PS5 Pro *spawn

something I am wondering is..., will Microsoft enhance and update their games for PS5 Pro or will they just keep them untouched to avoid comparisons with the Xbox Series consoles?
For new titles or newer re-releases I'm pretty sure some measure of upgrade will soon be mandatory. I recall all games released after a certain date (I believe it was October 2016) on PS4 had to have a PS4 Pro mode of some sort. They might refrain from pushing the boat out but if there is a mandatory mode and they enable it while do nothing with it it'd probably draw more attention.
technically, MS games will still look better on PC, so it would be bad advertisement for them not to do proper Pro versions.
something I am wondering is..., will Microsoft enhance and update their games for PS5 Pro or will they just keep them untouched to avoid comparisons with the Xbox Series consoles?

I'll guess "no" before end of 2026/new consoles, but it'll take advantage of dynamic res scaling where available.
Their minimum resolutions may be determined based upon something that doesn't align with the general case.

If minimum res thresholds were primarily determined based upon their compute performance, for example.
How are they rendering a minimum of 70% more pixels from a 45% increase in GPU power? (1270p vs 1700p).
This is not 45% increase in GPU power. Sony are talking about increase in rendering (likely resolution as tested in real games actually it doesn't mean that, who knows what faster rendering actually mean, we'll have to wait for the first games). Performance is not linear with GPU increase of power. Most PS4 Pro games got about 77% increase in resolution (from 1080p to 1440p) when GPU was 128% more powerful.
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This is not 45% increase in GPU power. Sony are talking about increase in rendering (likely resolution as tested in real games). Performance is not linear with GPU increase of power. Most PS4 Pro games got about 77% increase in resolution (from 1080p to 1440p) when GPU was 128% more powerful.
Then, if no man sky is getting more than 70% minimum res bump, either this game really likes the architectural changes in the pro or that 45% is almost a worse case scenario.

67% more teraflops with 70%+ of increase in throughput. Not happening.

Ps: yeah, who knows what faster rendering actually means, it's not as clear as it seems...
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1270p = 2867377.778
1700p = 5137777.778

Difference = 1.791803584

1.791803584 x 36CU's = 64.50492901

So that seems pretty in keeping with the rumoured 60CU's of the Pro if there's a relatively modest boost to clockspeed too.
The way modern rendering is performed with the various buffers and reused data, performance scales much less linearly with resolution. GPUs are also more efficient at higher resolutions as long as VRAM and bandwidth don't become too much of a constraint.
Then, if no man sky is getting more than 70% minimum res bump, either this game really likes the architectural changes in the pro or that 45% is almost a worse case scenario.

67% more teraflops with 70%+ of increase in throughput. Not happening.

Ps: yeah, who knows what faster rendering actually means, it's not as clear as it seems...
Exactly. But besides PS4 Pro only had resolution increase as improvement, so 77% it was mostly. Here some of us are expecting the (native) resolution to actually stay the same in many cases (1080p ish), the improvements will come from better RT and AI upscaling. My guess is that the "45% better rendering" could be there to help with added RT effects, and not increase in (native) resolution, which could also happen obviously in games without improved RT.
I guess the "big" launch games will be Ubisoft... Creed and PRO updated Outlaws/Avatar. Lego as 60fps RT showcase. Maybe updated Wukong..
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we'll have to wait for offcial specs and DF comparisons of games to actually know how the Pro is "Pro-ing" games.
Just don't expect miracles for the first games that probably won't use the brand new RDNA4 units. I expect the first games to simply slightly increase DRS resolution, like in No Man's Sky (which sadly still uses FSR2 in their Pro patch). The second batch of games will likely get more exclusive features starting with PSSR.