Best Graphic EVER [Full Gears of War Vids]

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Looks extremely nice

Can be the contender for best Graphic game of the year but I dont know how it will play or fare until I test it out:p
Well, in general, video games do have poor voice acting, but I felt both the dialogue and voice acting were sub par. Relative to what? Well, MGS, Halo, Half-Life 2, EverQuest 2, hell even the original Command and Conquer. Yeah, compared to Spanish Soap operas, they're acting is still bad, but GoW delivery was really wooden (as was the dialogue) but atleast some extra acting could have made the dialogue more interesting. As an example, Jen Taylor as Cortana made treknobabble lines atleast marginally interesting. GTA and Saint's Row also demonstrate more interesting acting skills then trying to sound raspy and gruff.

GoW's dialogue sounds like it was written by the English equivalent of the guy who wrote the intro for ZeroWing. So please, don't try to tell me it's "about the same" as HL2 or MGS or Halo. Not only do Alex, Dr Kleiner, et al blow away GoW, but even the supporting NPCs blow it away (remember the Russian priest? Or even the people are who oppressed and scared in City 13?)

GoW looks like they spent 99% of resources on graphics, and precious little time on the script and dialogue, probably as an afterthought to the game design. I'm betting GoW started out as a UE3 tech demo that metamorphed into a game.

I think people are going out of thier way to make this seem worse than it really is. It's just as bad as any other video game, including halo GTA, MGS, resident evil etc... all of those games have cutscenes of similar quality. To see one cutscene and judge the entire game is foolish.
I think people are going out of thier way to make this seem worse than it really is. It's just as bad as any other video game, including halo GTA, MGS, resident evil etc... all of those games have cutscenes of similar quality. To see one cutscene and judge the entire game is foolish.

Didn't you see the gameplay footage?

I understand your point , But the gameplay footage is amazing

I can't wait to see how this plays when its launched I hope it lives up to it's hype lol:oops:
I think people are going out of thier way to make this seem worse than it really is. It's just as bad as any other video game, including halo GTA, MGS, resident evil etc... all of those games have cutscenes of similar quality. To see one cutscene and judge the entire game is foolish.

Well some games do have much better voice acting than others.

I think it's all down to the production values and where the budget is spent really. Obviously GOW is a game with a certain budget and that budget is being spent on other things. It's hardly a character or story driven game like Kingdom Hearts, to name one, which had amazing voice acting but was also a completely different game with much more expensive production.

The focus of GOW is obviously different to the focus in other games so in the end, to each his own.

Most if not all action games like GOW have very tacky dialogue, acted by not-so-good actors, simply because the focus of those games is on something else. It's still acceptable though, we can't expect all studios to invest in very good actors all the time, they are already complaining about how expensive it is to develop games as it is.
Imo I think some people are just trying to find something to complain about in regards to this game. Sure some games do have really good voice acting, just like some cartoons do as well. If they can't complain about the graphics, they can't complain about the framerate, they cant complain about the animations... So they will compalin about the gameplay (which they only know a little bit about), they complain about the number of enemies (which they only know a little about), they complain about the cutscene (of which is the first cutscene of length they have seen) and they compain about the written dialog (that isn't any more cheesy then some of the most popular games) and complain about the voice actors (since when has this mattered in games of this style/genre? ).

To be honest I don't think the voice acting in this game from what I've seen is any better or worse than the halo games or even resident evil. It's pretty obvious the type of character they are going for in this game. The realtively silent (except for one liners) strong (overly macho type).
Well some games do have much better voice acting than others.

I think it's all down to the production values and where the budget is spent really. Obviously GOW is a game with a certain budget and that budget is being spent on other things. It's hardly a character or story driven game like Kingdom Hearts, to name one, which had amazing voice acting but was also a completely different game with much more expensive production.

The focus of GOW is obviously different to the focus in other games so in the end, to each his own.

Most if not all action games like GOW have very tacky dialogue, acted by not-so-good actors, simply because the focus of those games is on something else. It's still acceptable though, we can't expect all studios to invest in very good actors all the time, they are already complaining about how expensive it is to develop games as it is.

Gears is adrenaline speak. Designed to incite teen males to get into fighting mode... not unlike other young male action flick dialogue like Rocky, Rambo, the Predator, Terminator etc...
Imo I think some people are just trying to find something to complain about in regards to this game. Sure some games do have really good voice acting, just like some cartoons do as well. If they can't complain about the graphics, they can't complain about the framerate, they cant complain about the animations... So they will compalin about the gameplay (which they only know a little bit about), they complain about the number of enemies (which they only know a little about), they complain about the cutscene (of which is the first cutscene of length they have seen) and they compain about the written dialog (that isn't any more cheesy then some of the most popular games) and complain about the voice actors (since when has this mattered in games of this style/genre? ).

To be honest I don't think the voice acting in this game from what I've seen is any better or worse than the halo games or even resident evil. It's pretty obvious the type of character they are going for in this game. The realtively silent (except for one liners) strong (overly macho type).
That's what we do, here in these forums, critisize the games and tech.
Should GoE be granted an immunity for critisism, only allowing "Awesome!" "WOW!!!" and ":oops: " to be posted.
How boring would it be if everybody just said it's "Teh BEST GRAPHICS AND SOUND EVER!!"
There's always different opinions, some might not like what others think is the best thing.

I haven't heard hte voice acting for Gears Of War cutscenes, but the latest Cliffy B demonstrated vid from X06 had annoying "grunts" and "ughs" everytime the character in control pushed agains a wall or such.
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Seriously, guys chill out. Everyone makes statements like Mark Rein just to make get more publicity and coverage. There's nothing special or noteworthy about that.
Exactly ;)
According to Rein, Unreal Engine 3 has "now reached the first level of performance". It will power Epic's first PS3 title, Unreal Tournament 2007, which he described as "an even more intense game" than Gears of War.
When asked by an audience member how much GOW had cost to produce, Rein replied, "So far, around $10 million, maybe a little less.

So why are we paying 60 bucks for this game? Anyone know how that 10million compares to last gen?
So why are we paying 60 bucks for this game? Anyone know how that 10million compares to last gen?

Meh, they have another 30 guys who do nothing but work on the engine, and those costs are probably not counted. I wouldn't take this as definitive at all, these guys are the #1 middleware provider afterall, they should be saving some money on their games.

As for the dialogue, maybe excellent was the wrong phrase, but I still think it's just fine. I've seen movies with worse, and for all the talk about Halo, the VA was not all that and noone seemed to care.
I though engine costs would be absorbed from licensing fees?

I don't think the would use the license fees to off-set the dev costs, that would likely be more than "creative" accounting. Rather they'd count MS pay-outs to keep GoW exclusive to X360.
As for the dialogue, maybe excellent was the wrong phrase, but I still think it's just fine. I've seen movies with worse, and for all the talk about Halo, the VA was not all that and noone seemed to care.

Agreed the voice acting isn't that bad - however I do see where some criticism is warranted in that the graphics have improved drastically but other aspects are not getting the same level of attention/money. If the 10 million figure is correct I'd say it's time to stop holding out on the voice acting budget.

I get a similar feel for Alan Wake in that the environments are gorgeous but they have then left the character behind a generation it seems. AW still has time to address their character models/texture/animation but when the environment looks that good anything that doesn't match it will stick out like a sore thumb. Sorta like bad voice acting.:cool:

So in a way those that are complaing about the VA are actually complementing what is obviously the weak spot in clearly the best looking game to hit the market this year.;)
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"borrowed from Tieno at Neogaf....

Random Gears of War multiplayer impressions from the Match Made In Hell event by several posters

When curbstoming the camera changes angles sort of like when you chainsaw to give it a better perspective. It pretty much looks like it sounds you just smash there head into the ground with the bottom of your boot. There was always a bunch of yells when anybody got curbed stomped on the big screen.

Midway through the opening demo people started yellin "chainsaw, chainsaw" I though that was funny.

The controls felt tight. Yes, at first you have to learn the cover systems ins and outs but it gets easy. It becomes second nature. You can easily pop in and out of cover and take cover while being shot at. It has a smooth feel once you get used to it.

Even roadie running requires some practice at first and then it becomes second nature. Aiming and blasting fools was easy and fun. Chainsawing was another story. It takes a very specific situation and finesse to get off the chainsaw properly, so sometimes two guys will be running into eachother revving their saws but no one gets cut down. Other times two guys slam the B button to saw eachother and only one dude makes it out alive. What I liked to do is whip out the shotgun on a guy who likes to chainsaw a lot and just blast. One guy came right at me and I let lose a close range blast that literally popped his head off. I could see his neck guts. It was beautiful.

The reloading system and Right Bumper button for it was way smoother than I thought. Finally, a game that makes reloading fun. The trick is to reload the right way so that you get double dmg on your next clip. That was what seperated the men from the boys in MP.

Hope this helped. Im tired right now and have a lot more to write about for tomorrow

Yup. We used the bow. Yes it kicks ass. Now this is just my opinion, but the aiming felt perfect sensitivty-wise and there was an option to change it anyway for those who don't like it. I liked it. When you hit the Left Trigger to zoom in you can aim quickly and efficently. It's just smooth. I got on one game where the dude had turned his X axis turning and sensitivity up all the way so that I couldn't even aim. I changed it back with ease by going to controls and hitting the button to set them back to default and went back to playing.

Grenades were great, I got to see Smoke grenades in action btw. Other than Smoke grenades, I never really whored out the grenades too much. I was too busy curb stomping and blasting. Smoke grenades really added to the experience. A little tip, if you are zooming and aiming and all you see is smoke, but your cross hairs go red - blast the fool. That's how you can see around the smoke and still hit people.

It was all MP for us. No co-op. Just killing. The rolling by double tapping the A button also proved useful when you were caught under fire. Many people started using it to get out of binds.

We won prizes if our team won as well. (of course, they were so cool there that by the end of the night everyone got goodies.)....

The gameplay was very unique, there are a number of things which make the multiplayer different from anything I've ever played before. In the controls your character feels as if they have "weight" to them kind of like GRAW single player. It is somewhat slower than your typical Halo/COD2 type first person shooter but it has a very good flow to it. Unlike any other game i've played the cover system is very intuitive and for the first time in a multiplayer game I actually found myself using the cover frequently rather than seeing it as a "cool gimmick". Its easy to switch in and out of cover and I found I didn't feel as "stuck" on walls as I felt I did in games like PDZ. In addition characters seem to have a greater damage threshold than in many fps games. Unlike alot of fps like COD2 in my opinion where its more just a game of "who fires first wins" GOW makes strategy such as positioning actually play a factor. It makes the matches somewhat longer than they would be typically, in a good way.

On to the weapons, like I stated above characters take alot more shots than on your everyday shooter. The standard-weapon automatic/chainsaw rifle takes about a clip to kill an enemy. The shotgun typically takes 2-4 shots depending on their placement(I might have always been slightly off but it seemed to me you could not get 1 shot kills with the shotgun). The Sniper Rifle can only fire 1 shot per reload and only gets 1 shot kills with a headshot. I didnt have too much luck with the grenade launcher type weapon and didn't really use the grenades or handguns so I cant give you anything on those. With the way how the shotguns and sniper rifles work it looks like only the real crackshots will use sniper-rifles. Yes unlike in COD2 the games will not consist of almost all snipers and shotgunners, but primarily rifleman with a few non-standard weapon "specialists". Personnally I liked how the setup of these weapons seemed to make the matches longer and the relatively small weapon set in all honesty seemed more than adequate. The guns all just seem to work in a way that you dont really feel you need more.

The levels seemed to be just right in size for 4 vs 4, there were very few lapses in action. They were just large enough to allow sniping to be a viable option but offered enough cover so that snipers dont gain an overly unfair advantage. There werent really any corners where you could have your back totally protected and there were always multiple angles you could get on enemies or they could get on you. I would say this coupled with the damage system makes the 4 vs 4 seem MUCH more fulfilling for lack of a better word than it is in any other game ive played.

Personally I loved the game and am more excited about it than I was before playing....

First off, I did not notice any framerate hiccups at all in either Single or Multiplayer. Ran smooth as butter. Nobody got to play single, just watch on the screen to get an idea of what GOW is all about. The cutscene on the big screen looked like CGi practically and when it switched to real time, people started yelling and clapping. WOW, is the first thing I said. The lighting, water, character models etc look amazing. BTW, I didnt notice any jaggies. GOW looks better in person than it ever has behind a computer.

The game is very fast paced despite what the videos might lead you think. Holding A will make you run and if head in the direction of an object you will automatically cover. Pulling the trigger while in cover without holding the left trigger will make you shoot without aiming. Characters move gracefully and fast. Gunfights are pretty intense and people don't stay behind cover as much as you think. The controls are flawless, after seconds, I was already used to it.

The game is brutal, I saw people cut in half, blown in half, head crushed on the ground via curb stomp and Blown in peices. The sound is awesome, the characters talk during battle and sometimes scream while shooting, rambo style.

I went 2-0, chainsawing my first opponent who was busy having a shootout with my teammate as I crept up from behind and split him in half. My second opponent I curb stomped after he was on all fours.

GOW felt refreshing. The cover system, revival system, melee's, shooting, hectic multiplayer and amazing design bring me to the conclusion that GOW will live up to the hype. I will admit, before playing it, I was starting to get a little skeptical after watching the videos, but now, November cant come soon enough.
Random Gears of War multiplayer impressions from the Match Made In Hell event by several posters

That sounds like multiplayer mayhem. I am glad to hear that chainsawing isn't that effective - I was kind of anxious that it'd be too easy to saw an enemy. The reload timing is a neat feature in my opinion and if you're in a tight spot can make all the difference between killing and getting killed.
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