BBC's "The Office"


Professional Malcontent
The wife and I watched the first disc of it this past weekend.

I'm drawn to it, but at the same time repulsed.

There definately are very funny parts, and the writing is many times brilliant.

But other times its painful and irritating. They dwell on the boss so much (who's painful and irritating), and leave me wanting more of the interaction, rather than him repeating his stupid catchphrases.

Comments? Does it get better?

(p.s. no politics, please)
If you don't like it already, you probably never will - especially if you're finding the boss painful (which is the whole point) and irritating already. I love the show, but I know a lot of people don't.
Legion said:
what is the intent of the show?
Its somewhat of a mock-u-mentory of one boss and his paper products sales office.

Personally, I think the mockumentory part of it gets in the way of the writing. Sometimes its like watching the parts of big brother that got edited out.

But othertimes is pretty f'n funny.
im getting the office soon from netflix. A little off topic, but how good is the show the kumars on 42nd street. I think thats the name of the show.

RussSchultz said:
Comments? Does it get better?

I suppose to be precise you could say it gets more excruciating - David Brent (the manager) gets more and more off the wall. Although it was incredibly popular here in the UK, I was never really all that bothered with it myself. I saw the odd episode and thought it was OK but didn't feel the urge to tune in each week.

Now, if you want some really top-notch British comedy, I'd try "Peter Kay's Phoenix Nights".
epicstruggle said:
im getting the office soon from netflix. A little off topic, but how good is the show the kumars on 42nd street. I think thats the name of the show.

The actual title is "The Kumars at No. 42" - we don't call street names by numbers here in the UK! ;)

Once again, I never saw this very often but it did get good reviews. It's actually a chat show but the interviewers are the peculiar 'Kumar family' who all interact with the guests. Therefore it could probably be described as a chat show/sitcom.
The Office is 100000 times funnier if you have worked in a british office. I can totally relate to the management speak used and the sheer amount of subtle under tones that are in seemingly every day interactions. Its not obviously funny because it has no canned laughter etc.. its more of a humerous reflection of british life.

The Kumars is hilarious, featuring some of the people that made Goodness Gracious Me so funny.. The best comedies on briths tv at the mo have to be Coupling and Never Mind the Buzzcocks. Coupling is a must see for anyone.
I can't get on with The Office. It's too painful to watch as I've worked with people like that. It's one of those things that you either find funny because it is so painful, or irritating for the same reason.
Mariner said:
Coupling is a must see for anyone.

Strange really, as the couple of episodes I've seen were bollocks! I've got a few friends who like it but just can't see why myself...

But the welsh guy! With quotes like "I had my head trapped in the photocopier and trying to get free I was shakin my arse and photocopying my head. I didn't know if people were watching my arse and laughing at my head. Arses weren't supposed to be shown, otherwise we wouldnt sit on them, they're the root of all evil"

Theres the time he tried to convince a girl he had one leg to date her, and said she "has nice ears, reeeally nice.." and that "i like ears, not in a bad way, im not some mad ear collector.. with a jar of ears"
Mariner said:
Coupling is a must see for anyone.

Strange really, as the couple of episodes I've seen were bollocks! I've got a few friends who like it but just can't see why myself...

I thought it was so-so, with good moments here and there but it grew on me a bit so much so I could actually stick with it if I happened to zap by. The setup and dialouge doesn't exactly strike me as natural. Not that any sitcom is natural in that sense, but there is more of a stage feel or something, I don't know. Takes a bit of getting used to anyway, just like Curb Your Enthusiasm with the improv-style dialogue and cam-corder-like feel.

I happened to see the american Coupling remake the other night anyhow, and o-m-g the suckage of it all... Sucked even worse than the american remake of 'Men behaving badly'. That's a lot of sucking!
Personally (and i'm in the UK) i prefer US comedy fiction, with some exceptions. Here i get the most fun of chat shows, which are hilarious, but not brit fiction...
sytaylor said:
The Office is 100000 times funnier if you have worked in a british office. I can totally relate to the management speak used and the sheer amount of subtle under tones that are in seemingly every day interactions. Its not obviously funny because it has no canned laughter etc.. its more of a humerous reflection of british life.

The Kumars is hilarious, featuring some of the people that made Goodness Gracious Me so funny.. The best comedies on briths tv at the mo have to be Coupling and Never Mind the Buzzcocks. Coupling is a must see for anyone.

exactly, if you worked in a British office helps...

for Kumars... Indian jokes - IMHO Goodness Gracious Me was better but it's still good, as for Coupling - yesterday's show -
While we're on the subject of British comedy, did anyone else here watch the first series of Peepshow which was on Channel 4 towards the end of last year? I thought it was hilarious and can't wait to get the DVD.
Mariner said:
While we're on the subject of British comedy, did anyone else here watch the first series of Peepshow which was on Channel 4 towards the end of last year? I thought it was hilarious and can't wait to get the DVD.

I absolutely hated it. I found it at times disturbing. Serious.