Anyone watched Heroes Season 3?

I saw my first episode today on the BBC ... from the discussions here I'm figuring it's one of the more recent episodes. Can't say that I liked what I've seen so far, so I don't think I'll be watching this - though if the first few seasons air at some point I may give it another shot.
Re scar...
I like that future Peter has a scar even though he has Claire's healing
I've only just watched the first two episodes (got a backlog on the DVR) but I assume "future Peter" is not Peter
I'd say 99% you are wrong.
Perhaps. I'll try to watch the next 2 episodes I have saved though I thought in "Butterfly Effect" Angela P. confirms it <shrug>... [Edit] Hmm clearly I wasn't paying enough attention last night as Wikipedia gives quite a different synopsis... sigh[/edit]
It was future Peter and it seems present Peter has forgotten all the powers he had before like being invisible, Claires healing and being able to fly.

Get over the serious plot flaws though and I'm actually enjoying this series. Don't try and make sense of it is my advise.
It doesn't make sense in its current form. At all. At least to me.

Mohinder is the biggest dissapointment this season for me so far. He's turning from a whiny, bitchy scientist who wants to help the world into a bitchy villain. Still a whiner and still boring. They should probably kill him this season.

Peter is all right to me, his story is really the only one right now that is getting significant attention in the season so it is at least fleshed out enough for me to enjoy.

There are so many times that Hiro could have gone back in time to prevent even his own mistakes that it just cracks me up that the whole time travel stuff just isn't working.

My overall feelings with this season is that it needs to be increased to a two hour show so they can at least flesh out all the stories and provide extra time to actually explain everything. Right now it feels like a rush job with too much going on. Maybe a change of format to the old style would be better, where they would focus on two key character's stories for the episode and that would be that.
It's always about Peter.

They still have conveniently forgotten 90% of the powers he has picked up in the previous seasons though.

For starters Adam cannot die, so why did future Pete die, he knew the bullet was coming after all (he could've used Adams power or Claires)
Alot of the inconsistencies already date back to Season1 (Petes scar - this couldve been explained back then that he dint meet Claire in the original timestream before Hiro intervened... now it..well.. I better dont start...)

In Season 1 you had the impression that Hiro dint had full control over his timetraveling powers and thus dint exploit it the fullest. Of course that argument wont hold for the other Seasons. It wouldve been nice if we still see Hiro/Peter having trouble with teleporting and timetraveling... its just too convienient the way it works now (how can he land spot-on on places hes never been before anyway, nevermind factoring in the earths rotation around the sun when timetraveling).

Its also pretty weird how Hiro stops time (or slowdown time to a crawl), then another guy/girl sees him and suddenly gets "unfrozen" (atleast on 2 occasions I remeber).
This series could have been great, without time travel and peter. Television writers with two deus ex machina crutches won't bother writing good stories.
Latest episode was retarded.
As crazy and immature as Hiro is, for him to step beyond a moral bound *especially* toward his own friend is just so ridiculously out of character that I'm convinced this show has no idea of where's going. I'm still going to watch what happens, but I'm extremely disappointed with the decisions the writers have made for season 3 so far (this, Suresh going batshit, the introduction of "Tracy" just to get yet another plot element introduced).
Latest episode was retarded.
As crazy and immature as Hiro is, for him to step beyond a moral bound *especially* toward his own friend is just so ridiculously out of character that I'm convinced this show has no idea of where's going. I'm still going to watch what happens, but I'm extremely disappointed with the decisions the writers have made for season 3 so far (this, Suresh going batshit, the introduction of "Tracy" just to get yet another plot element introduced).
Yeah, they didn't explain that part well enough. Obviously that was out of character, and it was so on purpose.
What I don't understand is how Parkman's father was there to influence him, but clearly that's the only way it makes any sense.
Latest episode was retarded.
As crazy and immature as Hiro is, for him to step beyond a moral bound *especially* toward his own friend is just so ridiculously out of character that I'm convinced this show has no idea of where's going. I'm still going to watch what happens, but I'm extremely disappointed with the decisions the writers have made for season 3 so far (this, Suresh going batshit, the introduction of "Tracy" just to get yet another plot element introduced).

Thankfully, this was explained in the recent episode this week.
Thankfully, this was explained in the recent episode this week.
Aye, and it looks like my understanding was wrong. That's okay, though: this one was better. Though obviously Hiro's going to have a hard time lasting long with this.

Oh! And I do wonder what they're going to do with Peter. He just gave his father a shit ton of seems unlikely that this is his end in the series, but I honestly wonder how he's going to get his powers back.
Seems almost like this episode was a direct response to this thread, lots of points got touched.

And I think Peter will crack open a few skulls to (try to) get new powers, I doubt his "hunger" is gone - Sylar was "hungry" without his powers aswell. Sylars now good, Peter is struggling not to get a villain... kinda like the storyarcs in wrestling
Well, it's supposed to be a live-action superhero comic, so it makes sense that it is about as logical and possible as such.

Anyway, I expect comic-book and television writers are either failed novelists or paid to come up with wacky, crazy ideas that make no sense, simply for the shock effect. And it isn't as if most of the viewers care about a silly thing like consistency as long as it's spectacular and entertaining.
Should use the spoiler tag :p

So Arthur has the ability to take away powers for his own use, Sylar has the same abilties as peter?? so hes an empath?
I wonder how long they are going to keep Peter powerless for before they find some convoluted excuse to give him back all his powers. The show needs Peter, heck it may as well be called Peter saves the World and some other people do stuff that has no consequence.

Unless they are going to kill him off and have Gabriel as the main focus now, but then they are cutting off his balls so he won't have the edge to his character like he did the start of this season when we didn't know if he was good or bad.