Assassins Creed GAMEPLAY Trailer

Looks quite nice. :)

I heard that the game is freeroam type which is welcomed news because I was wondering that..this game should be pretty damn good. :)
Incredible. One of the most impressive displays of next gen I've seen yet!

I did notice one stupid thing though, when you were "blending in" with the Monks, which worked so well, nobody had enough memory to remember you just clamored down from a building spiderman style 5 seconds ago? Oh well, it is a game after all.

I will throw the youube link up as the easiest way to quick watch the trailer for the lazy:
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Assassins Creed and Heavenly Sword are my type of games. So they are my top 2 favorites for nextgen showcases. I really like the moderated look (everything look normal and realistic, which should be the case)... but I'm hoping the hood is not a permanent fixture.

The others being MotorStorm (for all the bounces and jerks), Gears of War (for the pretty color, ambience and details), and Eye of Judgement (for EyeToy). Resistance: Fall of Men is a wild card (I believe it's really really good, but I also think I will appreciate it only after playing it). One of the racers is possible too but I need to see it for real before deciding (F1, GT HD:premium or RR7 may be ?)
Very impressive work from Ubi. The crowd system looks really interesting and Altair moves so, so well when performing acrobatics.
Very nice. I like the lighting. That's convincing. Animation is pretty good. I like the idea of the reaslitic sword fight (I'm seeing similarities here between this and WKS - lighting, animation, fight-style...) is something I'm keen for, with one hit deaths. Overall, high calibre stuff.
Very nice. I like the lighting. That's convincing. Animation is pretty good. I like the idea of the reaslitic sword fight (I'm seeing similarities here between this and WKS - lighting, animation, fight-style...) is something I'm keen for, with one hit deaths. Overall, high calibre stuff.

Yep, this is definitely a high profile titles. I am really amazed by the "social" stealth. That's really a cool idea. Also creating barricades is very innovative. "Realistic" fights are kind of a requirement, if you don't want the game to end up as a free-for-all killing spree. It's an important part of the gameplay to not rush in head-first, but to blend in and slowly approach your target. Another thing is kind of liked is that people realized that the game character is climbing walls, etc. That's definitely a next-gen gameplay aspect to me.
They need to make the AI more aggressive however, they don't work together at all. It would be damn nice if they actually attacked together, one from behind while the player tries to defend himself from the otherside. I know it would make the game extremely hard but it kinda loses the appeal when you see guards standing there doing nothing..
There were limits with AI, but you have to factor in gameplay too. With 5 or 6 soldiers, if they worked together you'd be dead! No getting around it. So they have to be dumbed down to give the player a fighting chance. Similarly the crowd AI was pretty thick. If you push people around, sooner or later someone's going to take a swing at you, and then I expect a load of others would jump in and give a duffing. Then in the acrobatics, that's not entirely realistic either. A modicum of realism has to be subdued to make for an actual game!
There were limits with AI, but you have to factor in gameplay too. With 5 or 6 soldiers, if they worked together you'd be dead! No getting around it. So they have to be dumbed down to give the player a fighting chance. Similarly the crowd AI was pretty thick. If you push people around, sooner or later someone's going to take a swing at you, and then I expect a load of others would jump in and give a duffing. Then in the acrobatics, that's not entirely realistic either. A modicum of realism has to be subdued to make for an actual game!

Oh I agree with you there, but its still kinda lame to see guards idle around you. I'm sure it will be better in the final version but what I saw now I was extremely impressed but the fighting didn't impress me.

I was actually waiting for some of the civilians to fight back but it didn't happen. :(
The beginning of the video looked like "wow if Shadow of the Colossus could have used this technology....". Really impressive.