Heavy Rain [PS3]

David Cage answer multiplatform questions, and Move:

Are you looking to go multiform at with your next project?

David Cage: We’re not looking at anything, we have people asking, and we’re seeing different options. We’re really thankful of Sony’s support and the relationship we have because there are very few publishers that would have supported Heavy Rain the way they supported us.


Q: The next step for Heavy Rain is to introduce Move support.
Was that a significant extra cost to add that to the game and at what point in the development process was that incorporated?

David Cage: It came up at the end of the project and Sony saw the success of the game. We came up with the idea fairly early on to have motion control in the game. So we thought it was the perfect fit, it makes sense from a gameplay point of view. We dedicated all of the Heavy Rain team to this extension, so it’s not really something we did cheap. We did it right, we’ve added a lot of content, there is about 45 minutes of extra video content that’s really interesting. The team has done a really great job of this version, it’s something we really, really worked on.

"The presentation later turned toward the subject of marketing such a risky game. According to Cage, Sony's initial sales forecasts for Heavy Rain were a quarter of what the game has so far sold. However, the marketing budget for the title remained in line with that initial sales forecast throughout the entire development of the game, even as it gained buzz and showed more signs of commercial promise."

That's BS.They forecasted a break even ,just in a longuer run .That is about 1.2 to 1.4 millions boxes.
I'm way late on this one. My PS3 died a while back, so I kind of ignored Heavy Rain when it launched, and I only played the demo tonight. Very impressive, I'm definitely picking this one up.

I guess I'll have to get PS Move, too. le sigh. I was considering it a "maybe", but this game might make it worthwhile.
I'm way late on this one. My PS3 died a while back, so I kind of ignored Heavy Rain when it launched, and I only played the demo tonight. Very impressive, I'm definitely picking this one up.

I guess I'll have to get PS Move, too. le sigh. I was considering it a "maybe", but this game might make it worthwhile.

To me this game is the only reason to pick up Move as of now. This is the only game where Move feels a part of the game, as if it was made just for HR, or HR was made just for Move.

I'll be away from my PS3 for a few months now, but as soon as I get back, I'll be there with a Move and HR, if everything goes fine ;) !
After fooling around with the new controllers, I think Sports Champions is made for Move and vice versa. You should give it a try also. Probably the best Move title for me so far. Tumble has potential but it's a slow game. Have heard very good things about Flight Control. RUSE will depend on you love of RTS games. The control scheme is complex.

I don't know if Heavy Rain's unique DS3 scheme can be ported to Move convincingly. Need to see it in action.
After fooling around with the new controllers, I think Sports Champions is made for Move and vice versa. You should give it a try also. Probably the best Move title for me so far. Tumble has potential but it's a slow game. Have heard very good things about Flight Control. RUSE will depend on you love of RTS games. The control scheme is complex.

I don't know if Heavy Rain's unique DS3 scheme can be ported to Move convincingly. Need to see it in action.

If you can stand the babble of Hip Hop Gamer, you can see him go crazy in the action sequence with Move ! I had to keep skipping the video till I found him playing, I can't stand his banter :LOL: !

BTW, there's a demo for the Move version on the EU PSN. Try it out now !!!!!! :p
Yeah, will check it out. I saw the Move gameplay somewhere but watching is different from playing it myself. ;-)
Ha ha, I don't have much time. Will have to batch up my activities. All Move games at once !

There is a chasm between traditional console games and motion games. People may not want to get up and play (Too tired !). Once they do, the games have to make it worthwhile.

Heavy Rain is a story game that plays with you mind. I just don't know if gamers can handle both types of games together. It may become "work". (Consumers, you suck !)

The control scheme in HR is carefully crafted for the DS3. They can be translated to Move buttons and gestures but my gut feel is it's going to be a wash -- unless they change the game significantly. I'd look forward to take on that
}##}}{%^ bastard who cut up my Norma
in a brawl. If it's button driven, then it'd play the same IMHO. It'd be the same game I love (Jason ! Jason !!). It'd be the nightmare game for gamers with kids (Jason !!! WTF).
Aaaaaahhh ! my pinky !!!! [tears]
. Motion gaming it is not. It need not be.

The only improvement may be walking. They can't make the challenges too simple either.

But I'd be glad to be surprised.
Just download the demo from the store, its the same as the original demo but with Move support.

I thought it worked better with Move than it did with DS3.

Some of the other Move games I have serious doubt about :)
The control scheme in HR is carefully crafted for the DS3. They can be translated to Move buttons and gestures but my gut feel is it's going to be a wash -- unless they change the game significantly
Well, the developers said that they put the entire team back onto the game to make the conversion happen, that they took the Move controls very seriously and not just as an add-on gimmick.
Just download the demo from the store, its the same as the original demo but with Move support.

I thought it worked better with Move than it did with DS3.

Some of the other Move games I have serious doubt about :)

That private eye fight scene is still QTE based ? (Replace button press with slashes ?)
I forgot my EU account password. Need to guess my own password. :D

I am looking for the "awkwardness" of the multi-button presses in HR. It's what makes the HR scheme special (because it captured the difficulty of the real life actions). Don't get me wrong, I'd love to give it a try too. Compared to unproven Move titles, Heavy Rain is a very special game with DS3 or Move.
Yes its still QTE based, but the Move movents are much better than it was with DS3. I do not remember if you actually had to use square, triangle, cross or circle, but most of the gestures was more natural, ie to block you moved it in the direction of where the you needed to block etc.
Just tried the demo. The cinematic camera angles still make this a little contrived most of the time, but I certainly like it better than with the DS. I expect they could do loads better with something designed for Move though.
After fooling around with the new controllers, I think Sports Champions is made for Move and vice versa. You should give it a try also. Probably the best Move title for me so far.

I heard about Sports Champions long before the Move was announced, and I remember thinking Sony has to be working on a motion controller, because this game being described to me would be an epic fail with a regular controller. It's nice to be proven right. :cool:

I can't wait for the Heavy Rain patch. I could barely afford to get a Move controller, so I haven't bought any games for it. However, I've had Heavy Rain since launch and never finished it. I resolved to wait until the move came out to pick up where I left off. I hope it was worth the wait. If not, I'll have to pick up Sport Champions to make owning this Move worthwhile.