[360, PS3] Crysis 2

Yes, those. But all areas in Crysis were full of objects to interact with, even the alien base.

And you could break most clutter objects. Think it might be procedural to like vegetation breaking as in where you aim it breaks within certain by cvar set tolerance distance between breaking points. Thin cans bend and pop to bullet impacts etc. First house in first mission on "Island" map has upwards 100 clutter objects inside the first house alone which you can pick up/destroy!
That video seems to sport almost only console visuals. The tech and visual downgrade from Crysis is huge. Textures, filtering, shadow filtering and res, effects, SSAO quality, lighting, shading.

I cant believe people still downplaying this visuals :devilish: Come on, even the hardcore PC Crysis guys at inCrysis forum who have been whining about Crysis 2 from the beginning were impressed by this trailer. For me clearly, probably the best looking game of any stripe (I was going to say console game, but frankly parts of it look much better than Crysis 1 as well, making it imo better looking than the best PC game, although of course I assume this is PC version).

Anyways nebula, parts do scream "512 MB RAM", but then again the PC will have cutbacks due to consoles as well, but there is no way I believe that will be running on my Xbox 360...if they get 80% of that I'll be shocked.

Could be console and PC intermixed, I suppose. Some parts do look much better than others.

Looks like PC gamers will finally have a new game too show off their fancy PC's too.
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I cant believe people still downplaying this visuals :devilish: For me clearly, probably the best looking game of any stripe (I was going to say console game, but frankly parts of it look much better than Crysis 1 as well, making it imo better looking than the best PC game, although of course I assume this is PC version).

It seems a mix of scenes and with varying quality. If you had sometime with Crysis/Warhead cvars you can notice cutback areas quite easily. Shadows is one part in some scenes as in res, edge filtering or the refraction/cloack shader, translucency shader, material shader etc.

Anyway it's beside the point becouse I didn't say it was ugly just that compared to Crysis on PC is not near though some scenes/parts did look pretty good but anwyay I think most is console footage. Whichever part they did look good, effects, vista etc. I'll bet Crytek will set the bar or redline the top with Crysis 2 on consoles regarding tech, visuals and dynamic factor in a one-in-all package.

Anyways nebula, parts do scream "512 MB RAM", but then again the PC will have cutbacks due to consoles as well, but there is no way I believe that will be running on my Xbox 360...if they get 80% of that I'll be shocked.

I believe a good deal of that to be console footage. About the memory limitations, well the set scenery type and gameplay area is tunned for that but texture res will be higher in PC version than Crysis PC if the Crytek dev is to be beleived in the interview at PCGH. That means it will use more than 512MB VRAM on PC.

Could be console and PC intermixed, I suppose. Some parts do look much better than others.


Just sad to me when such an amazing looking game receives constant negatives here for graphics. Kind of ridiculous and completely unrealistic too, it's like singling out the best graphics for criticism! I mean, the one thing the game obviously excels at, being singled out, is kind of ridiculous.

I was going to say tradition that follows Crytek games... when they where PC exclusives... and now to! :LOL: :p

Looks like PC gamers will finally have a new game too push PC's too.

Certainly and since the engine now is capable of utilising the full feature set of PCs then I am sure it will be a pleasure and tweaking configs will allow faster systems get more effectively with a perfomance visual ratio that is more linear. This was not true for CE2 that only support 2 threads/cores (biggest limiter for pushing locked 60fps achievement). But then they worked with DX10 before DX10 GPUs where even out and Quad CPUs popular. They probably got a ton of 'legacy' code in CE2. In some ways one could put CE2 in the same category as console games that gets developed before the console hardware gets out. Though despite that Crytek created a monster engine, one of the finest and most tweakable on the PC platform to this day. hats of for that.
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Well it's definitely looking better than previous vids, but I still can't believe this is the sequel to Crysis. It looks cut down in almost every department - MP is gimped (I usually don't care about MP but I loved Wars); overall it looks worse (I sincerely hope the PC ver looks much better); they took out speed mode and now regular sprinting drains the suit; dumbed down for consoles (a cover system, really?). Maybe this massive upgrade system, that they still haven't talked much about, takes care of all that.
I cant believe people still downplaying this visuals :devilish: Come on, even the hardcore PC Crysis guys at inCrysis forum who have been whining about Crysis 2 from the beginning were impressed by this trailer. For me clearly, probably the best looking game of any stripe (I was going to say console game, but frankly parts of it look much better than Crysis 1 as well, making it imo better looking than the best PC game, although of course I assume this is PC version)..

But what makes you believe that it looks better (on the whole) than Crysis 1?

And you could break most clutter objects. Think it might be procedural to like vegetation breaking as in where you aim it breaks within certain by cvar set tolerance distance between breaking points. Thin cans bend and pop to bullet impacts etc. First house in first mission on "Island" map has upwards 100 clutter objects inside the first house alone which you can pick up/destroy!
Exactly, Crysis 2 seems like a leap backwards in that regard :cry:

Well it's definitely looking better than previous vids, but I still can't believe this is the sequel to Crysis. It looks cut down in almost every department - MP is gimped (I usually don't care about MP but I loved Wars); overall it looks worse (I sincerely hope the PC ver looks much better); they took out speed mode and now regular sprinting drains the suit; dumbed down for consoles (a cover system, really?). Maybe this massive upgrade system, that they still haven't talked much about, takes care of all that.
That video looked cool. I hope the gameplay is good. Visually, I think it will be fine (on consoles at least).
But what makes you believe that it looks better (on the whole) than Crysis 1?

Textures, effects, lighting, shaders, geometry, particles all sometimes much better than Crysis 1. I say sometimes because the footage varies.

Crysis was very static. The animation was where it really lagged. It was also insanely buggy, constantly locking up. The last level constantly locked up for me and when I asked for answers online I hear things like "yeah the last level doesnt play well with DX10, try DX9" and other ridiculous things proving the game is just broken. I cant enjoy nice graphics when they dont work. I also got "stuck" on the last level for like an hour or more, in some corner that I could not escape, and somehow my saves were fubared enough i couldn't use an earlier save to escape either, I dont remember the details anymore but somehow I completely bugged out and broke the ending, something didn't get triggered somewhere, it was insanely hard, and got the ending without beating the final boss, etc. Left a terrible taste in my mouth. But I do need to fire up Warhead, maybe it's better.

I dont really care about destruction personally. It was limited in Crysis 1 as well as basically fairly useless imo. When I played through it I just played through it, so I dont care about knocking down a building. I'm sure some got off on knocking over every buildings but I just played the game.
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Crysis was very static. The animation was where it really lagged.

Crysis was anything but static. And animations are good except some quirks and the ragdoll timeout time being damn short (thanks German laws). Just see how a soldier jumps over obstacles, reacts with feets onto ground objects, turns about etc. The procedural animation parts and blending of animations is top notch when it works and it does for the majority of time.

It was also insanely buggy, constantly locking up. The last level constantly locked up for me and when I asked for answers online I hear things like "yeah the last level doesnt play well with DX10, try DX9" and other ridiculous things proving the game is just broken.

It's ridicolous to claim a whole game is broken becouse of one serious bug in DX10 32bit where it leaks and overflows RAM until it crashes. I've played it several times and that was the only part that got strange (sluggish) for me but it never crashed.

I cant enjoy nice graphics when they dont work. I also got "stuck" on the last level for like an hour or more, in some corner that I could not escape, and somehow my saves were fubared enough i couldn't use an earlier save to escape either, I dont remember the details anymore but somehow I completely bugged out and broke the ending, something didn't get triggered somewhere, it was insanely hard, and got the ending without beating the final boss, etc. Left a terrible taste in my mouth. But I do need to fire up Warhead, maybe it's better.

Thats work of the leak.

I dont really care about destruction personally. It was limited in Crysis 1 as well as basically fairly useless imo. When I played through it I just played through it, so I dont care about knocking down a building. I'm sure some got off on knocking over every buildings but I just played the game.

It was extensive in Crysis from destroying clutter, to many house types to vegetation. Each object or building being built up/consisting of a multitude of pieces, with or without procedural breaking joints and/or deformation. What makes BFBC2 special with destruction applies to Crysis to. Create protection, destroy protection, enter building from the roof by making a hole, use the destroyed pieces as protection/weapons. Such satisfaction seeing several enemy soldiers hiding behind palms or objects and just tearing their cover down. Well placed bullets cutting off palms falling down with the soldiers trying to evade it and if not get knocked or killed. Dynamic battle scene my friend, keyword, dynamic!

Point is destruction in Crysis is extensive and as useful as it is in BFBC2.
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Textures, effects, lighting, shaders, geometry, particles all sometimes much better than Crysis 1. I say sometimes because the footage varies.
-Textures so far are much worse than those in C2, all the videos released so far show low res texturing.
-Lighting, I agree, C2's is far superior.
-Shaders seem on par.
-Geometry, not at all. Buildings use very little and there's not much in terms of props or debris compared to C1.
-Particles, sometimes look good others bad. Warhead's are still the best.

Crysis was very static. The animation was where it really lagged.
Doesn't seem like C2 is much of an improvement so far.

It was also insanely buggy, constantly locking up. The last level constantly locked up for me and when I asked for answers online I hear things like "yeah the last level doesnt play well with DX10, try DX9" and other ridiculous things proving the game is just broken. I cant enjoy nice graphics when they dont work. I also got "stuck" on the last level for like an hour or more, in some corner that I could not escape, and somehow my saves were fubared enough i couldn't use an earlier save to escape either, I dont remember the details anymore but somehow I completely bugged out and broke the ending, something didn't get triggered somewhere, it was insanely hard, and got the ending without beating the final boss, etc. Left a terrible taste in my mouth. But I do need to fire up Warhead, maybe it's better.
That could happen in Crysis 2! :LOL:

I dont really care about destruction personally. It was limited in Crysis 1 as well as basically fairly useless imo. When I played through it I just played through it, so I dont care about knocking down a building. I'm sure some got off on knocking over every buildings but I just played the game.
Well, that's your preference. I love throwing soldiers into houses and see everything react accordingly, or shoot down a palm tree on top of a jeep and make it explode XD. Having a much more destructible/interactive environment in C2 would still allow you to play like you mention, but it would also expand options for those of us who like to make a mess of the levels xD
Took a couple of shots from the trailer. Ordered from best to worst, heh.

Not bad, all in all. Seems wildly inconsistent, though (mix of footage from different platforms)?
But what makes you believe that it looks better (on the whole) than Crysis 1?

You know I loaded up Crysis today with vanilla map/TOD/files and vanilla very high config but POM disabled to allow AF and Cryteks edgeAA set to 2. I wanted to see vanilla vs vanilla since there are many TOD/config mods for Crysis altering lighting/visuals. Must say it looks way more impressive than I thought after all this time running custom config and obviously in motion it's so much more impressive.

No doubt a lot in that trailer has much left to reach Crysis IQ/tech and complexity and so hoping for some high settings PC version showcase soon. No doubt CE3 capabilities smokes CE2.

Also I really hope there will be or are other areas in Crysis 2 with lot of clutter as in Crysis which besides that has f'n amazing amount of vegetation with ridicolous volume/density. And that that rendering vegetation is far more costly especially since each vegetation object that is 3D cant be cloned becouse they need unique data in Crysis/Warhead. Thought about this when I read a comment in a forum about vegetation being cheaper which is highly incorrect. In Crysis, cloning 3D vegetation will crash game why it's disabled by default unless one forces all vegetation to be fully static by some method.

Crysis, vanilla maps/TODs/files, vanilla very high config -POM, edge AA 2 and native res... everything Crytek Crysis default.
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One thing I really like in C2 is the HDR glare (not talking about the flares, though they're good too). I think its the most natural I've seen on a game,even better than Halo 3's:
