No performance gain in "uber mode" seems more strange:
very strange..
No performance gain in "uber mode" seems more strange:
This shows Uber 290x is slower in bioshock than 290x quiet.No performance gain in "uber mode" seems more strange:
very strange..
Does NVidia have a quiet mode setting in their driver? I hadn't heard about this mode before.
Is AMD only allowing previews of 4k numbers because that's 290x's best showing or because 4k is going to be an integral part of a new marketing drive?
Likely the former.
They are authorizing the release of positive results before any of the negative can be published. Scott at TechReport slammed AMD for doing this a while back with Trinity.
AMD attempts to shape review content with staged release of info
Sorry, that was off topic. I will mark it accordingly.
Yeah it's called "default" They've been putting some very hefty coolers on their flagship cards for a few generations now - since the 580.
Is AMD only allowing previews of 4k numbers because that's 290x's best showing or because 4k is going to be an integral part of a new marketing drive? Given the only decent 4k monitor is 3,500USD it may be a bit premature...
4K res IMO is a pipe dream at this point. It's taking me two cards right now to get "good", and "fluid" fps on my 120hz overclocked Korean IPS 1440p monitor in the most demanding titles. I am in no hurry to jump to sluggish performing 3840x2160 graphics at 30-60hz.