How much of this is down to whether or not the RT is inline?
But both GPUs should support DXR 1.0 and DXR 1.1. I find it very weird. AMD has a shadows library they've built on top of DXR 1.1 (I assume) for Godfall, and then they have to patch in Nvidia support later. Cyberpunk was supposedly DXR without any custom nvidia proprietary libraries, but it won't support AMD without a patch. Why? Only thing I can think of is the performance is so divergent in different RT workloads that they're worried about getting flamed for bad performance on one platform vs the other. So basically the solution will be one RT implementation for Nvidia and one RT implementation for AMD. I suppose we'll be able to tell if there are subtle visual differences. Or maybe they'll just look pretty much the same but operate different under the hood. Benchmarking RT will be very interesting going forward.