Best Graphic EVER [Full Gears of War Vids]

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Likewise no multi-threaded Xbox 360 title could be done in the PS3 "in its current form". The current form debate could be used for any game.

I guess the question, overall, is Liar doing stuff technically that the 360 a.) cannot do and b.) cannot do at the same fidelity.

Overall, stealing a page from nAo and Fran, the fact developers have not seen anything yet in Crysis that is beyond either of the consoles, I have a hard time believing Lair is so much out of bounds. But it doesn't really matter because Lair is a PS3 exclusive and designed for the PS3 and based on Julians PR it should absolutely blow everything out of the water.

Anyhow, no point in the console x vs. console y discussion. Lair definately is NOT the "best looking game" shown thus far -- not by a long shot.

My vote: Trusty Bell or Team Fortress 2. Best graphics, imo, is art and technology combo. Gears looks good (as do many UE3 games), but the former titles use the technology available right now in a way that really matches their art to produce a killer effect. I feel like I am watching a cartoon. Gears et al, as nice as they may be, have yet to decieve me into believing I am watching real CGI. The closest game to do that thus far is the Halo 3 trailer, which I am certain the moment we get into a game situation with game-animation and cameras we will see the MGS effect.

So my money is on TF2 and Trusty Bell. Absolutely beautiful games.

Yep. That's the guy's point from Factor 5. I like your choices for best looking game, but for me there are just too many darn great looking games to choose. I could say games like Bioshock, Mass Effect, MGS4, White Knight, Motorstorm, etc.

There's just too many to choose from.
Multiplayer, incidentally, also seems to be limited to 8 players ...

seems more like a design decision rather than a "limitation".

this type of game is better suited to a manageable 4v4 to give that intimate feeling and allow taking cover and shooting and melee-ing.

I'm glad it's 8 for the style of game.
Yep. That's the guy's point from Factor 5. I like your choices for best looking game, but for me there are just too many darn great looking games to choose. I could say games like Bioshock, Mass Effect, MGS4, White Knight, Motorstorm, etc.

There's just too many to choose from.

Actually in 2006 your choices are quite limited.
ok true, but keep in mind that statements like that are opinion based and can't be conclusive. There will always be someone to argue the opposite. In many peoples opinion GoW is the best looking game they have ever seen. nothing wrong with saying that...
Which I thought I had covered already in...

So if you were confusing my point, I'll reiterate, GOW is a great looking game. It's one of the top titles so far for next-gen. In creating it's look, working the available resources for it's style and scope, it does a stellar job. But I don't think it's better than all other games because other games have different technical demands and have spent the resources differently. I also have no problem with some people subjectively ranking this their favourite looking game. I only asked to see if those people were being subjective or objective (and if the latter, what their criteria was).


Definitely. I'd just like to know what it is the majority who agree are agreeing upon ;) For me, I couldn't say whether LocoRoco is the best looking PSP game or Tekken is. Both look good, but in very different ways. Likewise for me, GOW isn't the best looking next-gen title. It's a great looking title in different ways to other great looking titles. I don't mind at all if some people rate GOW the best-looking next-gen title - I'd just like to know how they come to that decision.

Scooby said:
Shifty, with all due respect this debate is silly. A game should be judged on graphical fidelity alone, who cares about scope? It seems like a thinly veiled attempt to rationalize why Resistance is somehow comparable to Gears
Hold your horses there. Where on earth was I comparing GOW to R:FoM? Nowhere. Man, it's amazing how many people miss the argument! My whole point is that there is no one best looking game, at least objectively speaking, unless you want to go into an intense technical dissection. There are different games with different looks that do well in different areas. One game looks great because it has loads of details. Another looks great because it has so much going on. A third looks great because the art-direction is so fantastic. A fourth looks great because of the animation. If you have those four titles side by side, how do you decide which is the best looking? Personal preference.

If we judged by scope, than COD2 was would be the best lookin 360 launch title, but it wasn't. More 'limited' games like Condemned, Kameo, DOA4 etc take that crown.
According to the way you measure best looking.

Ah, this is daft. Rangers said GOW beat all games, and I just asked what he was measuring. Answer is, personal preference. Which I've no complaint with (I'll repeat that for like the fourth time because some people seem to miss that point!). Just on a technical forum when someone says 'this game is better looking than that game' I'd expect at least for them to be able to qualify that statement either by a reference to the technical aspects they prefer, or to the fact it's the artistic merits that appeal to them. If Rangers had said 'I like the look of GOW over all the games out there' instead of 'GOW is better' then there wouldn't have been any discussion!
But Lair could be done in a different way. The keywords from that guy were "current form".

exactly... he was talking about the way it is designed around the spe's. Certainly it would/could be done on 360 but it would have to have been created in an entirely different way.
I'm glad it's 8 for the style of game.

Yeah, more isn't always better in MP. Some, yes, others no. A tactical pop and shoot FPS should do well with small, team oriented MP if the maps are designed well enough to accomodate such. My guess is you can do a lot of testing and fine adjustments to a 4v4 game to get a better feel than, say, 32v32 (esp if you toss in vehicles).
Which I thought I had covered already in...

So if you were confusing my point, I'll reiterate, GOW is a great looking game. It's one of the top titles so far for next-gen. In creating it's look, working the available resources for it's style and scope, it does a stellar job. But I don't think it's better than all other games because other games have different technical demands and have spent the resources differently. I also have no problem with some people subjectively ranking this their favourite looking game. I only asked to see if those people were being subjective or objective (and if the latter, what their criteria was).


Definitely. I'd just like to know what it is the majority who agree are agreeing upon ;) For me, I couldn't say whether LocoRoco is the best looking PSP game or Tekken is. Both look good, but in very different ways. Likewise for me, GOW isn't the best looking next-gen title. It's a great looking title in different ways to other great looking titles. I don't mind at all if some people rate GOW the best-looking next-gen title - I'd just like to know how they come to that decision.

Hold your horses there. Where on earth was I comparing GOW to R:FoM? Nowhere. Man, it's amazing how many people miss the argument! My whole point is that there is no one best looking game, at least objectively speaking, unless you want to go into an intense technical dissection. There are different games with different looks that do well in different areas. One game looks great because it has loads of details. Another looks great because it has so much going on. A third looks great because the art-direction is so fantastic. A fourth looks great because of the animation. If you have those four titles side by side, how do you decide which is the best looking? Personal preference.

According to the way you measure best looking.

Ah, this is daft. Rangers said GOW beat all games, and I just asked what he was measuring. Answer is, personal preference. Which I've no complaint with (I'll repeat that for like the fourth time because some people seem to miss that point!). Just on a technical forum when someone says 'this game is better looking than that game' I'd expect at least for them to be able to qualify that statement either by a reference to the technical aspects they prefer, or to the fact it's the artistic merits that appeal to them. If Rangers had said 'I like the look of GOW over all the games out there' instead of 'GOW is better' then there wouldn't have been any discussion!

I didn't really mean you were making the rationalizations, others certainly are. But I do think you're over analysing what should be a fairly simple statement. I mean, at the end of the year, chances are GOW will widely regarded as having set the bar graphically. Is there anything that really compares?

As I said, there is such a thing as a general consensus, for example it was a general consensus that FN3 was the best loooking 360 title when it came out, as I beleive it's fairly obvious that Gears will be end up being regarded as the best looking title this holiday.
Pure graphically this game is definately one of the best yet but there are obvious flaws in the game which I but also many others already pointed out. I think visually(graphics, effects..the full picture) there are quit a bit of other games contending. More importantly..the recent (positive perception) people have about the PS3 won't be changed by this game.
The best using the UE 3.0 engine yes.

:p Hey dont be misquoting or attempting to "fix" my post! I never said anything about UE... these represent the best PERIOD... only on B3d do people care about what engine something's running on so that they know how good to rank it... :devilish: :D
Maybe some people don't like the art-direction, maybe not the gameplay, but technically it is already quite a marvel, and if the 360 is ever able to manage something like this, it sure as heck is not going to be easy.

Please explain to me (in PM if you don't want to hijack the thread any further) what you believe to be so marvelous about Lair. The fake translucency effect? The totally unrealistic water? The lowpoly dragons, the lowres texures? I really can't see it...
Of games so far unreleased, I think Project Offset has them all beat. I look at the tech demos and "gameplay" clips from it and it makes me think of those commercials for game developer schools that are made by people that think the technology is far in advance of where it actually is. Or movie representations of video games.

On that note, I found it rather funny that they had a game engine more advanced than UE3 in the movie "Stay Alive", and that "CliffyB" was listed as a game consultant in the credits. What was even funnier was that we were supposed to believe that it could run on a PS2. And be cross-networked with PCs. And that voice recognition was "next gen technology". (I guess Cliffy B didn't tell them about UT2004.)
Just because Gears is the best looking game that will be released this year is no indication of any platform superiority anyways, since we're comparing 2nd gen 360 games to PS3 launch titles.

sure, you're entitled to your opinion (no, bolding it and underlining it does not make it a fact).
funny though, you read only what you wanted to read in my post, which, in its full, was:

can we get a rule in this forum in the sense that every thread created with the sole purpose to imply a platform's supperiority, or otherwise one created in an apparent outburst of fanboiusm, got automaitcally locked, and the author sent on a vacation from this board? that could really save forum space and bandwidth, and generally improve the SNR of this forum.

which, low and behold, was a rant against fainboism per se, and the recent on-slaught of it we're seeing on these boards.

Anyone who thinks this is a sign of platform superiority is an idiot to begin with.

yes, and anyone who thinks this thead was initiated (and named accordingly) out of purly objective, impartial observations is an idiot squared. your point being?

It's funny how many people can't give Gears the credit it deserves..

and by credit you mean announcing it as the 'best visuals EVER' - heh, you're darn funny, scooby.

..because they are so invested in 'protecting' their favourite console.

yes! that must be the sole reason for not admiting GoW's world dimination! my, scooby, you figured it all out! ok, let's see - GoW has the best landscape visuals, the most overall convncing photo-realistic reproduction of real-life materials, and the best natural motion biped animations... wait, what am i saying, it has none of those... my oh, my, so how are we gonna anounce it for 'best ever', scooby will accuse us of ill partiality again.. oh, dear.
Don't worry Darkblu, I know that if it's not on a Sony or Nintendo platform you're not interested anyways, so I won't get into a long drawn out debate with you about it. Surely you can see that people have been ragging on GOW since it's very inception, first it was framerate, then animations, now it's lack of many characters on screen. Yes, many people here just won't give it the credit it deserves, that's a fact.

As the whitehouse is so fond of saying...lets let history decide! Uggh...I feel dirty now.

Eurogamer seems to agree with me/us btw:
The scenery, the explosive effects, the details levels are simply beyond anything anyone's managed to pull off so far,

(cue the 'eurogamers unbiased opinion is not any more meaningful than mine' argument...)
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Please explain to me (in PM if you don't want to hijack the thread any further) what you believe to be so marvelous about Lair. The fake translucency effect? The totally unrealistic water? The lowpoly dragons, the lowres texures? I really can't see it...

WOW! Laa-Yosh how in the heck did you get so many blue blocks?
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