Best Graphic EVER [Full Gears of War Vids]

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When Epic first announced Gears I thought "Wow, 3rd person?? W-w-why didnt they do a FPS!?" (Did anyone else feel the same?)

At the time FPS' seemed to be the definite flavour of the month. That was my perception anyway.

In that teeny little way, they were a bit different.

Personally I think with the subject matter and what little I've seen of it there wasn't really a lot more they could do. I definitely get the feeling it'll suffice!
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Why does it need to be revolutionary, and then again what is next gen gameplay? Isn't it enough that sometimes what you do, just try and do it well, I mean there are way to many games that can't even do that...
I cant think of another game that looks or plays the way Gears looks or plays with the exception of maybe of GR:AW...

Exactly what would be the "revolution" to be had here? They took the RE4 off center camera and added a very intuitive CNN cam... whats the problem there? And how much of the game have you seen to say that there isnt anything more?

Life itself must bore you cause most activities arent "revolutionary" per se... Army gunners use sights and reticles and run and gun... weapons change but the activity itself never changes regardless of the war or enemy.... Sight, aim, pull the it the control scheme that you want revised?

Are light guns considered revolutionary still because that would be the closest thing to being realistic... should they include teh duck pedal that you find in Namco arcade shooters? is the wii mote more revolutionary because it looks different? If the eyetoy allowed activity sensing would that more revolutionary? or just more tiresome?

PLease explain what the term revolutionary means in this case.
I understand that and while we agree on what we personally would rather see, I'm not sure there's more to this debate than what I said already; it's all about design-choice.

Obviously, hardware is limited so therefore, having revolutionary gameplay with impressive graphics isn't an option. Most of the time, each 'feature' is directly involved in each other like

[impressive graphics]<--------------------------------->[revolutionary gaemplay]

Where to you put the cross? But that, as I said, isn't a discussion on what is technically impressive or not, but is rather more about personal preference. What does the market want? What do you want as a gamer? etc.
I understand that and while we agree on what we personally would rather see, I'm not sure there's more to this debate than what I said already; it's all about design-choice.

Obviously, hardware is limited so therefore, having revolutionary gameplay with impressive graphics isn't an option. Most of the time, each 'feature' is directly involved in each other like

[impressive graphics]<--------------------------------->[revolutionary gaemplay]

Where to you put the cross? But that, as I said, isn't a discussion on what is technically impressive or not, but is rather more about personal preference. What does the market want? What do you want as a gamer? etc.

Well, it can be both you know! Rare but it happens every so often...
Well, it can be both you know! Rare but it happens every so often...

My bad, I should have worded my sentence more carefully. What I ment is that it's a rare achievement and subjective in itself.... but the main point is still, everything is bound to design-choice. :D
most Wii and many first party PS3 titles appear to be trying to buck this trend. Case in point: Wii Sports and Motor Storm.
Wii's a different kettle of fish, as that whole console is designed on doing things differently (and on more last-gen then next-gen hardware. Technological performance isn't a factor to help that as much as design choices and hardware interfaces). XB360 is designed on doing things in the same way but better. As for many first-party PS3 titles, I'm not sure that's valid, plus they're first-party titles. Why should GOW be the front-runner for XB360 technical gameplay innovation, rather than a product Epic want to make that gamers want to buy and will make them lots of money?

I don't get why you're complaining about GOW and not next-gen games in general. Why were you expecting GOW to be something revolutionary or having 'advanced' gameplay such that you'll complain, but you're not complaining about FIFA '07 or PGR3 or Formula 1 Championship Edition or Ridge Racer 7?
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Anyway all of this talk is kind of BS,i want games that looks good and play good and games like gears of war(and resistance) look set to deliver that.

Oh and again can someone mention all the similar ,succesfull games, to GOW???The only game i can think of is killswitch but i guess the way GoW looks hurts a lot of people and that is obvious in every forum.

I still remember how ,pretty much,the same people used to badmouth the original Halo for ages.It seems that some people can't take a succesfull game on a MS console.
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To be honest i rather not. The game looks cool but it doesn't really interest me as it's a racing game with a couple new things to it. Hardly revolutionary, more evolutionary than anything.

When did this turn into a GOW vs Motorstorm thread anyway? What's the point of these comparisons, they're not even in the same genre...

A little while ago it was a GOW versus .... thread. This just seems to be the natural progression of this thread. If you want to talk about Motorstorms gameplay just make a Motorstorm thread so that we can come in there and give the reasons why some of us thing GOW is better than it.

Oh and again can someone mention all the similar ,succesfull games, to GOW???The only game i can think of is killswitch but i guess the way GoW looks hurts a lot of people and that is obvious in every forum.
It has elements from RE4 in it as well but this is the only game that packs in both styles of gameplay and it just seems right to me. I might change my mind after playing it though. I'm sure Epic won't release it if it's not fun especially with the near future of UE3 on consoles riding on it being sucessful.
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Techincally amazing? Well I can only thing of a handful of games that were ever techincally amazing. And I really dont thin you can accuratly juge a game on any mertis including techincal aspects by watching some videos and seeing some screen shots. Yea you can get an idea, but the parts that they are showing are usally something that they feel is worthy of showing. But that does not mean its the best example of the techincal aspects of the game. And techincally how good gears is, is way too wide open and subjective of a question. I know the gameplay has been brought up. But what other techincal aspects matter? Features of the engine it runs on? Network features, sound features? All of those could count as techincal aspects. I really have never heard of GOW being market as a good game techincally, but marketed as a fun kick ass game. And in the end, thats all that counts, a fun game :)
The whole phrase 'next gen gameplay' is pretty much a croc imo.

Exactly. You've got a display (or feedback... e.g. rumble!) and an input device. How complicated can it get? More accurately, how revolutionary can it get?

I honestly can't think of (m)any revolutionary gaming concepts. Cel-shading was pretty impressive when I first saw it. Eyetoy too I guess (bear in mind I'm not as au fait with the history of gaming as some of you ner... er, people so I don't wanna hear "Xerox did it 1st!!"). And of course the Wii.

Bosh, slider feels he's settled the "debate".
Like most people, you are minimizing the FPS genre and the evolutionary paths the sub-genres have followed.

I would argue, factually, that FPS continue to evolve more so than most other genres.

Just in the last decade we have seen the genre evolve in a number of directions (in general order my loose memory of the order I saw them introduced).

Look at input/interaction which started as simple WASD and then evolved through Mouse Freelook and Straif; Crouch/Jump/Use; Lean Left/Right/Prone; Cover.

Gameplay has also evolved on an objective level, first starting with Find Key, Find door, kill everything; progressing to basic NPCs and stories; RPG cross overs; unlinear maps; multi-pathed games; and now even the "movie" story game with very detailed facial animations, body gestures, and lip syncronization.

Multi-player is probably the most easy to grasp for those who are FPS noobs. The first FPS didn't even have multi-player. Then we were introduced to Deathmatch and Coop. But it didn't stop there. There began a number of new modes -- team and individual -- of deathmatch, elimination, king of the hill, tag, keep away, and so forth. But that wasn't enough, then we began seeing multiple forms of "objective" style MP scenarios, from "hold the control points" like Battlefield and DoD to more "objective" driven MP as found in games like UT and Timesplitters. And then we can add in free roaming maps, and more importantly, vehicles. We have gone from no vehicles to having land, sea (above and below), and air (fixed wing and other) vehicles that can be manned by players in realtime in conjunction with traditional FPS grunts--or even merged with copilots and gunners. And I haven't even begun discussing Class Based gameplay with the infinate number of varieties for balance OR the balancing of weapon loadout/controls (e.g. some games allow unlimited number of weapons, others only 1 or 2; some games like Halo allow you to toss a grenade at other times and encourage melee and so forth).

And there have been many variations, alterations, and tweaks of the above scenarios -- and this is just the tip of the iceberg. Just in 2004 the "big" FPS games (Doom 3, Far Cry, Half-Life 2, CoR, Painkiller, etc) demonstrated how a variety of FPS can develop -- and use -- technology in vary different ways to get different results.

If you are building games ONLY around new "whiz-bang" technologies your game is gonna SUCK.

The point of a great game is to build a balanced game, that is fun, and uses technology to present an experience that is enjoyable and draws the player in without being flustered, frustrated, or annoyed. Typically a lot of "technology" based gameplays totally fail at deliveraing a good game. This was true of Physics (something you mentioned) until HL2, and even then a special scenario of gameplay had to be invented (grav gun and block stacking, etc) to accomodate it.

But should we be so niave to believe that every game from now on should take the same approach to physics? It worked for HL2; but in Gears it would be a gimmick. Again, are you trying to show off technology OR build a great game?

Being a great game doesn't require inventing and introducting 10 new technologies and basing gameplay around them. A game is a sum of parts all relating to Gamer Experience. Gears IS doing many new things in the FPS genre and looks to be a totally new conceptialization of the genre in MANY ways.

Obviously there will be those complaining, "Why not use their uber GFLOPs for some new radical new technique to change gaming" I think the fact stands that FPS gamers... gasp... want and FPS that works. If Epic has spent their resources coming up with a new way to experience FPS by changing the balance, pacing, and conceptialization of the genre -- something unseen on previous consoles -- I think any arguements about "technical-driven gameplay elements" missing from the game really miss the point. Case in point:
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Locked, until I've got time for some serious pruning.

So after finishing pruning 3 pages, lots of deletes and some edits as well - the edits mostly for continuity reasons - I want to apologize for the inconvience and probably frustration -trust me you're not alone in this matter- this thread has created. I thought I'd give some poster the chance and time to elaborate his thoughts and give him some freedom. Well, it turned out badly. I should have checked this thread more often. So again, sorry. Hopefully, I could at least create some continuity without completely deleting the last 3 pages.

Now, to important business. This thread is now officially labelled as sensitive in my book (just like the MGS thread, for example). In other words, there's a zero tolerance policy in effect in here. Please make especially sure that your posts are well elaborated and contain actual arguments, not just catch phrases.

That said, I hope that the thread can continue normally.
I perfer wider screen as well, but not at the expense of having a ridiculously short screen, I mean with horizontal split you're talking 32:9 ratio, little extreme imo.

I wish it was user selectable.
Yes on a widescreen tv splitscreen is a bitch either way. Horizontal works well on 4:3 but it is too wide on 16:9, still I prefer 32:9 over 2:3 atleast on most games. Your proposed method would be good, especially if one has enough screen size to sacrifice a bit of it.


good collection of Halo 1/2 speedruns ;)
I watched few, pretty impressive stuff :)
I've seen some clip of this in in french vodeogames tv show, I've to say this game looks really cool.

I'm starting to feel a growing GAS for next chrismass :)
Looks like a kickass game with a nice level design with much geometry, but I find it a bit blurry. Maybe that's because of the compression in movies?
It's because the game is rendered at 576p. (j/k)

Probably all videos you have seen are taken by camera and aren't direct-feed.
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It's because the game is rendered at 576p.

Probably all videos you have seen are taken by camera and aren't direct-feed.

Well I guess you're right. The MP movies (which i'm looking at right now) look increadable with much more detail. I agree with the topistarter now.

And it runs so fluïd.
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