Best Graphic EVER [Full Gears of War Vids]

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Anyone, who like the camera in Gears of Wars? I am really digging it. When running while ducking, it stays back a little and it is very jittery. It gives the game a very cinematic atmosphere. The placement of the camera when behind cover is also very clever. When peeking around corners it stays right above the shoulder to make aiming easier, etc.
It just seems that Epic did a fantastic job with it.

ops, sorry hupfinsgack, noticed your post only now.

yes, i have to full-heartedly agree here. the camera work (in-game and during the cutscenes), the cut-scenes animations, and the tone-mapping (i give them props for not overblowing the bloom, gwad, i hate it!) are the three things i find to be real good in this game.

particularly re the camera work, that's one of the first non-japanese games that have that right - so props here.
Epic has been hit and miss IMO, and their SP FPS have not been very great IMO.

In all fairness Epic has not had a SP FPS that they have had a major role in developing since Unreal. Everything else (including some of Unreal) they have had other developers doing some development. And it depends on each game how much work Epic actualy did. This is the first game they have done in a long time mostly on their own, so I am curious to see how they do...
Damn this game is FAST. Didn't expect the gameplay to be so fast paced. Looks amazing with a buttery smooth framerate :)

another two new videos ;)



and the videos 8 and 9 of my last reply are co-op gameplay, with 2 players on screen, take a look ;)
It's so unbelievable smooth

edited to add my personal prefered weapon's pic

big here:
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BlimBlim has pulled the four videos from the new flash site out, available Here.

Don't know whether a lot of the live action stuff will be strictly commercial material or not, but of course voice acting/the script/etc. leaves something to be desired. That speech in one of them could have had a lot more energy in it.

However, the banter between Marcus and Dom very much reminds me of the kind between me and some good buddies, so I was amused and convinced. Overuse of certain curse words in succession just seems out of place, but perhaps that's due to being striclty on the listening side of it, rather than the short-tempered end delivering it. :LOL:
The models are ingame. The AA levels are far too high though.

Ya figured it was a bullshot, whatever. These new vids are lookin good, stil downloading the GI ones now, after watching the flashvids I'm digging the voice acting, especially between Dom and Marcus, it does sound like how I'd talk with my buddies.
another two new videos ;)



and the videos 8 and 9 of my last reply are co-op gameplay, with 2 players on screen, take a look ;)
It's so unbelievable smooth

I can't access the vid at work but did you say split screen co-op? If they had that, that would be icing on the cake for me.
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