[360] Forza Motorsport 3

Got the game today.

Graphics are really disappointing given hype from T10 - Looks nowhere better looking than FM2 to me.

But gameplay doesn't feel arcade like in demo to me for now...!

With regards to the graphics and FM2 comment, sorry thats tripe. Drive around Amalfi, Positano and the 10 mile mountain course.
You do realize that the paint jobs your drooling over are pretty medicore compared to what talented people did in FM2

Well for me that took a hiatus from even looking at driving games since GT 3... It's pretty amazing. :) I'm amazed that the ones in FM2 are even better.

I look at some of that stuff and only dream of doing such. Being partially red/green color blind doesn't help when trying to do art. :D

With regards to the graphics and FM2 comment, sorry thats tripe. Drive around Amalfi, Positano and the 10 mile mountain course.

Ooh, 10-mile mountain course! I'd love a game that let me drive long stretches of real roads...
Ooh, 10-mile mountain course! I'd love a game that let me drive long stretches of real roads...

I thought there was also a 13-14mi course? Or is that the same one?

I want to drive on some major freeways sometimes in a game like this. We have some nice elevation and curves around here. Maybe a combo of freeway+offramps.
So amazon has a great deal going with the game for $55 and a $10 gift card. Add that with my $5 off for uncharted and it's looking good. I'm thinking about ditching the LE and saving some cash. Then I see this:


That is SOOOOO wrong!

I wonder why it didnt look like that during the in car view when I played the demo unless I didnt notice

They didn't have time to get that right. It's also why there are no shifting animations in the cockpit view, I believe.
Or it's a quirk of that particular car.. I haven't noticed it, and I was taking photos of the driver just half an hour ago.
2 copies pre-ordered. Will be ready Day 1 8)

Already got mine LE, for a time we're first in EU! ;)
The one think I'm can say is, for now after starting the season, jump out of the herd in difficult is not a easy task when you start in the last place, and it seem you start last despite you IP Car, so it's really a challenge on race with 2-3 laps on shorts tracks.
But really fun AI fight like Clio Trophy racers, so you need to be a Buckaroo some time. :) ;)
I'm really enjoying the game.
It may not look as realistic graphically as GT5 but i'm happy with what i see.
My realife car is well modeled, the engine sound is close to the real thing too.
Now that i have been able to play with photomode, i wonder why they were not able to put the highest LOD car during replay. As soon as you switch to photomode, the highest LOD is loaded, and you are free to roam around the car, the track and other car (which keep the standard replay LOD by the way).
I think that if they have had 6 more months of dev, they could have brought us high LOD model for the player car during replay. Anyway you hardly notice the difference while everything is in motion.
Playing the game, more detailed comments will follow. Not completely happy with the career mode. Quite happy to be able to play with some old GT friends though right now in a private game though.
How many hours are you nito the career mode?

Not that many - I played two weekend races basically. My main issue is not being able to have the option to do a free run beforehand to test your setups, or qualify for a better starting position. For the free run you'll have to go back to free play mode in the main menu and then back again when you want to start the race. Qualification is just plain not available, which is a shame. Especially with shorter races it means you have about two laps to overtake 7 cars. Also, the AI drives pretty badly sometimes braking in weird spots where you don't need to brake at all, so you need to learn these spots and use them.

I have that case too by the way. That VIP crown showed for me for a while, and then disappeared again when I was playing online. Weird.

Racing online is a pretty decent way to earn XP and cash. Even though I rarely won anything, driving with other more experienced Forza racers and either not having seen many of these tracks for a long while, or not ever, I still racked up XP a lot, partly also because I drive completely assistless. Am Level 8 now, and level up 2 out of 3 races almost (of five laps).

Oh yeah, in online I got some terrible slowdowns when a friend came online and when I won a trophy. You may want to turn the notifications off if you can (haven't checked yet if I can)
Edge: 9/10
"...perhaps the biggest compliment you can throw Forza 3’s way is that never at any point does driving feel anything less than fabulous."

Gamespot: 9.5/10
"There's also no denying that Forza Motorsport 3 is a truly special racing game. Not only does it make simulation-style racing accessible to anyone with the inclination to give it a try, but it looks and sounds superb doing it and manages to foster an unusually strong sense of community along the way."

That should do it for all the worthwhile mags. Well done T10. Can't wait for Tuesday.