Expletive asks for ideas, and when I give them he says they don't count?
You're saying it's easy for...I dunno, a MIPS based portable digital camcorder running PalmOS to interact with a PPC based Linux based console so the both work on the encoding simulataneously to speed it up? And a TV with a custom IC to interface with an XB360 to help it render 3D content faster? Perhaps yo don't understand how Cell's scalability works.
If your processes are written as Apulets, they can be distributed among available SPE's. In the TV example, you've an apulet that says 'take a batch of vertex data and render it to a back-buffer held in the TV's RAM'. In a 1:2 TV Cell two of these Apulets are running concurrently. Attach any Cell device and the TV's PPE should say 'woohoo, some more SPE's' and farm of some more workload. So attach your PS3 and the SAME PROGRAM, the Apulet, that the TV is using is passed to the PS3's SPE's, and they fetch data from the TV over the network, process it, and send it back, addressing the TV's memory and working as though they are components in the TV. So you get 9 SPE's doing the work instead of 2.
No other solution can manage this. You can't mix and match different processors and have them share processing, share the same software. The same could be managed through virtual machines, and a standard for EC software could be developed to share programs on totally different hardware, but that's an overhead and doesn't exist yet. Cell offers a hardware solution.
So there you have it. At least one person does have ideas how 'Cell will somehow change the face and interactivity/interoperability of CE', and it does it in a way that other ICs can't. Hardware level compatibility and code sharing across multiply devices.
Also it's worth noting this DOESN'T mean you HAVE to buy Sony goods. Toshiba will be supplying Cell goods, and AFAIK the idea is to introduce the Cell as a platform bought into by other CE goods manufacturers, just as they buy processors from other processor manufacturers. It's not to be an exclusive tech to Sony+Toshiba; they want it to become a standard and make a killing selling the chips.