Joker, now that the PS3 is getting some more support from Sony, what is your opinion of the differences between the two platforms?
Hold on, let me put my flame proof suit on........ok ready
Games that don't need to spend spu's on Edge type processing (like little big planet) will be better on PS3 since they can spend all the spu's on math crunching to an extent that the 360 simply can't match.
Games that hugely benefit from Edge type processing (like being able to consistently get ~40%+ culling from the spu's) can potentially run better on the PS3.
Games that don't benefit from Edge type processing (most notably backface culling) will run better on the 360 since it's gpu is faster.
Games that use alot of alpha blending can potentially run better on the 360.
Games that require alot of post processing effects can potentially run better on the 360.
Games that need 25gb+ of data will be better on PS3.
Games that run at 1080p can potentially run better on PS3.
...and so on. Alot depends on the game. I still feel that the 360's gpu puts it in a better position for the 'typical' games we'll see in the next three years. But that's just my feel, I'm sure I'll get called a lazy dev / junior coder / charlatan for it
I noticed you said that the cell was now noticably faster than the Xenon, so how much of an increase in performance increase are you seeing?
For our title, the 360 build is still running quicker than the PS3 build. Our cpu requirements aren't severe, and depending on the camera view, we'll typically fall into the 15%-20% culling range, so the 360's abilities are better suited to our title. Having said that, ya cell is way faster than the xenon's ppu's. We do far far more processing on Cell than on 360's cpu's, but most of it is processing to help RSX. We lean much more on the 360's gpu than on the PS3's if you get what I mean. We're not done yet though, lots of time left on both builds.