Mendel said:Ratchet said:What do you mean? When things get competitive? I think the 6800GT and X800XL users out there would disagree.Mendel said:there are no winners in graphics industry when things get like they are now...
Well, last time I checked (when I bought my 6800GT) Ati cards were nowhere to be seen, not in this country anyways and Nvidia offerings were hugely expensive so I had to almost sell my aunt and uncle to get this thing...
But thats not what I meant, I meant the mudslinging contest that is bound to follow. I meant the apparent unprofessionalism. I meant the funds put to pr bullshit vs engineering products. If they start to hire as unmature and unprofessional employees to their engineering departments as they apparently do to their pr departments, I don't think we will ever see another working product from either company.
Eurooppalaiset maksaa tuotantokulut. Jenkeissä kilpailu on liian kovaa, eikä kukaan halua kotimarkkinoitaan kiusata vittumaisilla hinnoilla. Piirejä ei voida viedä eteenpäin kun nykyisiäkään ei meinata saada toimivana tarpeeksi ulos, puhumattakaan että uusille ominaisuuksille, vaikka niitä voitaisiinkin toteuttaa raudalla, ei ole rajapintatukea tiedossa ennen longhornia. Joten, ainut vaihtoehto on hyökätä kilpailijan kimppuun jotenkin muuten.
and it is just same in english, och samma på svenska.
EDIT: I'll posted cleaned up english abstract of this text below.