Best Graphic EVER [Full Gears of War Vids]

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QRoach, I am not "trying to find something to complain about", so don't go there. I was marked down in this forum as having bought an XB360 for the sole purpose of GoW. That said, when I watched the footage, the atrocious voice acting and dialogue irritate me. It is not "about the same" as other games mentioned. Go boot up HL2 or Episode 1 and tell me they are even in the same league. Maybe it will get better, let's hope so.

IMHO, If you're going to do cinematics, do them right. Otherwise, leave em out and make a pure action game.

As for graphics, when I was salivating on GoW pre-XB360 launch and E3, yes, it was clearly the most impressive. But since, then many titles look to challenge it graphically, like Assassins Creed. One of the things that has always bothered me design wise about the game is the color palette, and character design. I'm growing weary of huge bulked up adonis characters in big blocky armor, with feet that look like they'd weigh 100 pounds each.

The fnbys are just going to have to accept the fact that the game isn't perfect, and other people will find things to criticize in it. Just like there has not been a movie made in which everyone agreed.

Don't even try to turn this into some anti-Xbox issue. It's not. When people are praising something so highly, my expectations are raised, I then go look at the trailer, and of course, it is going to fall below expectations in some areas.

Come on, the voice acting is movie quality. At least if you compare it to the movies in the same league like Rambo and the like. ;)
Good graphics but there is too little on screen action. I thought next gen was sposed to push out dozens of enemies with individual and squad AI?
Good graphics but there is too little on screen action. I thought next gen was sposed to push out dozens of enemies with individual and squad AI?

Too little on-screen action? Are we looking at the same game?

Besides, having "dozens of enemies with individual sqaud AI" is NOT a "next-gen" attribute. Brothers in Arms ring a bell? Besides, having dozens if not hundreds of enemies at any one time is up to the devs depending on the type of game they're making, not due to a limitation of hardware.
Yes we are. Gears could be ported to Xbox in lodef with the gameplay intact. Get the guys who did Riddick to do it. ;)
I always get a chuckle when Cliffy hypes the CNN cam and chainsaw. Those are next gen sprint and gore innovations i tell you!
Yes we are. Gears could be ported to Xbox in lodef with the gameplay intact. Get the guys who did Riddick to do it. ;)
I always get a chuckle when Cliffy hypes the CNN cam and chainsaw. Those are next gen sprint and gore innovations i tell you!

yeah... here we go :rolleyes:
why dont you address the rest of the post? what draws you to Gears? if you take the shiny graphics and gore away, the gameplay dont seem that hot eh?
I think it's hot like a hell. And it could be done on xbox without this all gfx godness but the same goes to almost every next gen game, MGS4, FN , NBA 2k7, GRAW ...
Gears is the worst offender. its like they did not even TRY to evolve the gameplay. it is Epic why should we be surprised?
Gears is the worst offender. its like they did not even TRY to evolve the gameplay. it is Epic why should we be surprised?

We have only seen very little of this game, and besides it's a 3rd person action shooter, what do you expect it to have? And besides I think the gameplay with the heavy emphasis on cover looks atleast somewhat new to me. It seems like you have somesort of vendetta going on, because you have been disapointed in their games in the pas and thus are making up problems out of thin air.
Gears is the worst offender. its like they did not even TRY to evolve the gameplay. it is Epic why should we be surprised?

Wow... So... What do you consider "evolved" gameplay? Pick almost any game from PS3's or 360's future line-up and most likely they've been done before, but this time with a glossier sheen. However, that's not necessarily a bad thing.

On second thought, forget it. You don't like it, fine, you know what they say about opinions. The rest of the 99.99% of Xbox 360 owners are looking forward to this game with the excitement, "evolution" or not...
The new multiplayer videos show some pretty big environments,so it seems tha GoW will not only have the best graphics of 2006 but it will also have some big environments.That should shut some people up.
Gears is the worst offender. its like they did not even TRY to evolve the gameplay. it is Epic why should we be surprised?

Bullshit. They completely shedded the decade old strafe around in a circle and shoot your enemy style of play and went with what is basically a flat platformer system using cover. That right there is innovation to teh genre.

It is a large innovation in the gameplay of a shooter, and we'll just have to see how well it works. You haven't played the game, so your opinion is pretty much baseless.
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