Anyone watched Heroes Season 3?

Should use the spoiler tag :p

So Arthur has the ability to take away powers for his own use, Sylar has the same abilties as peter?? so hes an empath?

Seems like Sylar has the same abilities as his father; he requires physical contact while Peter simply has to be within range of others
Come on, some convoluted reason? They've already set everything up for it! All that needs to happen is for them to complete the serum.
The show's melodrama has gotten me tired of it. The scene of Peter talking to Claire while they're being pursued was just awful. Yet on I watch!
The show's melodrama has gotten me tired of it. The scene of Peter talking to Claire while they're being pursued was just awful. Yet on I watch!

This show is almost dead to me. The writing is terrible throughout. And the characters are all very uninteresting. Matt Parkman and the fast girl suck. Everyone sucks. I like looking at Kristen Bell though.
This show is almost dead to me. The writing is terrible throughout. And the characters are all very uninteresting. Matt Parkman and the fast girl suck. Everyone sucks. I like looking at Kristen Bell though.

Ya.. the number of characters that I'm interested in has gone from most to none. In the first season the only character I was really uninterested in was Ali Larter's split personality girl. In season 3 it seems like all of the characters have multiple personality disorders. Nobody seems to be behaving as they should be, and it seems to change from week to week. The only explanation for it is that the writers have set up all these role reversals in the future, and now are coming up with these jarring and contrived character moments to veer them off in that direction.

Season2 was much much better than this.
This show is almost dead to me. The writing is terrible throughout. And the characters are all very uninteresting. Matt Parkman and the fast girl suck. Everyone sucks. I like looking at Kristen Bell though.

Speaking of everyone, what happened to the other heroes? What happened to Monica? Molly?

It seems like in the end, Micah was completely shafted; both parents killed and he's had relatively little bearing on the main plot.
Speaking of everyone, what happened to the other heroes? What happened to Monica? Molly?

It seems like in the end, Micah was completely shafted; both parents killed and he's had relatively little bearing on the main plot.

Yeah. The best character in season 1 was Ghost Dad, but they killed him off.

This show really is shit now. Who's Monica again? I can't remember. Season 2 wasn't that great, and I've blanked most of it from my memory. I thought the first half of Season 1 was really strong and it started to taper off in the second half. It has continually gotten worse since. I'm about to stop watching altogether.
Eh, seems like the going thing has been to rat on the show, but I have to say that I still rather enjoy it. It's not great, but it's entertaining. I do think that father Petrelli makes an excellent villain. Unlike Sylar, he's not just psychotic, but more of an evil genius supervillain type. Could be quite interesting.

Of course, to enjoy this show now it does require that you don't think much about what's going on. But it is still fun, in my opinion.
Eh, seems like the going thing has been to rat on the show, but I have to say that I still rather enjoy it. It's not great, but it's entertaining. I do think that father Petrelli makes an excellent villain. Unlike Sylar, he's not just psychotic, but more of an evil genius supervillain type. Could be quite interesting.

Of course, to enjoy this show now it does require that you don't think much about what's going on. But it is still fun, in my opinion.

I agree with the father being a more interesting villain. Sylar has always been a little annoying and one dimensional. Now that they've gone the good guy route with Sylar, he's gotten really lame. At least before he was good for being a brutal villain. They're going to turn him sad-sack emo, but I'm sure he'll flip flop back to evil soon enough.
Sylar was already venturing back to evil in the last episode. They were on a mission to get Claire and that is evil. He started to feel the hunger when the security guard guy or whatever had a shot gun pointed at him.

The whole eclipse story and losing their powers is a bit of bullshit.

I want them to go back to the old format of the show where they focused on just a few characters for an episode and had it really fleshed out story wise.

They're ruining Hiro's character and that's really sad. He has so much potential like in Season 1.

Where the hell is Micah? You think that kid would be able to do some special stuff, but he's nowhere to be found this season.

The Haitian is finally back and I always enjoyed his character. So reserved yet you know once he gets there he can take anything out. I hope they don't kill him this season, it would give me a lot of reason to stop watching the show all together.

And enough with Arthur Petrelli already. The guy is a good villain, but they could have waited for an entire season to flesh this story out.
I haven't seen Monday's episode yet. I'm a week behind.

Micah was kind of annoying, but he had a power that could be used in some pretty interesting ways.

Was Monica the girl that could learn things by seeing them once?
Yes, Monica is indeed the hero who can replicate the things she's seen once. Mostly a filler character, but still interesting none the less.
I keep watching this show till the bitter end just like I watch Smallville, which is on its eight season... and neither of these series are very good.

Heroes has lost its quidelines. It is just bouncing around and feels like the producers just can't make up their minds what the hell to do with the series. Losing powers because of an eclipse is bullshit and most of the other things going on is too. Luckily I still have about season and a half left of Wire to watch so I can cleanse myself from this crap :)

Battlestar can't start soon enough.
"My own worst enemy" replaced this series for me. It has Hero (or rather casual guy) and Villain (psychopath) in one person from the getgo, what more can you want :LOL:
I might catch up with "Heroes" at a later later time, but this Series flip-flop storytelling went way past beyond my patience.
I agree with the father being a more interesting villain. Sylar has always been a little annoying and one dimensional. Now that they've gone the good guy route with Sylar, he's gotten really lame. At least before he was good for being a brutal villain. They're going to turn him sad-sack emo, but I'm sure he'll flip flop back to evil soon enough.
I don't know. I always think that tortured heroes make the best heroes. So I think that Gabriel could turn into an excellent hero, but I do wonder how the dynamic between him and his father is going to work out.

Anyway, I haven't been able to watch this week's episode, as I've been in Paris all week, so I think it's time for me to stop paying attention to the thread, at least until I get back to my apartment in a couple of days.