Anyone watched Heroes Season 3?

Heroes sucks so much. It's so cheesy, I can't stand it. Well done, another show that shouldn't have gone past its first season.
The old format of the show was much better, it worked really well. Focusing on two story lines per episode really fleshed out the entire season and it didn't feel rushed. I understand that in later seasons the characters will interact with each other more, but don't you think they could focus on just two aspects of the story lines more and more. They would have been better off making Villains its own sub season in addition to Heroes.
Well, it looks like I have to eat crow after watching this week's episode. It looks like the "good Sylar" was only a temporary thing, and he's swinging right back to evil. Makes me wonder how he's going to fit in with his father (if Petrelli actually is his father...).
Im beginning to think that
Noah could be Sylar's real father. Why because Sylar's sons name was Noah and how when those two confronted each other in the last episode.

Maybe he was trying to mess up his head but it still could be a possibility.
Well, it looks like I have to eat crow after watching this week's episode. It looks like the "good Sylar" was only a temporary thing, and he's swinging right back to evil. Makes me wonder how he's going to fit in with his father (if Petrelli actually is his father...).

How far ahead is Heroes in the US?

I watch it on BBC and last nights episode had the eclipse when everyone lost their powers. Is America much ahead of this?
How far ahead is Heroes in the US?

I watch it on BBC and last nights episode had the eclipse when everyone lost their powers. Is America much ahead of this?
Oh, no, just like one episode. Sorry, I'll put things in spoiler tags from now on.

P.S. I'm in Italy, but I just nab the shows over the Internet, so I don't have to worry about different regions getting 'em before me...I'm about 12 hours to a day late every time, of course, but I can watch at my leisure.
Well, it looks like I have to eat crow after watching this week's episode. It looks like the "good Sylar" was only a temporary thing, and he's swinging right back to evil. Makes me wonder how he's going to fit in with his father (if Petrelli actually is his father...).

It makes me wonder, because Petrelli was aware of Sylar's ability to take powers by osmosis just like himself rather than by slicing their skulls open.
It makes me wonder, because Petrelli was aware of Sylar's ability to take powers by osmosis just like himself rather than by slicing their skulls open.
But then, I would expect him to know that (if anybody would) as somebody so embroiled in The Company.
He has to work at it to get them empathically whereas when he slices them open he gets them straight away.

His power isn't the same as Arthur's as he takes the power and leaves them with nothing, Sylar, when not slicing there skulls, doesn't. (Not to mention Arthur has to touch the other person too)

That side of his power is like Peters.

I'm surprised they didn't show peter trying one of his abilities when the eclipse cleared, I guess he's going to save the World (which he is as the show is basically about him) the good old fashioned way with a gun and kevlar vest.
I'm surprised they didn't show peter trying one of his abilities when the eclipse cleared, I guess he's going to save the World (which he is as the show is basically about him) the good old fashioned way with a gun and kevlar vest.
I was, too. But because of the way Peter manifests his powers, it still remains a possibility that he has his powers back. Peter has often been slow to acquire powers, after all, except when in close proximity. He may just not have noticed.

Then again, I'm not going to hold my breath. I'm still suspecting that he'll get his powers back, but it appears that they're probably going to make it more difficult than just an eclipse.

I'm also thinking that even with Sylar going back to evil, he is actually going to have a part in saving the world.

There is one thing that annoyed me about the eclipse episodes, though. The eclipse was extremely unrealistic. That is to say, total solar eclipses are localized to quite small areas. There's not really any way that a total solar eclipse would be visible both in the jungles of Mexico and in the US. The eclipse also seemed to last far, far too long. Real eclipses last just a few minutes (the total eclipse lasts for a maximum of about 7 minutes), whereas within the show it felt like hours of darkness passed.

I don't mind them inserting all sorts of whimsical science fiction into the series, but please, when something directly references known science, get it right!
Any type of science went out the door in Season 1 Chalnoth. Now it is pure science fiction/fantasy. I only dig shows for for their stories, characters, and concepts. The Earth in Heroes is in a different universe than the one we live in lol.

But I entirely get your point. You are in the sciences, correct? If I were deeply involved in anything science little things like a super long eclispe would be a bit annoying I imagine.
Any type of science went out the door in Season 1 Chalnoth. Now it is pure science fiction/fantasy. I only dig shows for for their stories, characters, and concepts. The Earth in Heroes is in a different universe than the one we live in lol.
Which I don't mind too much for the powers. Though some aspects of them do get on my nerves a bit. Specifically with the eclipse, the poor theatrics of how it passed aside, how the hell would that have had any effect on these powers? It makes no sense! But at least Mohinder is just as flabbergasted by it as I am. They at least got that part right (so far). I just hope that the explanation they do come up with (if they do) doesn't turn out to be horrifically bad.

But I entirely get your point. You are in the sciences, correct? If I were deeply involved in anything science little things like a super long eclispe would be a bit annoying I imagine.
Well, yeah, I'm a cosmologist, which is peripherally related to astronomy.
"Fixed that for you" :p

Thanks Simon. :cool:

I wish they would explain how a meteor could prevent their powers from being used. It can't be anything like they need the sun's rays for it to work as that would mean they can't use their powers at night time.
Thanks Simon. :cool:

I wish they would explain how a meteor could prevent their powers from being used. It can't be anything like they need the sun's rays for it to work as that would mean they can't use their powers at night time. eclipse is caused by the Moon, not a meteor ;)
Surely that depends on the size of the meteor? :eek:
Hehe :) Well, not quite. Meteors have relative velocities that are too high to make for any significant eclipse. And besides, if one were close enough to blot out the Sun, even for an instant, I think I'd be more worried about impact than the fraction of a second eclipse ;)
Someone made me watch an episode of season3 the other day and I felt like gagging (I watched season1 for whatever reason)

I like superheroes as much as the next guy, but could the script and acting be any worse?

Also everytime I listen to Suresh's idiotic rambling in the openers I feel like my IQ drops a percentage point.
In short, the writers should be executed for crimes against humanity.