That reminds me.. I need to check out those challenges again from the first game. I mainly only did the stealth-action ones since I could never quite get super combos. I hope that's something they were tracking from the first game - # of people who actually got high combos, # of people who played X-challenge...
Always felt they should have alternate costume selection for replayability, especially since they are borrowing from a number of comic iterations and not just one.
Well he is Ike Turner ...overreacting...much?
Yeah the AA was/is awesome (still have to finish it!).but I'm getting tired of shittty game trailers done on consoles even though the game is also PC bound. Same for shitty in-game FMV cinematics (in Batman: AA and Mass Effect...) that are obviously recorded console footage and look like shit compared to the actual game (when playd on a PC).
Goes both ways. Most often you see PC footage of a game trailer and people go 'pff PC version console versions will suck in comparison anyways'. Now that they finally show console version in the trailer people want to be deceived by PC footage.. lol
Fixed it for ya..And, unfortunately I don't think we'll see game based on the 60s tv-series, which is far and away the best realisation of the Batman franchise - it would have to be by a really talented AAA dev though otherwise it'll prob just end up half assed.
AzBat said:Anybody see the new trailer?
<a href="">YouTube Link</a>
I'm in love. LOL
Will be interesting to see if Chris Nolan's Catwoman is any better. Looks like he might have his cut out for him.
Tommy McClain