Yamauchi : GC successor not coming soon, not shown at 05 E3

zurich said:
If we can increase the scope of the industry, we can re-energise the global market and lift Japan out of depression - that is Nintendo's mission

It's Nintendo's mission to lift Japan out of its economic depression? :LOL:

Wrong! He's talking about the gaming market in japan. And why has Matt(IGN) mentioned that he has talked to developers and the preliminary specs given to them by Nintendo are comparable to that of Sony and MS. Would you say he's lying, and just making it up.
Ooh-videogames said:
zurich said:
If we can increase the scope of the industry, we can re-energise the global market and lift Japan out of depression - that is Nintendo's mission

It's Nintendo's mission to lift Japan out of its economic depression? :LOL:

Wrong! He's talking about the gaming market in japan. And why has Matt(IGN) mentioned that he has talked to developers and the preliminary specs given to them by Nintendo are comparable to that of Sony and MS. Would you say he's lying, and just making it up.

There are very few companies that would release something that isn't at least comparable to a competitor's product. Do you think the initial Geforce FX cards would have had the leaf blower if ATI didn't have such a powerful card? Would nvidia have had a basically surprise release of the Geforce2 if 3dfx had bumbled yet again with the release of the Voodoo5?
Fox5 said:
Ooh-videogames said:
zurich said:
If we can increase the scope of the industry, we can re-energise the global market and lift Japan out of depression - that is Nintendo's mission

It's Nintendo's mission to lift Japan out of its economic depression? :LOL:

Wrong! He's talking about the gaming market in japan. And why has Matt(IGN) mentioned that he has talked to developers and the preliminary specs given to them by Nintendo are comparable to that of Sony and MS. Would you say he's lying, and just making it up.

There are very few companies that would release something that isn't at least comparable to a competitor's product. Do you think the initial Geforce FX cards would have had the leaf blower if ATI didn't have such a powerful card? Would nvidia have had a basically surprise release of the Geforce2 if 3dfx had bumbled yet again with the release of the Voodoo5?

I didn't post that as a comment to what Nintendo console will be capable of. It was response to the notion that Nintendo won't be releasing a successor to the GC.
Simply put, saying anything like: Users do not demand latest high technology. Anyone speaking of "next generation console" doesn't understand gaming business. is just a bad call. Users demand that AS WELL as new and innovative gameplay and enormous content, and... ;)

And even if they don't strictly demand it, they certainly expect it--and if one or two parties offer it without compromising on other points, the users will most certainly migrate in that direction.
cthellis42 said:
Simply put, saying anything like: Users do not demand latest high technology. Anyone speaking of "next generation console" doesn't understand gaming business. is just a bad call. Users demand that AS WELL as new and innovative gameplay and enormous content, and... ;)

And even if they don't strictly demand it, they certainly expect it--and if one or two parties offer it without compromising on other points, the users will most certainly migrate in that direction.

You can not expect from the compagny that sold 100M of Pokemon games to be convinced that technology drives the market.
Yeah but they sold all the pokemon crap to younger kids, so yeah you don't need fancy technology to appeal to younger children. I'm sure they don't only want to appeal to that market...
It doesn't necessarily drive it, though. But it's certainly something you can't sweep under the run--not when competitors ARE offering it, as well as new and different gameplay to boot.

> If MS and sony unvail their next gen hardware at E3 next year and
> nintendo doesn't then that could seriously hurt them.

A purely hypothetical situation considering that Nintendo has already stated that it intends to unveil GC2 at E3 2005.

> What a load

Not at all. I'm right on both accounts. Since you neither speak Japanese nor have access to the original Japanese interview I can only conclude that you base your claim on questionable material. This of course is step up from your usual claims which are based on nothing but the air that resides between your two ears.

> If you're simply dismissing it without the above two points then, even
> more of a fan than I thought.

Your English isn't the best but I must say that you are truly a master of Gibberish. Kudos to you.

> How are they going to get better graphics and sound without using
> more powerful hardware?

The GC2 will be comparable to whatever Sony and M$ release.

> First you just contradicted yourself.

Not at all.

> You only a sentace ago said they will get better graphics and now you
> say they are offering more than graphics?

Yes indeed. The new ideas will come in addition to better graphics and sound.

> Second, you think a new input device is a better improvement than
> graphics and sound?

It's not a matter of "either or" but rather "both and".

> besides, input improves with each generation anyways.

They're not talking about simply adding more buttons to a controller.

> Do you fail to see the simularities now?

Yes. The Dream Team was a marketing gimmick while the focus on fun is a philosophy.

> The focus IS already ON THE CONTENT, duh!

The focus of most games is on marketability. The industry today is run by suits.

> The new hardware provides developers with features they can use to
> improve the overall experience.

Yes but new features don't magically make a game more fun.

> The loyaltee in that statement is seriously pathetic.

You'd have to be a moron to not recognize the man's achievements and his place in video game history.
When it really comes down to it nobody knows whats going to happen at this years E3, let alone next years E3. Their seem to be contradictory statements coming from Nintendo, maybe they haven't even internally decided on a clear plan for the future. I can't help but hope Nintendo has a competitive next-generation system, WRT release date and technology. It's a possibility that they won't have either, and even that they will get out of the hardware business like Sega has, but it's really jumping the gun to say that much. Their is a tendency for people to project current situations onto a supposed future reality, but remember that what happens a year from now or two years from now is not the same as what happens tomorrow. Alot can change in a year.

A purely hypothetical situation considering that Nintendo has already stated that it intends to unveil GC2 at E3 2005.
That all depends on what is in Gamecube 2 or the suscessor to gamecube, doesn it. As of yet we don't know.

I'm right on both accounts. Since you neither speak Japanese nor have access to the original Japanese interview I can only conclude that you base your claim on questionable material. This of course is step up from your usual claims which are based on nothing but the air that resides between your two ears.
You're right? Let's get this striaght. There's an article out there that was translated. You haven't seen or know how to read japanese, yet you say all the translations of that (phantom) article are not correct? Just what are you basing your conclusion off? Oh wait I know, Your conclusiong is "based on nothing but the air that resides between your two ears."

Your English isn't the best but I must say that you are truly a master of Gibberish. Kudos to you.
As usual you dodged the questions without answering. We all know what the answer is, you haven't seen the original article or know how to speak japanese, so you can't go about dismissing any translations of it. I guess that would make you look foolish to admit that. Kudos to you for dodging the issue.

The GC2 will be comparable to whatever Sony and M$ release.
If your'e talking about what they are showing at E3 next year, Mr yamauchi happens to disagree. You can dismiss that article if you want, but you don't have anything to back that up.

Yes indeed. The new ideas will come in addition to better graphics and sound.
That remains to be seen.

They're not talking about simply adding more buttons to a controller.
Then please explain clearly to everyone here just what they are talking about cybermerc. What are these dramatic changes to input?

Yes. The Dream Team was a marketing gimmick while the focus on fun is a philosophy.
:rolleyes: That's even more pathetic then your Yamauchi comment. The fact you fell for a stement like that shows just how good they are at marketing.

The focus of most games is on marketability. The industry today is run by suits.
The focus on ALL games is to make money. If you think nintendo isn't a marketing machine over the years of selling things like pokemon cards and games then you're very blind ot what is going on. Nintnedo is all about theri staple characters and the marketing muscle they possess. Games that are 'fun" are marketable. If they aren't fun, they aren't a very marketable product.

Yes but new features don't magically make a game more fun.
Define "FUN". Fun = enjoyment and anything that increases the level of enjoyment is a well deserved addition.

You'd have to be a moron to not recognize the man's achievements and his place in video game history.
You'd have to be an even bigger moron to ignore the mistakes he's made or recent years (starting with the Playstation SNES addon). I could care less about his achievements and what he did 10 years ago. I'm more interested in what has he done for me lately. He hasn't done much if anything since the super nintnedo IMO. That's why I said your loyaltee toward him is pathetic.
cybamerc said:


> Just what if the consle that was unveiled at E3 wasn't thier console and
> was merely a version of what MS is working on

Please go away.

looks like qroach knows something you don't. ;)
Qroach said:
Yeah but they sold all the pokemon crap to younger kids, so yeah you don't need fancy technology to appeal to younger children. I'm sure they don't only want to appeal to that market...

Not all of it.

I have plenty of teenaged/young-adult friends (i.e. Juniors and other Seniors at my High School) that bought Ruby and/or Sapphire the day they appeared on store shelves. I also know still older people online who are rabid fans... and most of the Pokémon CCG players I know are 18+, with two serious adults in our group who have children - one of whose kids just aren't interested in it, but he sure is! ^_^ One of those adults is even a biker!
Tagrineth said:
Qroach said:
Yeah but they sold all the pokemon crap to younger kids, so yeah you don't need fancy technology to appeal to younger children. I'm sure they don't only want to appeal to that market...

Not all of it.

I have plenty of teenaged/young-adult friends (i.e. Juniors and other Seniors at my High School) that bought Ruby and/or Sapphire the day they appeared on store shelves. I also know still older people online who are rabid fans... and most of the Pokémon CCG players I know are 18+, with two serious adults in our group who have children - one of whose kids just aren't interested in it, but he sure is! ^_^ One of those adults is even a biker!

Yeah, I honestly think nintendo sells more to people who grew up on the nes then to children.
I have plenty of teenaged/young-adult friends (i.e. Juniors and other Seniors at my High School) that bought Ruby and/or Sapphire the day they appeared on store shelves. I also know still older people online who are rabid fans... and most of the Pokémon CCG players I know are 18+, with two serious adults in our group who have children - one of whose kids just aren't interested in it, but he sure is! ^_^ One of those adults is even a biker!
Where are you finding all those older people who play Nintendo games, Pokemon even. I don't know a living soul older than 10 years of age, who wouldn't look at me strange if I was to mention Pokemon being a viable gaming option for an adult :LOL:

I would just like to comment on this Qroach's (and later Deathknight's) quote. Why do you guys even bother answering to a quote that basically asks Deadmeat to go away? I mean, please don't tell me you actually PREFER Deadmeat as a poster, over Cybamerc, just because Deadmeat cheers for the same company as you? I'd like to remind you that Cyba, although a rabid Nintendo fan, rarely bashes *anything* unless prvoked. On the other hand, Deadmeat religiously bashes *everything* (except obviously his beloved Microsoft) completely unprovoked. If I was to take a side between them, I would definitely think twice before defending Deadmeat...
Where are you finding all those older people who play Nintendo games, Pokemon even. I don't know a living sould older than 10 years of age who wouldn't look at me strange if I was to mention the Pokemon being a viable gaming option for an adult.

I once overheard a conversation, that someones Grandma actually plays those Pokemon, so its for all ages 8)
Tagrineth said:
One of those adults is even a biker!

Uh, is this the Harley-Davidson-big-beard-and-jeans-jacket-with-motif-on-the-back kind of biker? If so; hahahaha! That was the coolest, funnest thing I heard all week!

(Okay, it's just noon-ish monday so far, but STILL! :))
Its pretty amazing that so many people here would put so much stock in the translations of Shinbun after their dsgraceful behaviour towards Nintendo recently. I mean its ok to discuss the possibility of what they're saying, but it seems for some this publication has become a holy bible (Deadmeat and co) simply because of its obvious Nintendo bias.


Simply put, saying anything like: Users do not demand latest high technology. Anyone speaking of "next generation console" doesn't understand gaming business. is just a bad call.

At first I thought the same thing. But then I realised that GameCube wasn't made up of the latest high tech parts. But did people have a problem with GC's power/visuals? As he says users do not demand the latest technology. That's one of the few things Yamauchi has said that I agree with.


I would just like to comment on this Qroach's (and later Deathknight's) quote. Why do you guys even bother answering to a quote that basically asks Deadmeat to go away?

I agree its incredible how far some people will go because of there hatred for a certain company. If I ever defended Deadmeat in one of his Sony bashing threads I'd be ashamed of myself.
Teasy said:
At first I thought the same thing. But then I realised that GameCube wasn't made up of the latest high tech parts. But did people have a problem with GC's power/visuals? As he says users do not demand the latest technology. That's one of the few things Yamauchi has said that I agree with.

Well, i think that after a certain level, graphics in a given generation can be seen as the 2nd element after gameplay. Of course players want good graphics, but as long as it's GOOD ENOUGH for the period the game/console is being released, the user will be happy. It's not like there is an IMMENSE difference between different platforms this generation, and certainly not so big that it overcomes other advantages (the software available for each platform).

Yesterday i was playing Jak2 (almost finished it!!) when my flatmate (who spent the past few weeks boring me about how the xbox has better graphics, how Macs are better than PCs, how i should convert back to being straight and stuff like that) went "WHOA". And i was in a relatively dead moment in Jak2. Then i made him play Burnout2 (PS2 version) and he was amazed. By the gameplay.

The point i'm trying to make is that as long as the graphics are good enough for the time being, they are not such a big deal in the eyes of the common man, who does not know what DOT3 or texture compression is and only cares about bashing the controllers and/or making the fastest lap in GT3...