330mm2 and 399 bucks. It's no surprise that ATi need to put wasted chips into their HD5850 offerings

but on the other hand we should be happy that now we'd had 1440 SPs (-10%) and not 1280SPs into HD5850 (Pro) as the rumors said. And ATi leave some spare room to offer GT parts on 1280 SPs. Pretty good yield they have when they need only to disable 10% of chip for Pro parts and not even 25% or more like in times we last saw this disabling quads policy in R500 series.
I'm a little dissapointed they went back to huge chip design and eat they tounge out after they swear on no huge chip designs policy in future and competing for performance crown. 330mm2 and little below 200W TDP is now became small, sick And as they really needed all that 80TMUs, what we now have to expect from nV?! ...120TMUs at least as their outer chip parts works on moderate speeds since G70, especially beefy top end chips.