Im talking metrics because thats what we do every generation. Even MS and Sony themselfs did so (four times the CPU, twice the GPU power of the OneX etc). On a forum like this, there will be metrics tossed around.
I agree on real world performance, but pushing 'between 5 to 8 times more pixels' doesnt really tell the whole story either. It doesnt mean flat out that theres a 8x improvement.
Aside from that, when a new generation of consoles arrive, usually, its the native games that really show off the capabilities, where graphical fidelity is upped. Shadowfall did just that, and so does Demon souls, but the latter didnt show a huge a leap as SF did.
What has a 1080Ti vs 2070S to do with what i said? Your talking about architectural improvements there, ofcourse TF for TF, Turing is more efficient then Pascal, it should be. I have no clue why you even need to start about that.
Going from PS3 to PS4, or G70 to GCN, there where architectural improvements too. TF for TF, the PS4's has an advantage there aswell.
Aside from that, keep things civil. You think the leap is as large as goig from PS3 to 4. I think its not. Its a agree and disagreement, thats how forums work.
is weak, i have never said it was a strong CPU for the time. What i am saying is that the performance relative to Cell vs the jaguar wasnt all that bad. It was a four time increase, not talking effeciency. Which means, the leap in CPU going from PS4 to 5 isnt that much different, despite the CPU being much better then the jaguar. You can, perhaps, blame the Cell for that.
Lol. atleast you keep it funny with the 'no chance for you'

Anyway, NV had an advantage you say over amd with G70? Is that what you mean? Anyway, i seriously doubt that, going from a Nvidia G70 (7800GT derative) to a AMD GCN 7870 derative, the memory efficiency wasnt improved at all, or even behind.
DF is not an absolute value no, why would it be? They are though, very highly regarded here. The work on Demon souls began three years ago, ye, i can believe that. But the same would go for Shadowfall, i doubt they made that game in half a year. The development time probably was quit close to that three year development time you talk about.
GG wasnt back then what they are today either. Also, an advantage for PS4 to 5 is that we stay on the same AMD/X86 platform, whereas for PS3 to PS4, from NV to amd and Cell to out-order X86.
Yea, can agree on that, its up there with those (demon souls). Still, i'd rate CP2077 at 1 and can see why alex and john did.
Sure about that? Uncharted 3 did look very nice graphically. Larger gap then DS to CP2077 pc perhaps, but dont forget that leaps have gotten smaller on pc too, but to a much lesser degree (hardware wise). Blame power usage id say.