[360] Forza Motorsport 3

Yes Arwin, it's that I'm saying in my last post, is very hard to finish first in the more harder setting, in first races despite the fact you have a better car due to short race and type of track, but when you have a long race is more easy to win. ;) I hope after your place is design by pilot skill…or a qualification turn! ;)
For the AI, they're made "bad" decisions on braking like you can expect from "average" racers you don't drive in first whit the better drivers like in FM2. If you check some Clio Trophy race or equivalent type with "low" power cars on short boardless track, you're found this same fight, where you can be out by over, it's common to have three cars in fight on a braking despite the fact that the road have no board for two! It's very impressive to be passenger in this situation, you got a huge adrenalin boost! ;) You have to take support on the others cars but you don't have to push them out voluntary.
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Some screens i made:

I heard people on neogaf complain about the compression factor being way too high - now I definitely see what they mean! Ouch.

Also would like to know if someone technical could look at Forza 3's cockpit view in more detail. It doesn't feel like it's fully 60fps. Some kind of shortcut is being used here - some kind of frame-blending, less AA, or maybe the cockpit is drawn at 30fps and the outside world at 60fps, I don't know, but there has to be something wrong! Hopefully someone figures this out, it's driving me crazy. Also yesterday I was driving in I think the XJ220 and none of the rear-view mirrors was properly visible in cockpit mode. I had to switch to hood-cam to have a proper rear-view mirror.
Those pictures are horribly blown out. I know a lot of people like the look of this harsh HDR imagery in game, but if a photographer was shooting photos like that of the cars in real life, he'd be fired.
So three comments in and it sounds like a pretty crappy game with all the negativity. Are the press sites all bought off or what? Should we all be cancelling our pre-orders?

Doesn't sound good!

I heard people on neogaf complain about the compression factor being way too high - now I definitely see what they mean! Ouch.

Also would like to know if someone technical could look at Forza 3's cockpit view in more detail. It doesn't feel like it's fully 60fps. Some kind of shortcut is being used here - some kind of frame-blending, less AA, or maybe the cockpit is drawn at 30fps and the outside world at 60fps, I don't know, but there has to be something wrong! Hopefully someone figures this out, it's driving me crazy. Also yesterday I was driving in I think the XJ220 and none of the rear-view mirrors was properly visible in cockpit mode. I had to switch to hood-cam to have a proper rear-view mirror.

Not that many - I played two weekend races basically. My main issue is not being able to have the option to do a free run beforehand to test your setups, or qualify for a better starting position. For the free run you'll have to go back to free play mode in the main menu and then back again when you want to start the race. Qualification is just plain not available, which is a shame. Especially with shorter races it means you have about two laps to overtake 7 cars. Also, the AI drives pretty badly sometimes braking in weird spots where you don't need to brake at all, so you need to learn these spots and use them.

I have that case too by the way. That VIP crown showed for me for a while, and then disappeared again when I was playing online. Weird.

Racing online is a pretty decent way to earn XP and cash. Even though I rarely won anything, driving with other more experienced Forza racers and either not having seen many of these tracks for a long while, or not ever, I still racked up XP a lot, partly also because I drive completely assistless. Am Level 8 now, and level up 2 out of 3 races almost (of five laps).

Oh yeah, in online I got some terrible slowdowns when a friend came online and when I won a trophy. You may want to turn the notifications off if you can (haven't checked yet if I can)

Playing the game, more detailed comments will follow. Not completely happy with the career mode. Quite happy to be able to play with some old GT friends though right now in a private game though.
Nah, you will be happy with the game. Just that you think the game could have been improved in many aspects.

Obviously no qualifying in career mode is disappointing... I do tend to think that old Career in FM2 is actually better in some aspects, just that it wasn't easy to access for everyone. This one is confusing me a bit, but I am sure I will get used to it.

And there are also lots of bugs that you can find as well... I had a car bumper off and surprise surprise, when I braked the bumper that came off was blinking lights!

But replays have a lot improved, the interface is much much more sleek, there are cockpits, I am overall happy with what I have.

I just want some DLC tracks!!! :devilish: 24-5 environments isn't enough for me!
So three comments in and it sounds like a pretty crappy game with all the negativity. Are the press sites all bought off or what? Should we all be cancelling our pre-orders?

Doesn't sound good!

Well, racing games are to me what shooters are to Ostepop, if you catch my drift. So don't take my negativity as gospel. ;) I'm just pointing things out that bothered me right now and didn't consider to be already widely known.

On the upside, the tracks I've raced on so far mostly look very good, and in hood-cam, the framerate is impeccable. Online seems to be impoved as well, though if it weren't for my racing friends having a private game that I could join, I wouldn't have known because yesterday there were only about 160 people online, and not unsurprisingly I couldn't get a race.

And of course the way to exchange replays, cars, decals etc, auctioning and so forth is all quite good.

Most importantly, the driving model is satisfying enough and makes for some good racing. I've played everything on Extreme/Hard, bar the damage in online races mind, and although there are some weird things, it makes for good competition. Also, when driving online all cars are available immediately.

A very big plus for me also is that you can save the replays of online races. Big plus. It makes up for not being able to save a hotlap to a separate file (you can only save the whole free run session instead, which is a shame).

If you like racing, and particularly you like racing online, with cars that handle (mostly) according to the laws of physics and a super-smooth framerate, this is a good game for you.

But don't come into this game believing all the hype that went into it, because very few games live up to that. ;) And this game suffers a bit more from it than other games, because expectations weren't managed as ... carefully ... as for some other games. ;)
Sop your feedback is to temper your perspective on the hype meter and not feedback on the game?

Because just reading the posts and your comments on another recently released racer your feedback really makes it sound like this game sucks and has all sorts of faults whereas you were front and center to argue the merits of the other. So your posts aren't really a review or feedback, but trying to balance the media.

Got it.
Awesome shot

Sop your feedback is to temper your perspective on the hype meter and not feedback on the game?

Because just reading the posts and your comments on another recently released racer your feedback really makes it sound like this game sucks and has all sorts of faults whereas you were front and center to argue the merits of the other. So your posts aren't really a review or feedback, but trying to balance the media.

Got it.

Well, mostly just trying to bring out that which is underexposed I guess. I've stressed before though that I'll write a full review when I feel I've played enough. But with games like these, it takes a fair while before I've played it enough.

Mind you the things in mention below are really, really annoying to me. Especially not having free run and being able to qualify. Much is made of that Forza has three games out since Gran Turismo, and since they've taken enough of that game, why not this?

If you would just be playing this game for an offline career mode, I would rate this game very poorly right now. I'm already no longer compelled to continue the career mode, and I've only done 8 races or so. But obviously the game is bigger than just that, and a full review will take some time!

@interference: regarding the physics, I'm not ready to compare it to the competition yet. I have some issues I want to investigate further and I've heard some complaints from other drivers online as well, but we will be nitpicking on things that most people will never care about. ;) To give you an idea, one of the first things that struck me as odd was that I could drive my FF through corners at full throttle, and when the tires started to squeal, if I just held my wheel the car would follow the line exactly, no oversteer at all. But later when driving a different FF car, I had a different experience, but it was also a different track (elevation in corners matters a lot in FM3), so I'm not sure yet what the deal here is - some cars just have really good balance for instance (Alfa's x5x series in particular is well known for this).

You can be sure though that eventually I'll test everything I know about the behaviour of every drivetrain and specific cars I am familiar with on tracks that I am familiar with and figure out the pro and cons of both engines. ;)

Anyway, one big flaw we noticed about another game is not in this one - if you brake and your wheels lock up, you can't still steer. ;)

EDIT: yeah, that Subaru shot is a very nice one.
So three comments in and it sounds like a pretty crappy game with all the negativity. Are the press sites all bought off or what? Should we all be cancelling our pre-orders?

Doesn't sound good!

Don't bother too much with other people's negativity , it's expected . I could say that i played again yesterday some other competitive racer , and it didn't seem that gran-t anymore , if you catch me.
Don't cancel your order , Forza 3 is great .
So your feedback is to temper your perspective on the hype meter and not feedback on the game?

Because just reading the posts and your comments on another recently released racer your feedback really makes it sound like this game sucks and has all sorts of faults whereas you were front and center to argue the merits of the other. So your posts aren't really a review or feedback, but trying to balance the media.

Got it.

I appreciate the consistency, at least, since it makes it easier to read the comments in context. I have to admit, though, it's hard not to be struck by the level of negativity of the comments when even "positive" points often end up reading something like this - "This is actually done well, despite this thing that is wrong with it."

It should be pretty clear that the level of negativity there has more to do with the perspective of the person making the comments than with the game itself. Once you take this into account, it makes it easier to get something out of them. The fact that he's mostly only pointing out what he perceives to be negatives doesn't mean that they aren't valid points. They're just unbalanced ones.
So three comments in and it sounds like a pretty crappy game with all the negativity. Are the press sites all bought off or what? Should we all be cancelling our pre-orders?

Let me preface this with a couple of things. Firstly, I bought Forza 2 (never had Forza 1 as I only had a PS2) and I don't think I put more than a couple of hours into it. It just didn't work for me at all.

Secondly, I'm not what you'd call a "hardcore" sim racer, the type of gamer who looks down on the Need 4 Speed, GRID, DIRT, etc games of the world. In the same way that I can get enjoyment out of both ArmA and Call of Duty, I can get enjoyment from a racer that is more simulation based as well as NFS: Most Wanted.

Thirdly, I'm not a professional race driver who has driven at 30 locations around the world in hundreds of different cars. I've done a few trackdays at Silverstone in Ferrari's, I've driven Nurburgring in my old Alfa Spider and an Evo a couple of times at Donnington Park. That's it. So, not an expert in any way, shape or form.

Oh, and I don't have a wheel for either the PS3 or 360. I have a wife instead. :(

So, Forza 3. It's fun. I mean, really fun. Of course, this is my opinion only and not a statement of fact. But it is probably the most balanced racer that I can remember playing.

For me, where Forza trumphs the "other" console sim is that the cars have a real mass to them. Hammering down a straight, braking hard into a corner, gradually building up pressure on the accelerator as you ride the corner and then building up speed as you pull out of the corner into the racing line, it all just feels 'right' to me. Where in the "other" game, the car and road never feel entirely connected and it's more of a mathematical exercise on hitting the optimum line and speeds that the developer expects.

One area that pleasantly surprised me was that driving the lower-end cars was a real joy too. In Forza 2 and especially in GT4/5P, the smaller/less powerful cars that have to be driven to proceed feel more like a grind, penance for having played more fun racers in the past. But if GT4/5 is World of Carcraft, with hours and hours and hours of dull, dull grind before you're able to get any enjoyment from the product, Forza 3 is BioShocar, where even though your arsenal is underpowered and somewhat lacking, the core gameplay still makes the experience engrossing.

So from the earliest rounds, you feel as though you are racing. I understand Arwin's point about the inability to qualify for grid position, and that would be a welcome addition. As would the ability to choose to hotlap to test out a car or setup from the race menu, though it's only a couple of button presses away if you want to do that. Aside from that though, the handling model, audio and AI gives the impression of being in a real race from the get-go, making every race and round feel worthwhile and not just grid until you get enough credits or go far enough into the campaign to get hold of more powerful machinery.

Graphically, the game doesn't boast the photorealistic (or more truthfully, hyperrealistic) look that GT5 does, with its pristine, car showroom shine cars, sterile environments and oversaturated, excess HDR'd yet beautiful lighting model. It's a little more dirty somehow, a little rougher. I have heard others say it looks cartoony, and while I can't quite see it myself, I can see where those commenters are coming from.

Forza 3 is not photorealistic. But it's damn good looking and has grown on me very quickly. The various environments are packed with detail, the cars look very good, reflections in the cars are excellent and, for me the real kicker, the roads/tracks actually look driven on. For me this enhances the actual "racing experience", bringing me into the world and therefore I don't feel as though I am just hotlapping in a pristine racing environment with the bonus of overtaking a dumb drone car every one and again.

As you may be able to tell, I am a little bit down on the GT games (though I've only owned 4 and 5P), but there's a reason why the GT games are called "Car Porn" and not racing games. Hell, even the devs call them driving simulators and not racing games. There will be people who love that style of software and there'll be people who'll buy them to show off the shiny graphics when friends and family come around. Like me. But what has surprised me is how "up" I feel about Forza 3. Sure, there may be some things wrong with the handling model on some cars, sure the graphics don't look like a BMW advert, but I care not a jot about that. For one, I haven't (as a non-professional car driver) felt a handling model yet that screams BAD, and I'd much rather play around with a fantastic looking girl with personality than a dull, heavily made-up supermodel.

{Note: I have heard it said that the GT games are better played with a wheel and that the poor placement of the left-stick and the general mushy deadzone of the DS3 isn't condusive to good racing. Maybe so. However, it's also a credit to Turn 10 that Forza 3 plays so very well with a joypad}

{Note 2: The above is my opinion only, as a (as previously stated) not-professional racer who hasn't personally driven, let alone raced, most of the cars available in this games. However, I have been playing racing titles since Sinclair Spectrum days, along the road hitting titles such as Pitstop II, the Geoff Crammond F1 titles, most of the N4S games, Toca series, Race Driver, etc.}
Hi Rotmm, thanks for your impressions. Sounds like we have comparable backgrounds, except that once I had played Geoff Crammond's F1 GP game with a wheel, I couldn't go back. I've tried a few times actually so that I wouldn't be crap in multi-player situations where no wheel was available, but I just can't like it - too much awesome sensations are being communicated through the wheel, especially since force feedback stepped onto the stage. I tried again recently in anticipation of GT PSP though, played some GT4 on the PS3 with a DS3 controller and made a bit of progress there, but I'll never be great, as I drive now with dual analog sticks, which is never the optimum way of driving, as you can't switch from full throttle to full braking as fast as you can with triggers or X and [], which are fully analog on the PS3 controllers and the fastest people master pressing both with a single thumb :D).

Oh and you have WAY more trackday experience than me! I only drove on the Ring (now there's a track where 3D glasses are going to drastically change your experience! When you do some of those drops and rises in real-life, it's just incredible), funnily enough also in an Alfa (155 - I sometimes dream I might get another one for 1000 euros just for driving there lol, it was perfect for me, I don't want/dare to go any faster than that and the car handled great).

I don't share your feelings about comparisons with other games, but I know that's at least partly due to driving with a wheel. I find for instance that a few aspects of feedback are still missing in Forza, though it's not in the controller yet either. Feedback about which way the car leans is neither present in the position of the cockpit (no leaning left and right for instance as far as I can tell), nor in the force feedback on the wheel (gently pushing left or right depending on whether the car is leaning to the left or to the right). This can be very important for determining the best moment to start turning opposite your previous turn in a chicane or another combination of opposite turns following each other - get this wrong and you can have some very surprising effects, which are still simulated in Forza too, mind you so you still have to keep it in mind to some extent. Also, I haven't experienced yet that wonderful feeling of the front wheels starting to alternatively slip and regain grip in rapid succession that you can get with FF cars at the edge of grippiness, which I know from my own cars (have all been FF - when I played GT4 with the DS3 by the way I noticed they managed to simulate that particular effect pretty well with just rumble)

It's things like those that leaves driving Forza a little bit too smooth and clean whenever you're not taking a turn. Also, the way grass is used, regardless of the discussion whether or not that is a better way to deal with cheating than penalties or anything else, as an anti-cheating device rather than a realistic part of the experience, detracts a little.

However, those are just about the only bits that I miss in the experience. There's a fair bit of good stuff to make up for it, such as the sound, which I enjoy - it's loud and gritty, has nice turbo, valve and exhaust notes, and the gradual change when you hit higher rpms is very satisfying. The tire noise is good too, and the audio feedback from the tires is much improved from Forza 2, where you wouldn't hear them at all until it was too late. Now they start squaling ever so subtly at even the tiniest hint of loss of traction, and it's a great feedback on your driving. One of the best improvements over Forza 3.

Another thing they did very well I think is how your tires hit the curbstones. Most of the time it feels really right and the way your car reacts to especially the smaller, higher curbstones, feels really good. When your car starts to slide, it responds very well to your counter-steering to get it back under control. Most of the time, the car starts to slide when you expect it too also. And I've always driven with no ABS on in this game, because even though it doesn't always make sense for a certain car (similar to why no TCS doesn't always make sense), it just makes the whole racing experience that much more exhilarating.

Grip in general is very well simulated (again, as long as you're on the road or the curbs, at least) in Forza, either better or better noticeable in the final game than in the demo, as the final game definitely passes the 'donut' test. ;)

I also looked into setting up an online race, and it has just about every option I want, short of forcing a pit-stop. Fuel consumption and tire wear are in there somewhere though so if you race long enough, pitstops will be both possible and necessary, and I look forward to experimenting with some longer races once I find enough harcore people (may have to become an active member on a Forza dedicated forum for that though). Otherwise, you can force any assist off, force the cars to stock parts and tuning, force car types, change start orders, race best of 3 heats, even force the driving view, which is great. And that's all not even discussing the tag, cat and mouse stuff and so on. Also really nice touch, is that you can save your multi-player settings into separate files for easy management.

Elsewhere, the overall online scores are great too. Like you have the Time Trials (hidden in the leaderboards section, not the storefront like the Eurogamer review mentions), but you can also see your overall score for the time trials and compare those with your friends, etc., which is a nice touch (and something we have on some of the GT boards also). Not only that, but you can see the totals leaderboards for all the other types as well, including drift, hotlaps, p2p, etc. And then of course there's the whole storefront where you can share your replays, shots, decals, tunings, sell cars, etc. - it's a lot of stuff!

Since you listed a large number of games that I also played, in a lot of ways this game reminds me of an F1 game created I think by Ubisoft, in the days of the reign of the 3DFX cards. It has a similar kind of graphical look, similar kind of driving feel, and a good experience. Hard to pin-point exactly, but I liked that game also and if someone told me some of the same people worked on both games I'd believe it instantly.

So anyway, even when I'm not 100% happy and find some things downright irritating or lazy, the game overall is a success, in that I like driving cars in this game. There are also plenty of tracks in it that I haven't been driving for a long while, so I still have a lot of (sometimes re)learning to do, which is a big part of the fun for me. I'm happy with the overall package. The driving model is very sound, graphics are good enough (both cars and tracks sometimes do really look great).

Anyway, like I said, still not driven enough to write a full review, but I think I've driven enough to make a reliable prediction in that I think this is a good game, and people who like driving/racing are very likely to enjoy this as well - although for me personally, the only real joy in racing is still very likely to be in the online, as the career mode is too sterile for me and feels almost completely pointless.

I'm just going to cherry-pick a couple of parts to respond (without quotes) cos it's beddy-byes time for me ;)

I've played a fair few racers with a wheel in the past and can completely understand what you're saying. I haven't "wheeled" for about 8 years now though, not since I moved to England. I keep getting tempted to pick up a wheel (nearly did today... a MS one which I know isn't the greatest, but it's reasonably priced) but as I said, I'm married ;) Also, for Forza I get a dining chair set-up about 1m in front of the 50" Plasma, so I'd either have to get a wheel stand or have it on my lap. Neither is really the best option. Oh, and I'm married in case I hadn't mentioned it and I think the GHWT set was pretty much the last straw.

That and the fact that I bought a friend the RB:Beatles set today, his girlfriend phoned my wife and told her and now I'm in the shitter :(

With regards to the feedback, I have to say that I think it's very good in the controller, but am more than prepared to take your word for it that it's not with a wheel. Also, I fully agree that the cockpit view is poor in how it depicts lateral g-force and the like. I don't race "cockpit" anyway, but for sure F3 isn't going to woo me to change my ways.

Grass/Gravel Traps are disappointing in their implementation. As with you, I can understand why T10 have gone the route I have, but surely there could have been a better way. Cutting a chicane and just stopping dead really pulls you out fo the moment.

That said, until Forza 3 I don't think any racing game to date has quite managed to simulate that feeling of, I don't know how to express it properly in words, "not quite having full control, wrestling with the wheel" that you get when just a wheel or two hits a grass or gravel verge. Whereas Tom Cruise had Rene Zellweiger at "Hello", Forza 3 had be at "grass verge" :p And you're right, the sensation from the curbs is exceptional. Or Sebring when you hit the concrete road, it feels just right to me.

Trackday.... well I live about 20 mins from Silverstone and about 45 mins from Donnington :)


That's pretty much my old Spider. One day (14 years ago) I was driving from England to Southern Poland and a guy in a German petrol station was chatting and said I should go there. Honestly, I had no idea what to expect, but what I didn't expect was the sheer adrenaline rush, constant fear and dribbling urine that the ring caused me. I've often promised myself to go back, but never seem to get round to it.
Actually, it would be a pity if their photomode didn't produce an image that was markedly superior to what was possible in other modes. That's the whole point of having the feature.

No, rather the excellent photo mode and menu models, just draw your attention to the low poly in game and replay models and make their lower detail much more noticeable. Contrast this with the competition where LOD changes between car models for the various modes are seamless.