5 New Killzone Pics!!!

I think peope should go high and try a good setup. do a comparison, and maybe, by then we can agree on the PS2 hohohumNONO problems. It is there i tell you! :D no troll no troll! :LOL: :LOL:
chaphack said:
I think peope should go high and try a good setup. do a comparison, and maybe, by then we can agree on the PS2 hohohumNONO problems. It is there i tell you! :D no troll no troll! :LOL: :LOL:

see, the difference here is that we are discussing about this normally. your hohohoahahahaNONOproblemhoho is seen as..... trolling. :rolleyes:

i have a GOOD setup. and the "problems" are there. they vary from game to game, but yeah, u could say that interlaced signals (from ANY console, not only PS2) are just ugly. especialy after playing Burnout2 (or any other game that support the feature) in pro-scan for hours...
chaphack said:
I think peope should go high and try a good setup. do a comparison, and maybe, by then we can agree on the PS2 hohohumNONO problems. It is there i tell you! :D no troll no troll! :LOL: :LOL:

actually chap, I am quite quality orientated. I have various setups, ranging from expensive hifi equipment to a few displays, both with 100Hz interlaced displays to pro-scan capable ones. I guess I'm lucky to have a very good 100Hz display - so good in fact that in combination with good cables (in my case RGB) most games look more than just reasonable. Even interlaced half-frame buffered games at 60 fps look suprisengly good (i.e. Jak & Daxter) except for some minor flickering due to lack of mipmapping - close to what I get with Jak II on either setup. This however is not any worse than what I have come to expect from games on any platform this generation. I'm not saying that PS2 games match Xbox games in IQ except for a few later titles - but that KillZone could look reasonably well with the right setup (Jak & Daxter i.e.) and close to the screens (which btw have jaggies so I don't think they're too far from the truth IMO) once it's out. Only time will tell though.

Regardless, I'm sure it will be one of the impressive games, may it be due to gameplay or nice art.
Sure the game still looks absolutely gorgeous. Might not be my cup of tea (i like shiny things), but depending on how it turns out, i'll certainly give it a try.
i just wish this is not just a case of bad Hype gone wrong.
London-boy, BGDA and TR:AOD are both filed rendered, run at 60FPS and have excellent image quality. We'll see how these guys handle it but somehow I doubt Sony would allow for such a high profile game to look bad due to half frame buffer interlacing.
marconelly! said:
London-boy, BGDA and TR:AOD are both filed rendered, run at 60FPS and have excellent image quality. We'll see how these guys handle it but somehow I doubt Sony would allow for such a high profile game to look bad due to half frame buffer interlacing.

yeah of course, BGDA is pretty (cant say of TR because i have never seen the game in action). still, those are pretty slow-moving games...
the faster the games are, the worse the effects of interlacing are. GT3 can be a bit bad at times, so can J&D.
this is not to say that they look BAD.. far from it, still, JAK2 has raised the standard for ps2 games, and field rendering isnt gonna help Killzone...
thats all... ;)
me more concern about stuffs like mipmapping, framerates and texture filtering. i dont think any PS2 games should run at half height today...
chaphack said:
me more concern about stuffs like mipmapping, framerates and texture filtering. i dont think any PS2 games should run at half height today...

nope, yup and it's the same issue as the first.

regarding the half height issue, I think you seriously underestimate the incompetence of some managers.
Friends and I have discovered BG:DA of late. It's amazing just how much randomly better the gameplay and the graphics are than any of us were expecting. Hehe... Now eagerly waiting to see what's done with the sequel.
cthellis42 said:
Friends and I have discovered BG:DA of late. It's amazing just how much randomly better the gameplay and the graphics are than any of us were expecting. Hehe... Now eagerly waiting to see what's done with the sequel.

yeah BGDA is quite a gorgeous looking game, helped by the fact that the view is very restricted...
ZOE2 and SH3 spoiled it for me, and now most other games just look subpar.... (i still havent got Jak2)
Friends and I have discovered BG:DA of late. It's amazing just how much randomly better the gameplay and the graphics are than any of us were expecting. Hehe... Now eagerly waiting to see what's done with the sequel.
BGDA is not made by the same people anymore. If you want to see the improvement to BGDA engine, look into Champions of Norrath, that one is made by the same team
Why the huh? The higher the resolution the lower amount of things for textures. That includes streaming textures from main RAM also.
Sonic said:
Why the huh? The higher the resolution the lower amount of things for textures. That includes streaming textures from main RAM also.

Sonic I know this, but what I didn't realize was that the performance hit was as severe as Guerilla expressed.
it may be because their engine's data flow (for handing texture mangement) is disruptedenough to warrent exclusion, that is all.
Sonic I know this, but what I didn't realize was that the performance hit was as severe as Guerilla expressed.
Some of the most texture-heavy games on PS2 are in fact running (or can be run using blaze adapter) in progressive scan. Games that I have in mind in particular are SH3 and Burnout 2.

That comment actually confused even the developers here, like Fafalada, who thinks that's simply a wrong statement or something misinterpreted by their PR. Progressive scan support vs. half frame buffer saves only around 500K of video ram.
marconelly! said:
Sonic I know this, but what I didn't realize was that the performance hit was as severe as Guerilla expressed.
Some of the most texture-heavy games on PS2 are in fact running (or can be run using blaze adapter) in progressive scan. Games that I have in mind in particular are SH3 and Burnout 2.

That comment actually confused even the developers here, like Fafalada, who thinks that's simply a wrong statement or something misinterpreted by their PR. Progressive scan support vs. half frame buffer saves only around 500K of video ram.

This is what I initially thought Marconelly. I had doubts about the V-ram requirements, thanks.