PS5 Pro *spawn

So more ray tracing, more AI upscaling, and more performance. Sony is doubling down on the NVIDIA way, I hope that puts to rest all the guesswork theories about consoles going exotic or whatever.
Hmm, I wouldn't be so certain about those things if I were you ...

Did the RT claims include upscaling too and is PSSR a software (XeSS DP4A) implementation as opposed to a hardware implementation (DLSS/XeSS XMX) ?
Hmm, I wouldn't be so certain about those things if I were you ...

Did the RT claims include upscaling too and is PSSR a software (XeSS DP4A) implementation as opposed to a hardware implementation (DLSS/XeSS XMX) ?
Agreed, without bespoke hardware, we're looking likely at a DP4A implementation.
I'm genuinely baffled as to why they even bothered if they couldn't hit a better price point. I expect the impact of this on the market will be minimal at best. Given the expenses inherent in developing and supporting a new sku on the market, what ROI can justify it? This won't increase market share. I don't see how it prevents market share from eroding if that is a thing they are afraid of. Is this just a halo product? Does PlayStation need a halo product?

Genuinely baffled.
PS5 Pro showcase with PS5 cross generation games.
They should have had at least one game to show the horsepower of this device.
It would have been nice to see at least what their ML solution is actually capable of achieving.

IMO PS5 games haven't got the same treatment in terms of eking out performance like God of War(2016) on PS4,
but I guess UE5 choking this gen of consoles and ML upscaling, made this iteration an inevitability.
Was anyone expecting that price point, because for me that was shocking. That really narrows the market for this, IMHO. What is the strategy here?

Wasn't expecting it but I'm not surprised. It'll sell to the Sony faithful at whatever money, like Apple does. Not selling that high means leaving money on the table. How big that audience is remains a mystery. The value versus PC is also getting more interesting.

Also, it tracks exactly (I think) with discussion on a potential Pro for any console. We all said there's little room for large improvements and it's going to cost no matter what. I reckon there's some decent margins on this (probably also factored in as an economic buffer to not have to raise prices later depending on world economy) otherwise it makes no sense, but at the same time hardware has just become expensive. Also, higher price means selling less means worse economies of scale meaning higher price?

I'm interested in DF's take and their comparison with PC value.
Wasn't expecting it but I'm not surprised. It'll sell to the Sony faithful at whatever money, like Apple does. Not selling that high means leaving money on the table. How big that audience is remains a mystery. The value versus PC is also getting more interesting.
If you bought a base console, paid for psn and then upgrade to a pro it's getting really interesting.
I missed it. This would explain in part the high price. They shouldn't have done that.
Seems a pointless cost to me. I don't fill by basic SSD, it's easy to add external storage, and easy to add internal. A large SSD assumes certain buying habits, probably not tracked in COD/Fortnite players just wanting a better quality experience on the three games they play.
Hmm, I wouldn't be so certain about those things if I were you ...
Earlier you claimed there are no material evidence for all the leaks of the PS5 Pro that we had for months, so what now that you have the real thing in front of you?

Did the RT claims include upscaling too
Possible, but Sony spoke of extensive hardware ray tracing improvements, so I would estimate the upscaling portion of the equation to be at the low side.

Did PC already get those RT upgrades to Hogwarts announced for the Pro?
Yes, Hogwarts Legacy on PC had way more ray tracing options than on consoles, the Pro is just getting the PC options.

Yeah it’s basically a validation of Nvidia’s push last few years
350€ more for what, 70-100€ more in BOM? Totoki wants better margins, this is a pretty dumb way of achieving them.
Yeah, but if people are willing to pay that, it's extra money. Same reason mobiles have crazy prices now - charge what people's gonna pay. And the PS5 launch showed people willing to spend £700 on a new console, so why not?
I wasn’t expecting such a high price.

Sony probably looked at how well PS5 was selling through scalpers 3.5 years ago and concluded that a few million were willing to pay 799?

Btw it just shows how much value Xbox offers; it has ballpark/ about the same horsepower with series X but they only charge like 449