AMD's REAL answer to GeForce GTX 480: Enhanced ATI Radeon HD 5970 with custom designs from AIBs:
PS. Real pics of PCB & cooling solution coming tomorrow, stay tuned.
As long as it doesn't get as warm as the MARS and.. like the mars have a 80% faiure rate, it's cool with me.
P.S. 2GB per GPU = win.
Like I said, one of the first will be from Asus, other manufactures should follow soon with their own designs or based on AMD's recommendation spec (of enhanced 5970)..
I feel that, In a couple of hours, I will see a MSI HD5970 Lightning posted here as well. .since that's when the NDA expires of those things.. right?
Neliz: Ehh... 5870 or 5970 lighting? 900mhz doesn't sound like huge (I know the card physical is), but 188w doesn't sound quuite right for 5970 either
Wonder what the TDP of that Asus ROG ARES is..
Spectacular? Anything else?
It can run at 1.1Ghz on just the Twin Frozr II cooling which we put on it. Using LN2 we've already seen it reach 1450Mhz.
And while we’re on the subject of supplies, we asked AMD what the continuing supply of the 5830 would be given that it’s a product of die harvesting, and the supply of its precursor the 4830 thinned out after some time. AMD tells us that they expect to be able to produce the 5830 in similar quantities as the 5850, which should give you an idea in relative terms of how many Cypress chips are coming back with 1-2 defective SIMDs or are missing clock targets, versus the number of chips coming back with 3-6 defective SIMDs or a defective ROP.
RadeonHD5830 core adoption and RadeonHD5850/5870 like Cypress core using 40nm process technology, with 1120 stream processing units, operating frequency 800MHz. RadeonHD5830 the core piece of the production cycle in 2010 the first 2 weeks, compared with, RadeonHD5850/5870 the first batch of chips for the 2009 production cycle of about 37 weeks, showing that the core of the cycle RadeonHD5830 fairly new.
The 5830 reviews are bitching the price everywhere. In which case i agree .
If u take into consideration than the 5870 PCB lenght (its much bigger than the 5850 !! wtf) and the power consumption than at that price/performance its realy meh.