Predict: Next gen console tech (10th generation edition) [2028+]

Series S is a good device, it just needed a bit more ram and higher GPU clocks (PS5 style boost would have been perfect). If MS had sought feedback from 3rd party devs I think they'd have had 2GB more ram and a little bit more GPU. Series S is just a little bit too far outside of easy scalability for console oriented games. Perception is a big part of desirability.

If Sony go for two SKUs I think they'll avoid the perception of having a "low end' machine, and move the relative performance and price of both SKUs up a little.

They'd also have software to help positively shape perception of both systems from day one, something MS intentionally deprioritised for their consoles due to their software 'strategy'.
Very likely home console and handheld. Quite different than XSX / XSS. And Sony certainly won't do the same rookie mistakes about memory.
Maybe they'll go for PS6 + PS6 "Pro" right at the start of the gen. 499/599 base console and maybe something pushing up to 799-999 for the Pro version. The PS5 Pro will provided necessary feedback on the price point tolerance.
The PS Vita TV concept could be pretty good. The same hardware as the, let's say, a 500€ portable, but in a small 300€ home console. The real PS6 at 700€.

That would be hard to execute, all at launch, so it's not happening

Ps: I hope that people are preparing themselves mentally for PS5 cross gen to last for the entire next gen. PS5 will last for two gens 🙃
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The PS Vita TV concept could be pretty good. The same hardware as the, let's say, a 500€ portable, but in a small 300€ home console. The real PS6 at 700€.

That would be hard to execute, all at launch, so it's not happening

Ps: I hope that people are preparing themselves mentally for PS5 cross gen to last for the entire next gen. PS5 will last for two gens 🙃
You mean "PS4 will last for 3 gens", right?
Kepler is not actually that reputable a leaker.

That said, two different systems could make sense anyways. Series S was a good idea, just not executed as well as it could have been(really needed 192-bit bus and two more GB of RAM) and born into what was set to become a very unpopular overall Xbox platform. Playstation would be in a better position to pull it off, I think.

I dont think this is PS6 + handheld, though. You cant really make an affordable portable that will also be able to play all the same next gen games as PS6, at least definitely not near its launch. And there's simply no room in the market for a separate portable as its own kind of unique platform either. Even Nintendo couldn't pull that off nowadays. So I'd assume any two system strategy would be based on the Series S-style strategy. A PS6 Novice, in DF parlance. :p
Kepler is not actually that reputable a leaker.

That said, two different systems could make sense anyways. Series S was a good idea, just not executed as well as it could have been(really needed 192-bit bus and two more GB of RAM) and born into what was set to become a very unpopular overall Xbox platform. Playstation would be in a better position to pull it off, I think.

I dont think this is PS6 + handheld, though. You cant really make an affordable portable that will also be able to play all the same next gen games as PS6, at least definitely not near its launch. And there's simply no room in the market for a separate portable as its own kind of unique platform either. Even Nintendo couldn't pull that off nowadays. So I'd assume any two system strategy would be based on the Series S-style strategy. A PS6 Novice, in DF parlance. :p
You can't really say that Kepler isn't reputable without bringing the receipts 🙄.

Unless proven otherwise, this guy knows.
You can't really say that Kepler isn't reputable without bringing the receipts 🙄.

Unless proven otherwise, this guy knows.
It's pretty well known if you're paying attention. He's gotten lots of things wrong and has had some very hare-brained takes over the years. I also dont have access to Twitter anymore, so I cant exactly go posting all the receipts anyways(thankfully, as I dont want to waste a bunch of my time proving something that's well enough known around here).

Not saying he's a complete liar like MLID, just that he's not nearly credible enough to take his word on any kind of face value.
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It's pretty well known if you're paying attention. He's gotten lots of things wrong and has had some very hare-brained takes over the years. I also dont have access to Twitter, so I cant exactly go posting all the receipts anyways(thankfully, as I dont want to waste a bunch of my time proving something that's well enough known around here).

Not saying he's a complete liar like MLID, just that he's not nearly credible enough to take his word on any kind of face value.
If he says 10 things and 9 of those become true, I would classify that as believable. It's pretty rare that he says something that doesn't become true. And even in cases like RDNA 3, where he was hyping it, a couple of months before the reveal he corrected himself by saying that it was disappointing.

Things can be true at some point, and then become false at another.
We don't discuss personalities here. It gets ugly. If someone wants to make a claim that a source is unreliable, present a clear count of how many rumours they made and how many came true. Without that, it's just heresay. But even then, we don't need rumours to true to discuss them, so it's better to just focus on the plausibility rather than the quality of the source.
I wonder if we might see them on different nodes in the interest of cost?

For example, the base PS5's 2.233GHz GPU on N2P would be 3.636GHz, while (assuming it's 5nm) the Pro's 2.35GHz GPU on A16 would be 3.66GHz.

They could be more modest with the clockspeed on the base model and consequently go with more conservative cooling for a smaller device.

I just hope they keep the memory amount equal. The Series S has shown us that the headache isn't really worth the $10’s of saved dollars per unit.
With 3D stacked EDRAM, two SOCs makes even more sense IMHO. So certainly hope that's on the cards. A big video RAM boost, latency and bandwidth, would benefit all GPU and AI work a great deal methinks.
Maybe Sony's looking to do something with those multi-gpu patent apps from the past year or two. Though from reading the patents I'm lead to believe its primarily for their cloud gaming efforts.
Maybe Sony's looking to do something with those multi-gpu patent apps from the past year or two. Though from reading the patents I'm lead to believe its primarily for their cloud gaming efforts.

Maybe something like gpu tiles with a fabric interconnect could be interesting rather than monolithic dies.
A PS6 with chiplets and 1 GCD on the "Lite" unit's SoC and 2 GCDs on the standard unit's SoC; both identically clocked. ~75% RAM/Bandwidth, otherwise identical featureset and everything else spec'd exactly the same. Games could just render at ~half the base resolution in most cases (or scale various aspects to a lesser degree in tandem); and with half the AI hardware likely gone it would may be case of choosing between these sorts of scenarios for eg.:

PS6: 1440p >-> PSSR >-> 2160p with high IQ + Frame-Gen
PS6 Lite: 1080p >-> PSSR >-> 2160p with medium IQ, no Frame-Gen

You could have 1TB on the "Lite" and 2TB on the main unit to further differentiate and cut cost. Given the GPU is the main power draw there could be further knock on effects in terms of cost cutting on VRMs, PSU, Heatsink, Complexity etc.

They could even get it a bit above 50% perf by using the higher yield chips on the Lite with less or no CU disabling and/or a slight clock boost; and the lower yield chips with CU disabling on the main unit. Something like 27+27WGP on the main one and a singular 30WGP on the Lite.

Lots of creative possibilities to balance it all out on perf or cost. Not to mention mixing nodes for CPU CCDs, GPU GCDs and Memory Cache/Bus MCDs.

Never thought a lightweight console sku was a bad idea, just that the XSS was a very poor eg. The 12TF<->4TF gulf was just a little too much, as was the 16GB<->10GB and of course, the worst and most important part is the '224GB/s' bandwidth vs the ~'560GB/s'.
A PS6 with chiplets and 1 GCD on the "Lite" unit's SoC and 2 GCDs on the standard unit's SoC; both identically clocked. ~75% RAM/Bandwidth, otherwise identical featureset and everything else spec'd exactly the same.
What would the cost difference be and would it really be worth it?
If someone wants to make a claim that a source is unreliable, present a clear count of how many rumours they made and how many came true. Without that, it's just heresay.
You've gotta be freaking kidding me. Who on earth keeps track of such numbers? This essentially makes it impossible to claim ANY source at all is not credible, meaning we'd have to take seriously every single rumor from anybody ever. Absolutely ridiculous nonsense.

Also, it's 'hearsay'.