Ok let me rephrase it then: an average of 2-2.5 m polys for a next gen pc game is a crapy polycount. The game in terms of polycount is not next-gen at all. In everything esle it is.
No it is not when taking into account what else is being rendered. And Lost Planet may well be 2m/polys average aswell as Dead Rising, would you call them crappy to polygon wise?
The games with most polygons peak, are Dead Rising and Lost Planet, whereas LP is out for PC and PS3. On Crysis you will get to 3m+ peak polygon count per frame, but becouse it is less than 1m polys of Dead Rising it means it is crappy? Do you even have an idea how many times Crysis redraws the same frame to achieve desired effects in high and very high? -far more times than LP or DR.
Each time you redraw the frame you will have to redraw most if not all polygons depending on method used. Why games with more impressive effetcs and graphics has less amount of polygons. Actually you only have 1 game DR with large amount of peak polygon count. A game that besides that looks flat compared to other games with 1m polygons or around that number.
That means that when you are in a big part of the mall and everything is crowded with hundreds of zombies and the engine needs to fire 4m polys per frame it will do it, some times for 30 frames per second other times for 40 times per second and few times lower that 30 times per frame (at least from what i saw from the demo).
And that means peak, the Crysis numbers are average. Crysis peaks above 3m in heavier scenes/battles. What differs that peak from the peak in other games? -Nothing.
That is what the specific hardware can give me and i am satisfied with this because i get the max.
Are you turning this into a HW scalability discussion? PC games does and have always had settings to scale to your system. A moderate system has no problem doing 4m polygons at 30fps+ in Crysis if that is what you are asking for or?
But if i was able to play this game with a G200x2 or a R800x2 just to find out that i can run it at 1600x1200 at an unnecessary 140 fps average , but with the same crappy npc-polycounts , it would be overly embarrassing.
Would it also be embarassing to run xbox games on your xbox360 due to thoose games having far less polygons? Or how about xbox360 games on xbox720? You get the point?
And think about x amount polygons but for what? For example Dead Rising characters have low amount of polygons, it is the sheer amount of them that ups the polygon count in that game.
This is the case with PC gaming. We entered in a DX10 era and from now on the polycounts and the entire geometry of the levels/models will be restricted/dictated by the lower DX10 GPUs in the best case or by the highest DX9 in the worst.
No becouse there is several LOD levels for assets in games, which means you can customize according to HW. Weak system needs more agressive LOD, powerful system dont.
I dont really follow how Mafia 2 poly counts show how PC is weak for handling polygons, especially when the games is to be released for consoles to at same time. It is a multiplatform game and as seen with other mp games the lowest common denominator is the limiter, that is the consoles.
Congrats for the find but you are not goin to win anything.
I failed to find and download the video -the one i was referring in my previous post- about 1 year before so we have to go with your crappy link now.
Im sorry but could you behave more maturely when proof is being posted that contradicts your baseless claims. An interview hosted by different sites with the devs. It is the devs own words about poly counts, what else is there to discuss? You either accept proof and reality or continue to live in a bubble beliving in lies.
Here, take a look at Dead Rising characters, notice all the hard edges, differences it nothing from Mafia 2, honestly looks even less detailed geometry wise.
Hand, arm, shoulders, head top, belly, etc (you see the hard edges?)
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