Am. Football games 2008 PS3/X360

Joker thanks for the info. I'm also wondering why there's so many 'console x > console y' posts in this thread. As has been discussed many times before, and as Joker's post elaborates, each of these systems has its strength's and weaknesses and the overall result is dependent on what you're trying to achieve. This is pretty apparent when you look at current games and the subtle technical differences. As for future releases, they still look very comparable (e.g. FF13 and Fable 2) but often with very different artistic directions. I remember at least one developer on this forum stating that it will be the artistic design that will set games apart this generation, and that makes perfect sense given how similar the systems' overall capabilities are.

Still , like most ,you only talk about the Gpu side of these consoles (how the game "look")......I guess CPU isn't that important in interactive entertainement.
Still , like most ,you only talk about the Gpu side of these consoles (how the game "look")......I guess CPU isn't that important in interactive entertainement.

Did I? I believe Joker's points have been very much with respect to using each consoles gpu and cpu to componsate for their respective disadvantages.
My position is simple. I would look towards first parties (or any exclusive developers) to push the envelope of the target system. I look at cross platform developers for well... cross platform related development framework and challenges.

In my view, breaking console into a check list of bullet points obscure the real developer factors. Like how nAo created his own efficient HDR scheme, and how DeanoC overloaded the atomic cache. Ultimately, the developers count the most. Plus it is the whole game that matters (not individual bottlenecks).

I do not believe in joker454's list simply because it skips the entire human dynamics and the possibilities/leg room. The simple answer to me is to wait for the right game(s) and see PS3 and Xbox 360 shine. It doesn't change the big picture if an average game performs par for the course.

Ok... I gotta run. Have a bounty on my head these few weeks :D
No disrespect, but faf is far from an unbiased source.
What exactly do you mean by that? Bias is natural and expected. I'd expect any multi-platform dev to prefer one platform over the other, because tastes vary. As long as those biases are caused by their own preferences for the system, and not any extraneous forces such as brand loyalty or companies paying their wages, and it doesn't blinker a dev to the advantages and disadvantages in all systems, there's nowt wrong with it.
Not sure who or what SMM is.
ShootMyMonkey. That's a name; not a request to assail my primate!
I meant MultiPlat dev who actually has admitted to currently/recently working on a game for both Xbox 360 and PS3.

hard to come by in these parts even with the other names mentioned.

(unless you count DeanoC and his work on XNA games. ;))
Faf has always leaned more towards the Sony side of things. I've been reading his posts for years on GA and probably here as well. I'm not saying he doesn't know what he's talking about, I'm just saying he does have a bias no doubt about it.
That doesn't make his opinions any less valid. As a multiplatform dev Fafalada's contribution is just as valid as Joker454's, and Joker's opinion isn't as Tap-In said the first mulitplatform dev. Likewise SMM. Both have contributed their opinions alongside others, bringing different perspectives to the table.
Is faf a multi platform developer?
I thought he has only developed titles for Sony systems. Has he started working on the PS3 yet? Last I heard he was working with the PSP.

You're right that it doesn't make faf's opinion invalid, but it is something to consider when weighing all the facts.
Well we have already a couple of multiplat games out that were mostly even developed for 360 in mind and still run better on PS3 hardware. So this cannot be generalized at all.

I cannot think of a single one that fits this statement.

Oh and will you guys stop making up stuff about Oblivion? It wasn't primarily developed for the X360. Oblivion was first and foremost developed for the PC. Besethda had a half year, maximum, on a x360 kit that had any meaningful hardware.

Oblivion devs had more time with the PS3 devkits than they did with the X360 devkits (final X360 hardware on devkits came out in september, before that they had a ghetto devkit based on a X800XT and a G5 cpu, while the PS3 final kits have been avaliable since february\march 2007, before that, they had Cell + G70 architecture since 2005, which is roughly the same as final kit).
I don't know if he's multiplatform or not. Actually I don't think he is, and Darkon was wrong on that count.
I meant MultiPlat dev who actually has admitted to currently/recently working on a game for both Xbox 360 and PS3.

hard to come by in these parts even with the other names mentioned.

(unless you count DeanoC and his work on XNA games. ;))

SMM is working on a project for both consoles, don't know about faf, but does it matter if he isn't working on a game for both consoles ? he obviously played around with both devkits already.
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Still , like most ,you only talk about the Gpu side of these consoles (how the game "look")......I guess CPU isn't that important in interactive entertainement.

I'm only looking out about 3-4 years from now, by then I'll be more interested in next-next gen anyways. But if you were to assume a 3-4 year time frame, then I do believe that the gpu still has a more important role than cpu. Take a look at what's out now, whats coming soon, whats planned, etc. Maybe I'm off, but from what I see most games seem to fall into typical cpu use patterns. Sure there will be tweaked AI, better physics, etc, but I can't see any future title that screams for the need of a cpu that is better than what the current machines offer. Using the PC game world to make an example, do you first think "i need a new cpu" or "i need a new video card" when you see future titles?

The need for more gpu though is always immediately apparent. No matter how good a game looks, it never looks good enough. For some anecdotal evidence, just check some of the typical comments on these forums, stuff like:

"I don't want to see jaggies"
"Why aren't they using anisotropic filtering"
"Why does the skin look like plastic"
"What's wrong with the lighting"
"Looks like shit"

You hear gpu related comments all the time. I don't often hear "wow it doesn't have full physics simulation between everyone, I'm not buying it". At least not yet anyways. The goodies that come from the gpu, at this point in time, are more expected and "must have" than the goodies that come from the cpu. At some point this will change, eventually we will demand a certain level of AI, physics, etc. But I don't see things changing dramatically in a 3-4 year time frame.

Maybe I'm wrong? Let's see, take a simple test! Think of the top 5 things you wish would be better in a game you recently played or are currently playing, and see which part of the hardware would most contribute to improving them.
.... Joker's opinion isn't as Tap-In said the first mulitplatform dev. Likewise SMM. ...

I had not heard that they both (or either) have worked on both 360 and PS3 yet this gen. I had heard of last gen games from both systems but not current (next) gen.

I certainly had not heard that it was as joker has done where he has taken code from the same game from one Next Gen console to the other. (ignore the simplicity of this statement in regard to "code running on two different machines" and insert the usual caveats) ;)

If I am mistaken about that, then I apologize and perhaps Faf or SMM could illuminate. ;)

Edit: a phone call and missed a bunch of posts until I got around to posting this... :D
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SMM is working on a project for both consoles, don't know about faf, but does it matter if he isn't working on a game for both consoles ? he obviosly played around with both devkits already.
If you're looking for detailed information on how code runs on both platforms then it is very important.
I certainly had not heard that it was as joker has done where he has taken code from the same game from one Next Gen console to the other.
I think that says a lot by itself.

Tap In, may I suggest you retitle the thread to multiplatform development or something? No one here seems to care about individual football titles, the topic is interesting and continuously ruin individual multiplatform game threads.
I think that says a lot by itself.

you did not read my edit where I suggest that OF course that code needed to be changed. :LOL:

joker is giving interesting insight as to why some sports games (his included) may not hit 60fps on PS3 ... of course he is also saying that it will change over time.
you did not read my edit where I suggest that OF course that code needed to be changed. :LOL:
I did and it doesn't really counter the argument that you start the port from a reference which isn't doing anything RSX is better at.
joker is giving interesting insight as to why some sports games (his included) may not hit 60fps on PS3 ... of course he is also saying that it will change over time.

That's why I think the title should be generic, so that the discussions can stay on topic.
And it is not an issue limited to sports titles anyway.
you did not read my edit where I suggest that OF course that code needed to be changed. :LOL:

joker is giving interesting insight as to why some sports games (his included) may not hit 60fps on PS3 ... of course he is also saying that it will change over time.

As interesting as it is, he has not said anything specific. 60fps vs 30fps implies the 360 can do the same amount of work in half the time. I don't think anyone will tell you the Xenos or Xenon (forget which is which) is twice as fast as the RSX. Since many game have v-sync off (including Madden 07), why can't we talk about 60fps vs 45fps?
I did and it doesn't really counter the argument that you start the port from a reference which isn't doing anything RSX is better at.

Yes ! In this case, a cross platform developer may have a skewed view of the platforms (based on the port order and the "tools" they started out with).

I'm also interested to see how/whether the developers evolve. Early developers clearly had little help from Sony. We also heard that the PS3 devkit SDK software was late (although the hardware may be on schedule or ready).

Nonetheless, companies like Insomniac and Evolution delivered by building their own engines. Some tried to generalize their 360 work until Sony delivered EDGE. Some uses existing middleware, or even PS2 tools. Yet others rejected EDGE for something they feel is even better. I'd say there is still a wealth of information missing.
I cannot think of a single one that fits this statement.

Oh and will you guys stop making up stuff about Oblivion? It wasn't primarily developed for the X360. Oblivion was first and foremost developed for the PC. Besethda had a half year, maximum, on a x360 kit that had any meaningful hardware.

Oblivion devs had more time with the PS3 devkits than they did with the X360 devkits (final X360 hardware on devkits came out in september, before that they had a ghetto devkit based on a X800XT and a G5 cpu, while the PS3 final kits have been avaliable since february\march 2007, before that, they had Cell + G70 architecture since 2005, which is roughly the same as final kit).

Fight Night looks better aswell, but theres no point in mentioning any of these games as people just say that the dev teams spent tons of time optimizing for PS3, even though this isnt true.

Like Patsu said, look towards 1st-party games for a true test of a systems power. Anyone unsure about PS3 only need to look at Motorstorm and Heavenly Sword, then count the number of console games with visuals on-a-par with them.
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