Accurate Human Rendering in Game [2017]

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This extremely rough-looking skin is not an isolated case in direct sunlight.

Shadow quality is also very low res which does not help in the character presentation either.
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Under decent lighting condition gameplay shots of UC4 models absolutely look better than SC's in fact by a sizable margin. SC models severely lack texture details especially in the face, low res maps? Also poly count seems rather low too.
UC4 ingame model





I mean, just stahp.
But more importantly, Jupiter failed to show a game that looks good in all lighting conditions :


QB on PC at max settings.

The only game i know that achieves consistent models in all lighting conditions is HZD.
Buuuuut the facial animations are worse than those in Uncharted 1, remember?

By the way, it's not really their engine. Since there are tons of dynamic dialogues in the game, sometimes the result is not good.

But the result can be better than in most comparable games :

Edit : don't worry, i knew it was a joke.
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By the way, it's not really their engine. Since there are tons of dynamic dialogues in the game, sometimes the result is not good.

But the result can be better than in most comparable games :

Yes, I know. Overall, it looks great, even though the facial animations may not be top notch sometimes. I was just repeating Jupiters' "enthusiasm".
SC models severely lack texture details especially in the face, low res maps? Also poly count seems rather low too.
UC4 ingame model

I mean, just stahp.

Where is the poly count low? More than 40 000 polygons for the head without hair (Ryse had about 10 000 polygons).

Zoomed screenshots from Youtube video:
Squadron 42 face.jpg Squadron 42_2.jpg

And in the game sometimes five to ten of these characters should stand side by side. Therefore Tress FX hair is not possible.

And if the polycount in Horizon is much higher what is this on the main character?

But more importantly, Jupiter failed to show a game that looks good in all lighting conditions.

As far as I remember the faces in ALIEN: Isolation were lit well most of the time. There were no such failures to my knowledge.

Buuuuut the facial animations are worse than those in Uncharted 1, remember?

Yes, they are and without good animations the characters seem implausible.

Or can you take this seriously?


  • Horizon.jpg
    297.2 KB · Views: 3
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The screenshot from Horizon is also from a cutscnene where the character face looks low poly a best (like multiplayer BATTLEFRONT). The source material is muddy during the long Squadron 42 gameplay video how are the textures to be recognized there? Especially if there is a lot of movement in the face where Horizon is stiff. My screenshots from these random NPCs have good facial textures for such low importance characters.

Cinematics and gameplay have exactly the same character models and the cutscenes are all optional. One can look all of These scenes also from first person where lighting etc. is exactly the same.



As in the trailer ears are still well rounded. Lots of 3d real time wrinkles etc.



All from 1080p Youtube - With the exception of the last one 100% free camera and character movement scene.

In comparison:


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This is a case of a really accurate human rendering :p
Darth Maul.jpg

(zoomed version from an UHD screenshot)

Mark Hamill in STAR WARS
Mark Hamill_dark.jpg
Mark Hamill_bright.jpg
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My screenshots from these random NPCs have good facial textures for such low importance characters.

Are you aware that none of your screenshots are impressive ? I mean, is this a joke ?



HZD, in game NPC.

Do you watch the screenshots in this thread ?

I'm extremely honest about SC : the facial animation in one of your video is the best i've seen in this type of game. But seriously, they need to work on their textures and their shaders because the overall result while decent is not impressive... really... and i only talk about the main characters because the NPCS just look bad.

This is a case of a really accurate human rendering

And i don't know if you're still joking, but character models aren't impressive in BF2 and they look worse than in BF1 :

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Are you aware that none of your screenshots are impressive ? I mean, is this a joke ?


I'm extremely honest about SC : the facial animation in one of your video is the best i've seen in this type of game. But seriously, they need to work on their textures and their shaders because the overall result while decent is not impressive... really... and i only talk about the main characters because the NPCS just look bad.

And i don't know if you're still joking, but character models aren't impressive in BF2 and they look worse than in BF1 :

What is that for an joke SSAO and light diffuse on Horizons character?

Does the game have any advanced realtime wrinkel or blood flow maps because I do not see them. Animation wise even 10 year old games have better facial animations than Horizon.

I criticized some graphic choices in BATTLEFRONT II but the character models are better.
I criticized some graphic choices in BATTLEFRONT II but the character models are better.

Yeah, much better :

Worse poly count, worse textures/shaders in any version of the game and they look even worse in BF2...

Clearly better than this :


Does the game have any advanced realtime wrinkel or blood flow maps because I do not see them.

Still looks better than SC NPCs. Fancy words don't make a good rendering...
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