Anyone watched Heroes Season 3?

Ah I meant to say moon! I swear I did.

Fred, the acting isn't so bad I think but the dialogue, character development, and plot is absolute crap.
These American writers need to stop milking series for all there worth. Take Life on Mars as an example of what you should do (I am talking about the BBC one not the remake currently going on in the US). 2 seasons and bam, it's over. Story told, job done.

Imagine how great Lost would've been with only 2 seasons instead of 3/4 seasons of filler turning everyone off the idea.
This series has Lost me. From a promising beginning which was intriguing and different to an ever escalating mess of "dramatic plot twists" and nonsensical spectacle chasing one-upmanship over the previous episode.
These American writers need to stop milking series for all there worth. Take Life on Mars as an example of what you should do (I am talking about the BBC one not the remake currently going on in the US). 2 seasons and bam, it's over. Story told, job done.
Never heard of it, I see there's a sequel though :p
Does anyone watch 'Heroes Unmasked'?

It gives a good insight into the process they go through when putting together an episode and explains how all the stunts and special effects are created.

Its amazing how little time they have to produce each episode. When you consider amount of time and planning that goes into a full length movie.
I finished watching the most recent series of Heroes last night.

To tell the truth, I thought it struggled from the start. I've lost track of the number of times the various characters had 180 degree personality changes for no obvious reason other than to fit in with the "storyline-o-the-week". Certainly a show without a coherent long-term plot and it seems clear to me it will clearly continue its descent into chaos until cancellation. You can tell the writers are struggling - the (often inexplicable) zipping backwards and forwards in time over the last couple of episodes indicates they are up shit creek without a paddle.

As others have mentioned, most successful US shows do seem to milk it too much and become much the poorer for it e.g. Lost, Galactica, 24, etc etc. It would be much better if the creators of these series began with a coherent and planned storyline lasting just one or two seasons instead of eking it out for all they are worth.

I still think the best one of these sci-fi/mystery shows from recent years was "The Lost Room". It had a beginning, a middle and an ending, all of which hung together well and sensibly and I was pretty impressed with that.
Apparently the guy who writes Pushing Daisies is coming back for the next season (I think the last couple of episodes of volume 4 too) now that's been canceled(shame, good show), he was one of the writers in the first series and many believe he's the one that made it good.
Whoa whats with all the Heroes bashing? I hadn't come in this thread yet as I was waiting for the series to have a break in the UK but I figured when I did I would find a thread full of people appreciating the show.

For my part I think its far and away one of the best shows on TV right now with no quality degridation from the first to the third seasons. In fact if anything the third season ending was one of the best episodes of the entire series. I can't believe
Peter finally got his powers back!

Then again, I feel exactly the same way about BSG and Lost. Two great series that are as good today as they were when they began IMO. Personally I would rather see the great TV's show run for several years than have to watch them end prematurely after only 1 or 2 seasons and then suffer through a "brand new" series of dross like Fringe.
Fringe is an all right show. I will have to see how it develops the rest of the season to make a proper judgment. It could pick up, or it could stay miserable.

I quite like Merlin right now.

I am saddened by the news that Pushing Daisies has been canceled. That is such a good show and I don't think there was a single episode I disliked.

If that writer returns for Heroes then good freaking news for Heroes. Heroes right now is complete garbage with few redeeming qualities. I doubt we've seen the last of Arthur Petrelli in all honesty, they just took him out rather quick without giving his plot line any type of closure.

I think I've found the problem with Heroes this season. There is a complete lack of convincing character development going on in the show. That's sad as to connect with a series (for me) I need to get involved and like the characters.
The finale was quite uninspiring. All the "big" moments were done without any worthwhile buildup. The main villain of Season 3 was put down like an extra yet so much time was given to the death of Claire's biological mother. The haitian's brother storyline was stated and finished in record time. Why even add that? what did that show or prove? Matt Parkman is a terrible character and he gets more airtime? Why isn't he dead!? There was no buildup to Ando getting his powers or Peter getting his back. The super solider was killed in an instant and they wasted time on that whole thing also. All in all, the episode was a mess and that pretty much fits in with most of season 3.

I have my hopes for the BSG final season but Heroes season 4 will likely be my last unless something changes. The office is another show that's clearly in the milking stages now....
It should be noted that Season 3 is yet to be over, just the Volume "Villains" is. Reading a little bit what happens in the next volume I am a bit enthused about character development, but I'm not holding my breath.
Well, I've been wondering at the end of season 3, and it's looking like they may have just nixed the time travel aspect from the show. That might help the story development to come.
I acknowledge all your points but I just have a completely different take on them. Where your seeing negatives, i'm seeing positives.

For example, I loved how that marine was cut down so suddenly and insignificantly. They built him up as some kind of key character, someone we were going to have to watch out for and then just as it looked like he was going to do something major, he was cut down like a fly. It kinda emphasised the importance of the "natural" powers over what they were trying to manufacture.

Or Peter getting his powers back. I didn't want any build up to that. The complete suddeness and unexpectedness was perfect IMO. Obviously most people had been hoping it would happen but until about a second before it did, there was no indication that it would, which would have otherwsie spoiled the suprise.

There are a few scientific inconsistencies that bug me a bit. Like how some of these powers could have any biological origin whatsoever! And the eclipse issues Chalnoth mentioned. There was also the
time travel convenience in the last episode. Even if we ignore all the issues with a person running faster than light to go back in time, the fact that she somehow managed to go forward in time via the same method made me smile!
. But TBH,i'm perfectly happy to let little issues like that go because the series is so fricken entertaining. Watching Heroes i'm on the edge of my seat from start to finish, without exception. And when one episode finishes, I can watch another, and another. Thats great TV IMO.

Other shows (like Fringe), they're ok. I don't mind watchng them but i'm certainly not on the edge of my seat and generally can't manage more than one or two at most. Its really only Heroes, Lost and to a slightely lesser extent, BSG that do that for me.

Although Star Trek trumps all and always will :smile:
Well, I've been wondering at the end of season 3, and it's looking like they may have just nixed the time travel aspect from the show. That might help the story development to come.

Yup, my thoughts exactly, the dad is dead, Hiro has lost his powers and I suspect that Peter only got his original power back. Hence he has no-one left to absorb the time travel power back from.

Right now, my guess is that Peter can do no more than fly and maybe shoot blue flames!

And its for the better IMO. I agree that having such free ability to time travel wreakes havok on good story telling. Although on the other hand, I think they handled it ok for the most part to date.
I have my hopes for the BSG final season but Heroes season 4 will likely be my last unless something changes.

Yep I have high hopes for BSG too, I think it's been pretty good show from the start and has evolved nicely. Sarah Connor Chronicles however is a serie I would like to see uh terminated! so that even in my weakest moments I couldn't see it... That show has went downhill big time from season 1.

Dexter season 3 was great.
Yep I have high hopes for BSG too, I think it's been pretty good show from the start and has evolved nicely. Sarah Connor Chronicles however is a serie I would like to see uh terminated! so that even in my weakest moments I couldn't see it... That show has went downhill big time from season 1.

Dexter season 3 was great.

Lol, The Sarah Connor Chronicles is also one of my fav shows. Admittedly its in a different league to Heroes, Lost and BSG but i'm really enjoying it.

I'm guessing there's no love for Stargate Atalantis eher either...? I would put that in the same league as The Sarah Connor Chronicles. Very entertaining but not mind blowing.
What is Dexter?

The Sarah Connor Chronicles I quite like to be honest. This season is a little uneventful but Garbage girl gives me some nice eye candy to look at.

I hate anything Stargate with a passion. It is sooooo boring to watch (for me).

I just want Firefly to come back. And that would mean the end of the Terminator TV series, but I am ok with that because Firefly is the best space drama/comedy I've ever watched.
Sarah Connor chronicles is okay. I get periodically annoyed, however, when they spin off into religious territory. It really got my goat when that robot chick stated that that police officer would be the right one to teach this AI morals due to his religious background. That is simply absurd. Religion doesn't teach morals: it exploits them. I have a strong feeling that I'm going to be extremely annoyed during any further airtime that is dedicated to teaching the AI morals.

Other than that, though, I quite like the show. And at least the idea of teaching the AI morality is a fantastic one. Doing it through religion, though, is just patently absurd.
Sarah Connor chronicles is okay. I get periodically annoyed, however, when they spin off into religious territory. It really got my goat when that robot chick stated that that police officer would be the right one to teach this AI morals due to his religious background. That is simply absurd. Religion doesn't teach morals: it exploits them. I have a strong feeling that I'm going to be extremely annoyed during any further airtime that is dedicated to teaching the AI morals.

Other than that, though, I quite like the show. And at least the idea of teaching the AI morality is a fantastic one. Doing it through religion, though, is just patently absurd.

I agree with the principle of what your saying, but if you consider that it was simply telling him what he wanted to hear in order to get him to do the job then it makes perfect sense. Afterall, the motivation of getting the job done makes more sense to a machine than genuinly thinking religion is the best form of moral teaching.