Best Graphic EVER [Full Gears of War Vids]

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Much to debate here.
Maybe you've read something I haven't in regards to poly counts, but even with the big, bulky armor on the GoW characters, it's hard to see ninja gaiden coming in higher. Again, I haven't read anything about NG poly counts, so if I'm wrong, shoot me. I also haven't personally seen anything that would lead me to believe it has sharper textures than GoW.

It's probably safe to say the NGS uses more polygons for characters than GOW but since GOW is heavly normal mapping to make up for detail(which is the point of the whole thing.) most people don't care. I'm sure that there are people who would take 5-15,000 character in GOW over an 60-80,000 poly character from DOA4. Polygons alone probably won't cut it anymore and DOA4 proves it.
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Great, and I assume all these games will be out before GOW.

Look, noone says that GOW beats every game out there in every single feature, no game will ever do that, and for sure not games that are far far away from release. Of course GOW will be beat by future games, hell it is beaten even by Kameo, a launch game, if we are going to compare characters on screen.

Ironically, your list might help GOWs case in that it looks so great. You have to compare it to so many games and from so different genres to make your point and a simlar list could be done for every single game out there and most games would not have to be comared to so many games either. And the other thing it might not have one single feature that is better than another game, but it is doing so many things so great at the same time, so the general consencus make it look awesome, even if it is not beating a single game with any of its features, it still looks better than almost anything out there...

the only reason i posted this was coz some people give me the impression that Gears pwns everything else in every one of those case. this thread should alter its name or the fire would spread endlessly.
I just saw this posted on e-mpire:

Epic Games VP Mark Rein Tries To Ridicule PS3 At London GDC

October 3, 2006

GDC London: Epic's Rein - 'Next-Gen Starts When I Say So'

GDC London: Epic's Rein - 'Next-Gen Starts When I Say So' The ever-entertaining Epic Games VP Mark Rein, sassing "Don't take my picture!" at the photo-hungry crowd before the start of his GDC London talk on Unreal Engine 3 and Gears Of War, was bombastic as usual, commenting of the imminent debut of the X360 title: "Sony says the next generation starts when they say so - bullshit!" He also opined that Gears, as a second-gen Xbox 360 title is likely to look better than PS3 launch titles.

As Gears Of War ends, Rein explains that the concentration is changing to making the Unreal Engine 3 engine for PlayStation 3 better. He notes: "We have a couple of worried customers" regarding the PlayStation 3 and UE3, who are asking: "How are we going to get it to perform as well as the Xbox 360"? But this is now what Epic is concentrating on, as it moves toward the completion of Unreal Tournament 2007 "some time in 2007."

meh... just an opinion on his game versus launch titles. I don't see anything newsworthy about what he said. Clearly they've had a huge focus on Gears of War as a total platform exclusive while they're more worried about the PC sector with UT2k7.
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Oh and a final note to someone who neg-repped me for saying that Lair isn't possible on 360 - Factor 5 prides themselves in making games that take advantage of a system's unique capabilities. As I mentioned, the 360 certainly has its own strengths and if Factor 5 were to exclusively target the 360, then I'm certain they could create a technically impressive game for that platform too. Just not this one.

To be fair though, Factor 5 is basically a 1st party at this point aren't they? I wouldnt consider their commentary on what can and cant be done on the 360 particularly valid, especially since they probably dont have any 360s.

It's kinda like the MS guy talking up GoW...
From what I can tell, Factor 5 is more like BioWare. They're not owned by Sony, but they've chosen to focus on one platform for each title; they just happen to have gotten a good publishing deal with Sony.
From what I can tell, Factor 5 is more like BioWare. They're not owned by Sony, but they've chosen to focus on one platform for each title; they just happen to have gotten a good publishing deal with Sony.

EDIT: Published by Sony though with no 360 projects planned? :???:
One project at a time I suppose. ;) It is worth noting that they've been involved with XNA.
To be fair though, Factor 5 is basically a 1st party at this point aren't they? I wouldnt consider their commentary on what can and cant be done on the 360 particularly valid, especially since they probably dont have any 360s.

It's kinda like the MS guy talking up GoW...

I'm pretty sure Julian Eggebrecht (or how you write his name anyway) stated in the last interview that they have worked on both Wii and Xbox360. He also reiterate that point by describing what the Wii is and how development compares to what they did on the GameCube. I won't really comment on how credible and objective his statements are though - but lets face it; every developer even 3rd parties have their personal preference and bias. It's really up to us readers to distinguish factual information from personal opinion, regardless who the information comes from.
here is another article from next-gen-biz.
Most important for me is that he speaks also for the lenght of the game.

Pimping Gears of War at GDC London today he told an audience of developers, ”Sony says the next generation starts when they say so. I say, that’s bullshit. Gears of War is the first second-generation game for Xbox 360 and it looks very fine. You will never see launch titles that look this good.”

He countered recent stories that Gear of War lasts for 10 hours, “Someone said that at TGS but they were wrong. If you’re on the development team and you’ve played it 30 times then sure, you can get through it in ten hours but for first time players it’s going to be at least 12 hours.”

He added, “We’ve shown this game quite a few times but we are trying to counteract all the hype now because we want people to know there is a lot in there that hasn’t been seen before. People will get this home and find a lot of surprises.”
I'm pretty sure Julian Eggebrecht (or how you write his name anyway) stated in the last interview that they have worked on both Wii and Xbox360. He also reiterate that point by describing what the Wii is and how development compares to what they did on the GameCube. I won't really comment on how credible and objective his statements are though - but lets face it; every developer even 3rd parties have their personal preference and bias. It's really up to us readers to distinguish factual information from personal opinion, regardless who the information comes from.

Actually he didn't say they'd developed for X360 or Wii. He said they tinkered with the devkits which is nothing unusual since the they had also Xbox Kits while working on Rebel Strike. He said that Sony, however, proved to be the most supportive / offered the best deal, so they went with them.
I think of Gears as a first gen game... I'm sure Epics next x360 exclusive game will be really a second generation game and so on and so forth... Like wise PGR4 will be a second generation game...
Oh and a final note to someone who neg-repped me for saying that Lair isn't possible on 360 - Factor 5 prides themselves in making games that take advantage of a system's unique capabilities. As I mentioned, the 360 certainly has its own strengths and if Factor 5 were to exclusively target the 360, then I'm certain they could create a technically impressive game for that platform too. Just not this one.

If you think I'm way off base in claiming that, then well, I think I'm in good company - some of the best developers pride themselves in getting the most out of their target platform. If you think I deserve to be neg-repped for that, even though I did my best to bring that discussion back to the Lair thread where it belonged and keep the focus on Gears of War here, fine. But I'm not impressed.

I'm looking forward to Gears of War, and hope that it's a good game. I've already expressed my admiration for several aspects of this game. Let me add that I like the shadow that the main character throws on the environments. In general, the 3rd person / over the shoulder view, while maybe not innovative, is used in a powerful and effective way, with a good use of camera to boot. I'm sure the game will have a fair bit of surprises yet and I'm looking forward to reading the final reviews and who knows one day being able to try out the game myself and see how it looks first-hand. Can you believe that most shops here still have the 360 hooked up to a tiny SD-TV? :oops:

Imo at gfx level GoW looks waaay better. Even if LAIR in current form couldn't be done on X360 doesn't meant anything. Just for exemple lets say that dev A is making a game for X360 and in interview we read :

" we r using such techs like memexport, cahce locking, 4Xaa with HDR and in current form it can't be done on anything else only on X360"

it still dosen't mean X360 is far superior to PS3, but it's true. So i agree LAIR couldn't be done on X360 same way like GT4 couldn't be done on xbox as it is.
Oh and a final note to someone who neg-repped me for saying that Lair isn't possible on 360 - Factor 5 prides themselves in making games that take advantage of a system's unique capabilities. As I mentioned, the 360 certainly has its own strengths and if Factor 5 were to exclusively target the 360, then I'm certain they could create a technically impressive game for that platform too. Just not this one.

If you think I'm way off base in claiming that, then well, I think I'm in good company - some of the best developers pride themselves in getting the most out of their target platform. If you think I deserve to be neg-repped for that, even though I did my best to bring that discussion back to the Lair thread where it belonged and keep the focus on Gears of War here, fine. But I'm not impressed.

Listen, the problem is that you can't cite any facts or arguments to support that claim, other than 'Factor 5 said so'. What we've seen so far certainly doesn't look impossible, not even on a midrange DX9 PC, so taking their word for it at this point just won't be enough.

The neg rep is a bit too much though.
Listen, the problem is that you can't cite any facts or arguments to support that claim, other than 'Factor 5 said so'. What we've seen so far certainly doesn't look impossible, not even on a midrange DX9 PC, so taking their word for it at this point just won't be enough.

I appreciate your comments on the neg-rep being uncalled for, but do you really think it's a good idea to keep debating Lair in this thread?
The bland lighting and overall art design in Lair make it so ugly to me I can't objectively tell whether or not it's very technically impressive. It's just... UGLY whatever else it might have going in its favor.

I certainly wouldn't consider one of the top showcases for the PS3. Gears definitely looks better than Lair as things stand.
Rein's just pisst of because they go to all this trouble to make UE3.0 work like a charm on PS3 then see that most PS3 developers are making there own engine. 360 developers on the other hand are eating UE3.0 for breakfast.
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