Y'all gonna hate me :)

Well, while I may not necessarily place myself anywhere near The Reverend in terms of reviewing , we do share a similar view on reviewing. I've never seen a review by the Reverend run Quake3, 3dmark 2001 and maybe a couple other benchmarks and call it a review.
Gameplay is also important. Having fun is also important.

Conversely, if you start seeing such a videocard review from myself, shoot me, because that would mean that I've joined the "numbers are all that matters in a review" crowd.... And I've stopped having fun.
Well I think the last three posts stae veryones position fair enough. I was going to get a Ti200 until I saw Anands Smoothvision reveiw with the 'new' drivers. I figured I could live with some months of driver pain until the product settled.