A purely hypothetical situation considering that Nintendo has already stated that it intends to unveil GC2 at E3 2005.
That all depends on what is in Gamecube 2 or the suscessor to gamecube, doesn it. As of yet we don't know.
I'm right on both accounts. Since you neither speak Japanese nor have access to the original Japanese interview I can only conclude that you base your claim on questionable material. This of course is step up from your usual claims which are based on nothing but the air that resides between your two ears.
You're right? Let's get this striaght. There's an article out there that was translated. You haven't seen or know how to read japanese, yet you say all the translations of that (phantom) article are not correct? Just what are you basing your conclusion off? Oh wait I know, Your conclusiong is "based on nothing but the air that resides between your two ears."
Your English isn't the best but I must say that you are truly a master of Gibberish. Kudos to you.
As usual you dodged the questions without answering. We all know what the answer is, you haven't seen the original article or know how to speak japanese, so you
can't go about dismissing any translations of it. I guess that would make you look foolish to admit that. Kudos to you for dodging the issue.
The GC2 will be comparable to whatever Sony and M$ release.
If your'e talking about what they are showing at E3 next year, Mr yamauchi happens to disagree. You can dismiss that article if you want, but you don't have anything to back that up.
Yes indeed. The new ideas will come in addition to better graphics and sound.
That remains to be seen.
They're not talking about simply adding more buttons to a controller.
Then please explain clearly to everyone here just what they are talking about cybermerc. What are these dramatic changes to input?
Yes. The Dream Team was a marketing gimmick while the focus on fun is a philosophy.

That's even more pathetic then your Yamauchi comment. The fact you fell for a stement like that shows just how good they are at marketing.
The focus of most games is on marketability. The industry today is run by suits.
The focus on ALL games is to make money. If you think nintendo isn't a marketing machine over the years of selling things like pokemon cards and games then you're very blind ot what is going on. Nintnedo is all about theri staple characters and the marketing muscle they possess. Games that are 'fun" are marketable. If they aren't fun, they aren't a very marketable product.
Yes but new features don't magically make a game more fun.
Define "FUN". Fun = enjoyment and anything that increases the level of enjoyment is a well deserved addition.
You'd have to be a moron to not recognize the man's achievements and his place in video game history.
You'd have to be an even bigger moron to ignore the mistakes he's made or recent years (starting with the Playstation SNES addon). I could care less about his achievements and what he did 10 years ago. I'm more interested in what has he done for me lately. He hasn't done much if anything since the super nintnedo IMO. That's why I said your loyaltee toward him is pathetic.