Anyone watched Heroes Season 3?

Ofcourse, it's not possible to dislike Hiro and Ando!

Oh I find that quite easy actually, I thought they were funny during season 1, but now they just annoy the hell out of me.

I'm worried about the time travel and butterfly effect. It's a very tough plot setup to pull off and has done many comics in so let's hope they don't fumble it up too much.

The time travel thing has already been messed up beyond repair multiple times in the show, there have been dozens of times when a simple little travel back in time would have solved the problem at hand, but instead Hiro and Peter decide not to use it when it would make sense, but instead use it when it does little or no good at all. I'm trying to block my brain from the time travel annoyance, but it is hard. Imo the creators of the show should have never given any time travel abilities to the characters. It's impossible to implement in a meaningful and logical way.

In any case the third episode was pretty good, but like some others have said, the episodes are pretty packed in, 40 minutes just isn't enough for this many characters. I was surprised that there weren't anything about Mohinder in this episode...
Him and Claire's dad are the best actors on the show.
You know, I think "HRG" (I only refer to Claires dad like that because I tried to look up what his name actually was, but find out that he is only known as "Horned Rim Glasses" - scratch that, its Noah.) is the one character that many have affinity with - certianly he was the only one that I've said "they can't do that" when he was "killed" last season. However, I wonder if that affinity comes from the fact that he makes me think he's the physical emboyment of Gordon Freeman!
haha! nice Gordon Freeman connection. Before this season, I really only cared for the dad. It was mainly because he didn't show fear and did what had to be done and dealt with the consequences. The only guy without powers is/was the one who fights the hardest and gets the job done. If they were to remove him, I'd likely stop watching him.
hehe, I think that would be obvious. I think you mean you'd stop watching the show.

Or perhaps he is talking about a complete lifestyle change meaning that he would:

1. stop stalking the actor once per every week.
2. remove his Noah Bennett screensaver from his laptop.
3. quit watching his own edit of Heroes season 1, which only includes scenes with Noah in them.
4. throw away his custom made Noah Bennet bed sheets.

You never now.
I caught up on the start of Season3. I don't know. I just can't get into it that much anymore. Saresh is really really annoying. He was annoying from day 1. The first half of season 1 was good. The second half was slipping. Season 2 really didn't work for me. It seemed all over the place, and I hate the time travel stuff. Season 3 is more to my liking, but I just don't have the interest anymore. Hopefully they'll get into some more action, but I don't think they will. They always set it up and then the conflict gets avoided somehow, or they don't deliver. Sylar is some super powerful guy and all he ever does is the same thing, cutting open the head to pick at their brain. They're even recycling storylines now because we're back to the flying go running for office and maybe being used/manipulated. Anyway, I hope they kill of Saresh. They found a really odd way to write in powers for him, and the scene where he seduces that girl was done really poorly.

Edit: I went back and spoilered the whole thing, because I didn't feel like picking out the spoiler bits.
Or perhaps he is talking about a complete lifestyle change meaning that he would:

1. stop stalking the actor once per every week.
2. remove his Noah Bennett screensaver from his laptop.
3. quit watching his own edit of Heroes season 1, which only includes scenes with Noah in them.
4. throw away his custom made Noah Bennet bed sheets.

You never now.

If you want, I can tell you where to get the bedsheets...
I watched the first two episodes of Season 3 over the weekend. Not impressed so far - it is injecting so many different and incoherent storylines it is untrue. Looks as though it is going to be more flash-bang than intelligent - dumbing down in an attempt to get a wider audience.

Oh well, I'll probably still watch it anyway unless is gets really cruddy.
I watched the first two episodes of Season 3 over the weekend. Not impressed so far - it is injecting so many different and incoherent storylines it is untrue.
Come, now. I know you weren't hoping that Heroes was a true story.
Started with alot more action than whole Season 2 combined, but hell.... alots of cheesy and ridiculous moments.
Arghh! I missed the first episode on UK TV while I was in Oz, and missed it starting in Oz by a few days. (Mind you, it's on commercial TV in Australia :rolleyes: and I'd forgotten just how many ads they pack into a program).
Saw the latest episode; loved the scene with Gabriel/Sylar in the future.

Present/Future Peter really felt like he was over-acting when they were arguing.
Saw the latest episode; loved the scene with Gabriel/Sylar in the future.

Yes that was kind of funny scene, although like every Heroes episode this had some ridiculous stuff as well...
Like the fact that Peter fixed two broker gears in a watch and that way managed to gather an intelligence to now the butterfly effects what will happend due to his actions + got a thirst for killing... All this for fixing a watch :LOL: And could someone tell me, why didn't Peter go back in time say 20 minutes before the exlosion to prevent it, I mean you don't need to fix a watch to figure that out... Do you?!?
Yes that was kind of funny scene, although like every Heroes episode this had some ridiculous stuff as well...
Like the fact that Peter fixed two broker gears in a watch and that way managed to gather an intelligence to now the butterfly effects what will happend due to his actions + got a thirst for killing... All this for fixing a watch :LOL: And could someone tell me, why didn't Peter go back in time say 20 minutes before the exlosion to prevent it, I mean you don't need to fix a watch to figure that out... Do you?!?
This one made perfect sense to me.
The thing is, Peter had that power within him the entire time since he first met Sylar. It was only a question of finding it. Sylar found the power by examining watches, and so it only made sense that if Peter examined a broken watch, he would find the same power. The hunger comes in as a side effect: the possibility of seeing specifically how things work was, according to the show, nearly impossible to resist. I have no problem with that. When he looked at his brother, he didn't see his brother: he saw a machine whose operation he wanted to understand.

As for going back in time, he's done that and screwed things up over and over again. So he felt he needed a deeper understanding of how various things are connected in order to actually fix things. Sounds plausible to me, but now I wonder if he isn't going to become one of the show's main villains. Could be interesting.
This one made perfect sense to me.
The thing is, Peter had that power within him the entire time since he first met Sylar. It was only a question of finding it. Sylar found the power by examining watches, and so it only made sense that if Peter examined a broken watch, he would find the same power. The hunger comes in as a side effect: the possibility of seeing specifically how things work was, according to the show, nearly impossible to resist. I have no problem with that. When he looked at his brother, he didn't see his brother: he saw a machine whose operation he wanted to understand.

As for going back in time, he's done that and screwed things up over and over again. So he felt he needed a deeper understanding of how various things are connected in order to actually fix things. Sounds plausible to me, but now I wonder if he isn't going to become one of the show's main villains. Could be interesting.

Well your explantions are satisfactory and of course this is a popcorn show, so it probably doesn't serve any good to worry too much about these things, but Peter still learned that power quite easily by fixing those two gears, I'm sure he had had more complicated thoughts prior to that and thus should have learned it already. As far as the time travel goes, you can't really make any sense out of it. Your explanation is ok, but still we all know that the real reasons why they can't use that ability better is only because of story telling aspects. There have happened so many bad things in the show so far, which could have been fixed by relatively safe time alterations by going back only few minutes. And then on some occasions Peter and Hiro have taken big risks doing something stupid.

One thing that also bothers me a bit is the fact that future Peter is seen as a terrorist, but he still walks the street like normal bloke eventhough he could be invisible or looking like some other person completely, at the very least he should have neutralised the haitian long time ago, which should have been relatively easy, if he is willing to shoot his brother for the cause, then putting the haitian down shouldn't be a problem.
True. It's really too bad. It seems that they just attempted to do too much with the powers in the show.