you forget that the playstation brand went from being far and away the number 1 console two generations running to being third place all because of blurry.
We were talking about innovation though. Blu-ray is a large scale innovation.
I don't think Blu-ray is the source of Sony's headaches. ^_^
They have larger issues in size, cost, lack of focus, etc.
Without Blu-ray, Sony may be able to launch PS3 earlier, and cheaper. OTOH, they can't outspend MS in buying exclusives, or in marketing, or in Xbox Live. There'd be fewer differentiators for them to play with in the long run.
You also forget to mention that to get blurays to sell prices are allready down to single digits of catalog releases and new releases often have to throw in digital and dvd copies with the bluray to get it to sell. movies like Beauty and the beast didn't need vhs tapes bundled with the dvd to sell , but when i bought beauty and the beast not only did it cost me only $25 but i also got a 10 coupon off toy story 3 and i got the dvd and digital copy of beauty and the beast. In fact to skew numbers even more in favor of bluray , disney no longer puts their classics out on dvd. You can only get the newly un vaulted copies on dvd if you buy the blurry.
That's because consumer needs are evolving. And prices of course will go down when it enters mass market. Not sure why you're complaining. ^_^
Digital movies get bundled with Blu-ray because the former wants to leverage on the latter's player growth. Given downloadable movie's highly fragmented market (thanks to DRM), they need a unified format like Blu-ray to help grow the base. NetFlix was the first company to figure that out, while Hulu, Vudu and AppleTV took a different route.
DVD gets bundled because there is no portable Blu-ray player. In due time, we may only see Blu-ray and digital copy since the portable player market may go fully digital.
I'm not seeing bluray being a shining part in sonys history at all.
As for them not loosing thier core busniess , for over a decade the playstation brand was a core part of their busniess bringing in billions for them and by focusing on bluray it went from performing that well to costing them billions all the while loosing the next generation ovs andf walkman to apple and having other companys become dominate in cameras and tis .
Sony's in shambles and I don't see anything on the horizon that will bring them out of this. All products that they used to accel at are starting to merge together and its the software that is largely setting these products apart .
Whether Sony is in shambles, I think the market will decide. If they can't make it despite recent improvements, then they suffer the consequences. ^_^
The point was: Sony did innovate.
eastmen said:
In fact to skew numbers even more in favor of bluray , disney no longer puts their classics out on dvd. You can only get the newly un vaulted copies on dvd if you buy the blurry.
That's not quite true, they still release DVD only copies, but about 2 months later, and actually for slightly more money than you can get the blu-ray combo pack if you include their $10 discounts.
*If* Disney chooses to go Blu-ray exclusively, then it means they see it as a new source of growth for their company. Not because they want to skew the numbers in favor of Blu-ray to fool you.