Sony: PlayStation 3 price drop

That's only got about half a week after the drop, right? It'll be interesting to see the numbers on the next one, after they had days for the word to get around, and a full week's sales.

Of course the telling point is in how long they can keep it up... (And what happens when current stock runs out, and the 80GB bundle remains at $600, which will be a dumb bobble. I don't see it NOT creating a speedbump in there, since it's a full-fledged bundle with unique packaging instead of a new base box plus Motorstorm on the side... We going to get a few months back at $600 before a holiday drop?)
they werent *that* bad vs npd
they overestimated wii by ~30k (within 10%)
they overestimated 360 by ~50k (pretty bad ~30%)
ps3 was spot on

They wheren't bad when all they did was steal NPD numbers and noise them. Then, unfortunately for Vgchartz, NPD has taken out legal actions\threats, and no more NPD use for Vgchartz. Which means they are pretty much guessing, (might be experienced guesses, but thats what they are)
They wheren't bad when all they did was steal NPD numbers and noise them. Then, unfortunately for Vgchartz, NPD has taken out legal actions\threats, and no more NPD use for Vgchartz. Which means they are pretty much guessing, (might be experienced guesses, but thats what they are)

Yeah I believe Vgchartz has some retail sources which they extrapolate nationwide weekly sales from in an attempt to ultimatly closely match NPD..but the extent of those sources is anybody's guess.

A couple months ago I was beating the drum that VgChartz weekly #'s could become a reliable NPD predicting tool. Well, after they were more wildly wrong last month than the month prior, I've given up on it for the time being.

What ioi's numbers do imply though, is that PS3 raw sales roughly doubled from the week prior at his sources (no matter his extrapolation factors which should remain constant from week to week). I believe we can conclude that.

BTW, as an interesting aside, ioi once posted one of the bigwigs at NPD's threatening/bullying/mocking emails to him, which I must say were rather childish and unprofessional coming from an executive at a moderate sized corporation. Doesn't seem like NPD runs the tightest ship. Seems their numbers are late every other month, and again this month.
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They wheren't bad when all they did was steal NPD numbers and noise them. Then, unfortunately for Vgchartz, NPD has taken out legal actions\threats, and no more NPD use for Vgchartz. Which means they are pretty much guessing, (might be experienced guesses, but thats what they are)

Maybe they are under MS payroll ;)
Sony President: no plans for another PS3 price cut
Fri Jul 27, 2007 12:18AM EDT

By Ritsuko Shimizu

OYAMA, Japan (Reuters) - Sony Corp. (6758.T: Quote, Profile, Research) currently has no plans for a further price cut to its PlayStation 3 (PS3) game console following a $100 cut in the U.S., the electronics conglomerate's president said on Friday.

"We've announced the price cut in the U.S and have no additional plans beyond that at this time," Ryoji Chubachi told Reuters on the sidelines of a gathering of business executives in Shizuoka Prefecture, central Japan.
They had "no plans" for a price cut after Circuit City (or whoever it was) released the bloomin' advert broadcasting it.
Given Sony's recent profitability rise, it'd be prudent to invest some of that success into supporting PS3 through a price cut. The earnings potential of PS3 for the whole of the Sony group depends on it being mainstream, and the longer that takes, the less impact it has.
Given Sony's recent profitability rise, it'd be prudent to invest some of that success into supporting PS3 through a price cut. The earnings potential of PS3 for the whole of the Sony group depends on it being mainstream, and the longer that takes, the less impact it has.

This is about Japan. Do you think it is useful to have a pricecut there now, even with the cheap 20Gb ($400 was it?) availability in that region? Because I don't see it.
It wouldn't hurt! The risk is Sony losing more money on hardware. But if the hardware doesn't sell, they don't lose it. If it does sell, they're building essential user base. I don't think price will swing it much in Japan, as it's more software and market changes that are the limit. If there's no software on the horizon though, price is the only tactic Sony can use.
But there is software on the horizon ... so I think they'll wait and see how that'll do first, especially now that sales are comfortably back over the 10000 per week.