@DavidGraham So they're just using the RT hardware to accelerate what is typical screen space shadows? It's kind of curious. I'm guessing that keeps the ray tracing very cache friendly and minimizes the bvh because you'd only really have to build a bvh for what's in the players view frustrum. I'll check the video out.
Meaning build the BVH after culling geometry? That doesn’t sound right and would result in more than just artifacts. Some shadows would be completely missing.
Godfall uses a very minimalistic approach to RT, where the shadows are ray traced in screen space and not off screen, the end result is artifacts whenever an object hides the shadows, in short it's acting like Reshade RT post processing.
My first reaction was whoa WCCF actually produces unique content!
Kidding aside it’s not clear what’s happening. Hopefully just be a driver bug. Hard to imagine the developers would use an incomplete version of the scene to generate raytraced shadows. That would defeat the entire point of using RT in the first place.
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