Black Myth: Wu Kong [PC, Consoles]

Were they free to express their opinions on China's game industry, policies, opinions or news? We can't let the fetishization of the perception of "freedom", in isolation, quarantine our big picture view of this game. A game which includes blood and violence in it's gameplay, may or may not be making a political statement by excluding any overt reference to feminist propaganda. In fact, some of the developers actions instigate negative discourse and insults both players and influencers.
Ah yes let's bring irrelevant and hypothetical subjects that have no place in the game's narrative and setting as being a reflection of Chinese "lack of freedom" in contrast to the western promoted pseudo freedom where everything is gradually entering so many protocols of expression and code of contact to "protect", that it is no longer freedom. The majority of us have zero clue how many protocols are prepared and coming from the US for this purpose.

There is a crazy amount of absurd protocols thar are being forced into business coach associations and into businesses where everything must be filtered through them in order to not offend some identity or some (often artificial) minority group (like using any language that may suggest a client's or a colleague's gender), what not to do in order to not potentially offend someone's special ideologies, not to show any kind of emotion or empathy thus limiting the use of language, to avoid any form of human touch even a handshake; how to position yourself; limit movement during seminars or any contact in case it might be perceived as harassment or as overpowering to the other person's invisible potential sensitivities, insecurities and boundaries etc. All these supposedly to "protect" the "expression" of special groups, not to offend some "ideologies" and abstract (and often fluid) "identities", not to overstep abstract "boundaries" etc.

These are gradually expanding and covering more and more aspects of life, including gaming businesses and what to include and what not to include in content like in videogame content which sounds a lot like what Sweet Baby Inc does which includes business consultation in content and code of contact within studios for the purposes of "inclusivity" and "diversification".
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Ah yes let's bring irrelevant and hypothetical subjects that have no place in the game's narrative...
I was mostly joking, because I think most of these controversies are inane side shows and are propagated by bad actors who have no interest in the content of the games they rally against, but that's just my personal take. In the case of Wukong specifically, I don't think a single early preview from the last couple of years had anything political to say about the game, and it wasn't until the NDA details were leaked that some controversy was created, and I've heard there was at least one review that mentioned some lack of diversity or something, but, and this is a personal take... None of this was being talked about until the studio sent out NDA's with exclusionary requirements for content outside of the game's content. In this case, the ones who first injected politics, and mention of feminist propaganda by name and the socio political situation in Chins, was the developer. So any praise given to them for avoiding such pitfalls I believe is misguided.
I was mostly joking, because I think most of these controversies are inane side shows and are propagated by bad actors who have no interest in the content of the games they rally against, but that's just my personal take. In the case of Wukong specifically, I don't think a single early preview from the last couple of years had anything political to say about the game, and it wasn't until the NDA details were leaked that some controversy was created, and I've heard there was at least one review that mentioned some lack of diversity or something, but, and this is a personal take... None of this was being talked about until the studio sent out NDA's with exclusionary requirements for content outside of the game's content. In this case, the ones who first injected politics, and mention of feminist propaganda by name and the socio political situation in Chins, was the developer. So any praise given to them for avoiding such pitfalls I believe is misguided.
When you say NDA are you referring to the review rules sent to reviewers? The reason why these were sent were due to the fact that criticism related to politics and sexism are going as back as in 2023 with IGN reporting sexism within the company

In June we received news that the company received some negativity due to not working with Sweet Baby Inc

IGN the same month mentions again in their preview their past story and lack of inclusivity in it's footnotes:

Which was followed by this calling out IGN for mis quoting the company:

These news gave the pretext to a Screenrant female reviewer to downscore the game by playing a few chapters and saying this:

"Playing as a female gamer allowed me to notice issues surrounding inclusion and representation.

As far as Chapters 1 and 2, while characters are clearly fictitious and fantastical creatures, there were no female or feminine NPCs, enemies, or bosses present. The only exception, if you can call it 'female', is a boss named Mother of Stones in Chapter 2, which is nothing more than a still, glowing rock with no abilities, being guarded by other enemies.

The lack of diversity and inclusivity resonates with the misogynistic comments reported to have been made by developers, which expressed disdain for women playing their games. Although Black Myth: Wukong does have truly enjoyable moments, the underlying feeling that women aren't welcome in this world felt present throughout my gameplay experience.

It's worth noting the game is based on the novel, Journey To The West, which does consist of a few important female characters. To not include any women or to only include a few in an adaptation meant for a modern audience is quite disconcerting."

Considering the existing tendency to mention unrelated subjects to the game's content, or to filter the game's content through the lens of the past story, it was natural for the developers to request no mention of politics and feminism

Edit: ironically the game DOES have female characters and it shows how easy it is these days to hastily politically attack and smear whatever on the surface doesn't appear to be "feminist" or "pro-inclusive". It makes the Screenrant reviewer look even more illogical and bigoted.

Nothing wrong with feminism or inclusivity per say but their modern versions have reached ridiculous territory and have become bizzaro versions of what they used to be.

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Yes, I agree that you shouldn't talk about covid, china's politics or "feminist propaganda", whatever that means, while playing this game.

But when you try to enforce censorship, you can go fuck yourself. The irony of some people thinking that more representation is somehow forced from some higher power while advocating for censorship when they agree with it.
This is the creators requesting to review their game objectively without mixing political and other agendas. If they want to mix irrelevant subjects in their review then they have the option to opt out.
This is the creators requesting to review their game objectively without mixing political and other agendas. If they want to mix irrelevant subjects in their review then they have the option to opt out.
Reviews guidelines had nothing about this in it (Mine Had nothing about it) - it was for streamers only afaik
Died a ton of times with that wandering wight boss (PC), Logitech F310 apparently has some latency issue, I thought it was some graphics related lag issue.
Keyboard is really good but not the best IMO for this type of game.
PS5 Controller is good to play this game, beat the boss and then another relatively quickly.

Time spent fiddling with all the graphics related configurations and the controller latency was the issue, lol.
Died a ton of times with that wandering wight boss (PC), Logitech F310 apparently has some latency issue, I thought it was some graphics related lag issue.
Keyboard is really good but not the best IMO for this type of game.
PS5 Controller is good to play this game, beat the boss and then another relatively quickly.

Time spent fiddling with all the graphics related configurations and the controller latency was the issue, lol.
This boss is a Tree Sentinel moment. I tried it once and when I got one-shotted, I figured I wasn't meant to defeat it right away. Came back at the end of the chapter and crushed it with ease.
I wonder why this game isn't talked as much. This is the Chinese version of God of War. When I say GoW I don't mean just theme but in quality.

This game is amazing and it's astonishing that it was produced by a company that used to make mobile games. We used to believe this in 2020 that it was going to be one of those asian fake projects that show a trailer and then vanish. But here it is

The lore, the story telling the execution as well as the mechanics are up there with Santa Monica and Capcom.
Great game in general. The animations of the characters and creatures is super good to me, very high quality. Graphics on PS5 are ok-ish - framerate is unfortunately a bit crazy. The variety on display so far is top notch - this is Sony style of quality :)

The one thing that does not make it GOW for me is the souls like bosses. I just do not have the patience anymore for these. While most of the bosses are relatively doable - there is the odd outlier that takes forever for me to beat. I am really itching a traditional action game and I really hoped that this game is it.

I am currently running around in chapter 2, which so far has quite doable bosses - but I already read about the nightmare Tiger boss that awaits me...
ha ha ha, shit.
The lore, the story telling the execution as well as the mechanics are up there with Santa Monica and Capcom.
One thing that isn't as good is the action cutscenes animation. A lot of the times it has that "YouTube Gmod feel" of a fan made animation. The camera movement feels a bit amateurish.
Anybody knows what's up with the myriad of textures seemingly not loading?


Final Fantasy VII Remake and Rebirth have the same issue. Is this a bug? Just shoddy work from the dev? An issue with UE?
Anybody knows what's up with the myriad of textures seemingly not loading?


Final Fantasy VII Remake and Rebirth have the same issue. Is this a bug? Just shoddy work from the dev? An issue with UE?
Is this on PC or PS5? Could be a specific issue you're facing