Sorry, I was on my cell phone before and didn't get to examine any of the pictures in detail. After doing so I'm now almost certain this is some kind of morphological AA.
Let me illustrate with a screenshot:
The green areas are some spots where you can see the AA working perfecty. As someone said earlier in the thread, for these solid colors it looks almost like a line drawing algorithm -- and that's because that's really what it is. Some paper I read even showed that it's closer to perfect coverage than 16 (sparse) sample AA. When it works it's just beautiful.
And the red part shows where I'd expect a morphological post-process to break down completely -- and it does!
Anyway, I really like this (if it is MLAA and I haven't just misidentified it). It's a nice technique in general (that's why I've been dabbling in it on and off for a long time), and the SPUs are almost perfect for it -- you have a lot of calculations on comparatively little data.
Let me illustrate with a screenshot:

The green areas are some spots where you can see the AA working perfecty. As someone said earlier in the thread, for these solid colors it looks almost like a line drawing algorithm -- and that's because that's really what it is. Some paper I read even showed that it's closer to perfect coverage than 16 (sparse) sample AA. When it works it's just beautiful.
And the red part shows where I'd expect a morphological post-process to break down completely -- and it does!
Anyway, I really like this (if it is MLAA and I haven't just misidentified it). It's a nice technique in general (that's why I've been dabbling in it on and off for a long time), and the SPUs are almost perfect for it -- you have a lot of calculations on comparatively little data.
If by "high-frequency" you mean "< 1 pixel", then yes, it utterly fails. It's imaginable to reconstruct edges algorithmically up to some point, particularly in video, but that's a decidedly off-line idea in terms of processing effort.homerdog said:MLAA looks cool, but wouldn't it miss out on small or high frequency stuff?