is a little weird and wouldn't be my preference.
There were female characters in the Doom games.

I'm simply saying that having a representation of the world, even a heavily stylised one like this, where everyone is male, is a little weird and wouldn't be my preference.
There were? Can't remember. Where?
Game has no native HDR on the PC. It'd be good if HDR was covered in this IQ reviews for games @Dictator It's 2024 and we got amazing displays when it comes to TV's and Monitors.

On a game like this with RT, particle effects and light bounces, HDR would really take it to another level.