Best Graphic EVER [Full Gears of War Vids]

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He countered recent stories that Gear of War lasts for 10 hours, “Someone said that at TGS but they were wrong. If you’re on the development team and you’ve played it 30 times then sure, you can get through it in ten hours but for first time players it’s going to be at least 12 hours.â€￾
am i the only one who finds this funny ( i believe hes serious as well, which makes it 20% more funny )
what UE3 driven games are coming to the ps3 (the wiki doesnt list them), i believe ut2007
Rein's just pisst of because they go to all this trouble to make UE3.0 work like a charm on PS3 then see that most PS3 developers are making there own engine. 360 developers on the other hand are eating UE3.0 for breakfast.

I think he's rich and doesn't really have a bone to pick with either system. It seems fame goes to some developer's heads (note Kutaragi-san). Although maybe this just goes to show that ******s don't only lurk on B3D forums :D
I wonder why UE3 wouldn't work so good on PS3? Bandwidth? That's all I can readily think of.

Sigh, I want UT2K7 bad! Will be nice to possibly compare versions as well.

Super awesome new Gears spy multiplayer video from X06 btw. Must see because some new characters and area (at least too me).

I didn't notice one streaming hitch in this vid. The multi-threaded renderer must be fully operational and polished in this segment for public consumption. As it should, since the game is barely a month away.
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Actually he didn't say they'd developed for X360 or Wii. He said they tinkered with the devkits which is nothing unusual since the they had also Xbox Kits while working on Rebel Strike. He said that Sony, however, proved to be the most supportive / offered the best deal, so they went with them.

I didn't claim they developed for X360 - just that they had actual hardware, which was in reply to the post I quoted (expletive).
That does look great. It's pretty weird but it visually looks quit different compared to those other recent vids. Probably because this is direct feed.
:LOL: Does he stuff the grenade in his armour or something? The sniper shot was great. Where's teh UT announcer?!
I just watch the video where Marcus is in the helicoptor talking to those guys and my god the voice acting is downright HORRIBLE. It's the same when they are talking to that Hoffman guy on the ground. :oops:
I just watch the video where Marcus is in the helicoptor talking to those guys and my god the voice acting is downright HORRIBLE. It's the same when they are talking to that Hoffman guy on the ground. :oops:

I thought the voice acting was pretty decent... Hardknock thanks for that clip, GOW is looking great and the frame rate is leaps and bound better than E3.
I'll probably never play more than 2 levels of single player... this multiplayer on Live is where it's at... this may rival Halo 2 for the most online play on a console.... (obviously not in pure numbers but relative to install base)

looks sweet
That looks really nice. Does somebody have a clue if the two factions have different weapons in multi-player? That'd be awesome, because you had to choose different tactics with each side.

alleged partial list... (not complete)

COG weapons

Rocket Launcher, Shotgun, Lancer (assault rifle with chainsaw bayonet), Longshot (sniper rifle)Snub pistol, Frag Grenades, Smoke Grenades, Flash Grenades.

Locust weapons

Hammerburst, Boomshot (basically the equivalent of a brute shot, except when shot, the one grenade splits into multiple grenades), Bologrenade, Torque bow (Crossbow that shoots remotely detonated arrows, The longer you hold down the aim button, a reticule bends from a wide arc into a straight line, as if you were pulling a bow string taught. A short pull will allow you to shoot arrows into the air that drop down into enemy flesh; a long pull will produce a devastating shot that, if landed, would cause the afflicted to explode).

Unknown faction but confirmed weapons

Hammer of Dawn (satellite beam weapon that you can not only call in but also drag around once the beam hits so you can chase your foes around with it.), Gatling Gun, Gnasher.
MY point is that video games in general have crappy voice acting and dialogue, compared to other video games this is excellent imo, compared to a movie, not so much.

Well, in general, video games do have poor voice acting, but I felt both the dialogue and voice acting were sub par. Relative to what? Well, MGS, Halo, Half-Life 2, EverQuest 2, hell even the original Command and Conquer. Yeah, compared to Spanish Soap operas, they're acting is still bad, but GoW delivery was really wooden (as was the dialogue) but atleast some extra acting could have made the dialogue more interesting. As an example, Jen Taylor as Cortana made treknobabble lines atleast marginally interesting. GTA and Saint's Row also demonstrate more interesting acting skills then trying to sound raspy and gruff.

GoW's dialogue sounds like it was written by the English equivalent of the guy who wrote the intro for ZeroWing. So please, don't try to tell me it's "about the same" as HL2 or MGS or Halo. Not only do Alex, Dr Kleiner, et al blow away GoW, but even the supporting NPCs blow it away (remember the Russian priest? Or even the people are who oppressed and scared in City 13?)

GoW looks like they spent 99% of resources on graphics, and precious little time on the script and dialogue, probably as an afterthought to the game design. I'm betting GoW started out as a UE3 tech demo that metamorphed into a game.
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