Am. Football games 2008 PS3/X360

You mentioned conspiracy.

This is the kind of practice EA and MS have engaged in.

The kind of practice EA has engaged in is making sucky ports for more powerful consoles with smaller userbases. This is exactly how the Xbox was treated by EA years ago. I guess the Sony moneyhats dried up. :rolleyes:
But this news lends some credence to the theory that EA deliberately hampered PS3 Madden to highlight the X360 Madden

Please tell me you are kidding. :???:

Madden has not been out a month and now, they've finally figured it out?

Small details:

1. They have 12 months to polish, advance, and alter the version to hit 60fps.

2. The effectiveness of the 60fps sales pitch in 2007, and negative effect on non-60fps skus, may have made this an essential move. "Make it happen Tuberon".

So a month more and they would have had the PS3 version on par?

Huh? The NBA game doesn't use the same engine or assets as their NFL game. Just because some extra TLC resulted in a quick change in Live doesn't mean the NFL game could do it in one month.

And on Live and Madden, we don't know how close to 60fps they were. A game locked at 30fps may fluctuate from 40-50fps for all we know. We also don't know what changes -- or resource shifts -- went into effect to make this happen.

So the possible conclusions are, they're lying about more time with PS3 tools or EA Tiburon are incompetent compared to EA Canada, which has fewer resources.

wco81, do you own a PS3?
Well, 60fps in NBA Live 08 on PS3 didn't come without sacrifices. AA is disabled in PS3 version and the audience looks much worse than in 360 version.
It seems that at least PS3 is getting full-fledged version of FIFA, though.
I have a PS3 and the PS3 version of Madden 08.

If PS3 Madden 09 is not 60 fps, I won't buy it, which means the first time in over 10 years I won't be buying Madden.

Look the claim that they didn't have enough time to optimize the PS3 version is also a theory. It's a nice cover story but nobody outside of EA knows what exactly the PS3 version is capable of.
Even mentioning such rumors gives them more validity and time of day than they are worth. Why PSU would even mention such is beyond me.

If I'm not mistaken, PSU is kinda a loony PS3 fansite. They have posted several outrageous articles in the past.

AFAIK they are not to be confused with a generally credible site.
Look the claim that they didn't have enough time to optimize the PS3 version is also a theory. It's a nice cover story but nobody outside of EA knows what exactly the PS3 version is capable of.

Are you saying EA is gimping Madden on perpuse on the PS3?

Because thats about the dumbest thing ive heard today.
Look the claim that they didn't have enough time to optimize the PS3 version is also a theory. It's a nice cover story but nobody outside of EA knows what exactly the PS3 version is capable of.

Come on.

We have had multiplatform developers here explain some of the issues they have with 360/PS3 development. We saw the PS3 delays, saw the delayed software roadmaps, and heard about the immature tools for years. We also have heard groans about multicore systems, asymetric CPU designs, and memory bandwidth/footprint/management issues.

And there is enough body of evidence, namely PS3 games with framerate issues, to indicate that PS3 software development on the multiplatform front is, in a general sense (yet not in all cases), has hit some issues. It just isn't Madden, but FEAR, Tony Hawk 8, Skate, CoD3, and so on. Not to mention Madden 2007 on the PS3. In general the issue is getting better, but being a year behind in some ways has resulted in some games having more framerate issues compared to their 360 counterparts.

Just look at the 360 version: Choppy in 2006, smooth 30fps in 2007, and 60fps in 2008. PS3: Choppy in 2007, smooth in 2008...

And yet you continue to entertain the possibility conspiracies.

When the Xbox launched in 2001 a few games weren't up to par, and people accepted that it was due to launch issues. A few years later, when it continued to get PS2 ports (good ones, but ports nonetheless) people just accepted the market realities: PS2 had a larger install base and was the lead SKU.

I don't remember posters at B3D creating theories about how Sony was paying companies to hold back or gimp the Xbox versions. They might have complained, and focused on games that showed off the selling points of their console, but the idea that there was a conspiracy to hold back the Xbox or a conspiracy among reviewers to hurt the platform. That sort of crap didn't fly at B3D. A good reason most of us are here--we can appreciate the market realities, even if we may be a fan of a company or game.

The recent rash of conspiracy posts--by long time posters no less--is disheartening.

Especially when more believable facts are smacking them right in the face.
PS3 2008 isn't any more smoother than PS3 2007. I logged well over a hundred games on 2007 and will do the same in 2008.

Like I said, if EA Canada's titles are 60 fps this year, only a few months after Madden and NCAA are released, what does it say about EA Tiburon's competence with greater resources?

Either there's incompetence there or they deliberately avoided optimising the PS3 version. Again, there are financial inducements with the X360 version. MS is paying at least a part of the cost for airing those Madden 08 commercials, not Sony.
PS3 2008 isn't any more smoother than PS3 2007. I logged well over a hundred games on 2007 and will do the same in 2008.

I have no idea what your trying to say here.

Like I said, if EA Canada's titles are 60 fps this year, only a few months after Madden and NCAA are released, what does it say about EA Tiburon's competence with greater resources?

Either there's incompetence there or they deliberately avoided optimising the PS3 version.

This is a perfect example of broken logic. Different games, different requirements from hardware, different performance. FURTHER, and this is by far the most important point, Madden are yearly titles, i can tell you right now that there would be much more hell to pay for EA from the sony fanboys if Madden, NCAA and whatever got delayed a a few months in order to run better.

Stop with the goddamn conspiracy theories and learn a couple facts:

1. LEAD SKU version is 99% of the time, the console with the biggest userbase.
2. The platform thats not LEAD platform WILL get ports, thus it will be far from what it could have been.
3. Sports games are games that really cannot get delayed, unless you wanna see huge drops in sales.
PS3 2008 isn't any more smoother than PS3 2007. I logged well over a hundred games on 2007 and will do the same in 2008.

Like I said, if EA Canada's titles are 60 fps this year, only a few months after Madden and NCAA are released, what does it say about EA Tiburon's competence with greater resources?

Either there's incompetence there or they deliberately avoided optimising the PS3 version. Again, there are financial inducements with the X360 version. MS is paying at least a part of the cost for airing those Madden 08 commercials, not Sony.
Making deliberately a port with worse performance on PS3 in order to achieve better sales on 360 version would do more damage to EA than whatever they would gain from agreement with Microsoft (whatever the conditions would be). Reputation and consumers' trust is something that even EA recently began to care about. X360 had to wait 2 years for sports games running at flawless, so it's no wonder PS3, which is considered a platform more difficult to program for, will have to wait similar period of time. Besides, NBA Live demo on PS3 has slowdowns, so it's not like only EA Tiburon is lagging behind on PS3.
Like I said, if EA Canada's titles are 60 fps this year, only a few months after Madden and NCAA are released, what does it say about EA Tiburon's competence with greater resources?

Moth-to-Flame. If not x, then conspiracy theory. Do I need to spell out the alternatives?

- Maybe those games were closer to hitting 60fps? Maybe Madden is struggling to hit 60fps and those games were already 40-50fps? So they had less of a distance to travel and more time.

- Maybe those games underwent graphical or feature cuts and downgrades to meet the 60fps criteria? Maybe such cuts were not acceptible in Madden. Could it be that such changes were too late to do with Madden? Or the consequences of the 60fps campaign were not known enough to make a decision to cut down on other areas?

- Maybe the PS3 is having trouble handling a Madden design decision? The PS3 *is* more difficult to work with and many devs have less experience working with it. Not to mention the tools aren't as mature. Maybe a design choice on the 360 version, the lead sku (?), isn't running well on the PS3.

- Maybe Madden 360, due to better sales, is getting lead sku treatment.

Either there's incompetence there

Like O said, very faulty logic. "The object in the box is FURRY. It isn't a CAT... so it must be a DOG!"

or they deliberately avoided optimising the PS3 version.

Or any of the many other reasons listed in this post or before. But those don't fit your agenda.

Again, there are financial inducements with the X360 version. MS is paying at least a part of the cost for airing those Madden 08 commercials, not Sony.

Yes, there is financial gains: The 360 install base is much, much bigger (notably in the US) and the attach rate for software is much better. And EA has openly criticized Sony for their next gen console and install base. When EA says they bet on the wrong horse, that being Sony, and should have bet on the Wii, that translates to: We are shifting our internal resources.

But more to the point, the PS3 didn't get a crap port. It got all the updates the 360 did. The new animation system, weapons, etc.

If MS was trying to screw Sony they would have made the new features exclusive or... gasp... the updated rosters exclusive. No, instead the difference is framerate. Which

1. Lots of PS3 multiplatform games have framerate issues.

2. The PS3 is said to be harder to work with, especially for multiplatform devs, so adding a ton of new features plus getting the framerate underway in LESS TIME than it took the 360 version to hit the same framerate is asking a lot.

The fact Moore has indicated the 2009 version of Madden will be 60fps on the PS3 sets the SAME TIMETABLE for the PS3 version to his 60fps as the Madden 360 one did.

But you want to carry on bout behind the scenes screw Sony theories when the most plausible answers right in front of you, well, you flatout ignore. These sort of posting trends are unsettling and becoming, sadly, predictable. If it isn't MS putting the screw job on Sony, it is the media or professional reviewers or gamers with an agenda.

You have explored two core ideas in your recent posts: EA is incompetant and MS is buying out EA to screw Sony.

Did it ever cross your mind that all the other information about the PS3 and issues with multiplatform development and install base dynamics (and resulting resource budgets) have more to do with this than conspiracies and incompetance?
Am I the only one who think that for sport games 60FPS is overkill?

They would focus more on animations, collisions add more physic based effect and more eyes candies.
That's a lot of maybes in that post.

Look you can give EA the benefit of the doubt.

But as far as I'm concerned, they've done a lot to earn cynicism about their practices. And that's aside from this issue and the NFL exclusive license. If you look at the way they've done features or gameplay issues over a 3-year cycle, you'd know what I'm talking about.

So EA has to demonstrate good faith, not be granted it automatically.
That's a lot of maybes in that post.

Look you can give EA the benefit of the doubt.

But as far as I'm concerned, they've done a lot to earn cynicism about their practices. And that's aside from this issue and the NFL exclusive license. If you look at the way they've done features or gameplay issues over a 3-year cycle, you'd know what I'm talking about.

So EA has to demonstrate good faith, not be granted it automatically.

Even given that... it still makes no sense as to WHY they would sabotage a source of revenue. It is what it is man. the PS3 is taking time to reach it's potential. Just accept it, move on and watch as it changes over time.

Between the accusation that reviewers are out to get the PS3 and now the publishers (who rely on those sales to earn a profit!!) now being accused of a conspiracy to sink sony, it's like an episode of the X files in here. :LOL:
You know what would be awesome?? DLC for 2k8!!!

How about releasing batches of 25-100 new 'legend' players every couple of months!! Could give it some legs and some additional revenue?
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...the PS3 is taking time to reach it's potential. Just accept it...

I think this is a common issue among ps3 fans. They were sold on the concept that ps3 = xbox360 (x2), thus, the machine should have no difficulty in repeating the line: "Anything you can do, I can do better. I can do anything better than you". When it actually delivers a subpar performance in comparison to xb360, conspiracy theories hit the fan and devs get the evil eye.

I admit, it is slightly humorous and entertaining, but overall, I'm just curious what will it take for reality to set in for these fans...

I'll be picking one up, but not with the thought that I'll experience some vastly superior gaming compared to my xb360. I've seen/read enough to recognize what the truth is this gen and truth is these machines are just about even. Plus or minus a AAA dev team or two. ;)


Someone commented earlier on 30fps vs 60 in sports games. IMO, it isn't a question. All sports games should be a smooth/constant 60fps. If they can't hit 60, it should be a smooth/constant 30fps.


Also, Someone commented earlier that last year's version of madden on xb360 was a smooth 30fps. I disagree. From my rental time with it, it was choppy and inconsistant which made it impossible to play for me and a non-purchase. This year's version is finally smooth and 60fps to boot. First time I've bought a "Madden" game since ... well ... ever.

Joe Montana - genesis
Gameday - PS1
2k - DC
2k - XBOX

I still think 2k is a much better game, but with the exclusive license, not much I can do.

Besides, EA has done a good job in improving the franchise, but it's still not quite as deep as 2k in some things.

Exclusive ps3 owners, I'd vote with your wallet and avoid the chop fest until they get it right - which should be next year.
NHL 08 on PS3 is 30fps (60 on 360), but as noted above NBA LIVE 08 WILL BE 60fps on PS3 and allegedly FIFA also.

looks like the 60/30fps EA days are over. :)

I think (according to reports of users with both) there are still AA differences between the versions however.